Chapter 2:Misery

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(A/N:Soz but this story might take ages to update, I'm doing the Ace oneshots & the song book along with this one, but hopefully this'll be a gr8 store m8! Haha damn my kiwi slang, on with teh story!)

Itami pov
"Do you, Portgas D Ace, take Lucifer D Roza Itami to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Ace smiled at me, his eyes joyful & full of life.

"I do."He said, barely a whisper

I felt the tears prick my eyes as the sermon dude asked me the same question.

"And do you, Lucifer Roza D Itami, take Portgas D Ace to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

Ace had tears in his eyes also as we leaned in to kiss.
When we kissed, it felt like our first kiss outside of the bar that we got kicked out of. Everything around us was warm & bright, it all just felt....right.

"Get them!"

Then all of a sudden, we were pulled away from each other. We were at Marineford, in the middle of the war. I struggled & hissed at the Marines that held me captive.

"Make her watch him bleed!"

"Let me go you bastards!"I screamed

One of the Marines grabbed a fistful of my hair & forced me to look at Ace, who was on his knees in sea stone bounds. My eyes widened as the Marines raised their swords, ready to decapitate Ace.


I was full out growling & screaming now.

And then they brought their swords down...killing Ace.

*Dream end*
"Itami wake up!"

I shot out of bed, my hair sticking to my face from sweating. Looking around bewildered, I saw that I was in my room in the darkness.

I started to panic, everything around me wasn't like how it was in the dream. Nothing was warm & bright. Everything just felt cold & lonely, the darkness was making the whole thing worse. I started to cry as I remembered the war that had actually happened this week.


I felt arms wrap around me. I instantly cuddled into Marco & cried into his shirt. His hand was gently stroking my hair in a soothing bug brother way. He gently picked me up & sat me down on his lap & let me cuddle him that way.

"It hurts Marco! *sob* A-and I couldn't s-save him! *sob* This is all my fault! If I had *sob* If I hadn't gotten in the way & stayed put..*sob* or-or-or knocked Akainu away......*sob* Then Ace would still be alive!"I cried
"Shhhhh, yoi. I know it hurts...but Ace wouldn't want you to be crying or to be sad, yoi. He would want to see you happy & smiling, all of us do!"Marco says
"But I.....*sniff* I don't know if I can smile without hurting. I want to be okay but *sob* I just don't know how to be okay."I cried

Marco pov
Itami had fallen back asleep, transparent tears still slipping out of her closed green eyes.

I stayed in her bedroom for a hour before heading back to my own bedroom. After I shut the door, I stormed over to my desk & wiped everything away violently. I slammed my hand on my bed & threw myself onto my bed. Holding my head in my hands, I could my own tears slipping out of my eyes.

"Goddamn it why can't I do anything to help her?! She's so unhappy...I just want to see her smile again!"I cried

(A/N:I'm sorry that the chapter is short! I ran out of ideas, and i just want to get to the bit where she meets Sabo!)

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