Chapter 19:Choose

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Itami pov

"Hello?"I answered
"Itami-yoi is that you?"

Its Marco!

"Hey Marco, its me."I said
"Are you doing fine, yoi?"He asked
"Yes! And um...I think I found another."I said
"Another what, yoi?"

"U-um....I h-have a boyfriend-"


"Hey calm down! Let me explain.."I said

I told Marco all about how I met Sabo, and how we wounded up as a couple. He told me that everyone on the other side of the line was freaking out about the whole 'Ace had another brother' thing.

"Flaming bastard didn't even tell us about him, yoi! And you're dating him?!"
"Y-yeah. But you told me one day that I should move on, and I'm on the right track towards that."I said
Marco sighed."Yes but what are you gonna do when we come & take you back out to the sea, yoi? You know that he can't come with us, his position there is important."Marco said
"I know that....I haven't figured that part out yet. Marco I don't know what to do! I don't wanna leave Sabo-kun, but Pops had left me you guys & the ship to take care of. I can't do that to Pops!"I cried

"Itami calm down...."He sighed."I know that you're happy, but this will be one of the toughest decisions you'll have at the moment, yoi. You can either come back out to sea with us, and carry on the adventure to the One piece. Or you can stay there, and become a Revulotionary, yoi. But Itami....whatever happens, all of us will understand, and we'll all support you, okay, yoi?"He asked

"O-okay..."I whispered

"You have until next month, yoi. That is when we'll be at Sabody, where that Sabo-yoi is dropping you off."

"Okay....bye Marco."


He hung up. I put the receiver down & pushed back some of the hair that draped over my face.

'Everything is so confusing! What do I do?! Do I stay here with Sabo? Or do I leave, and carry on as a pirate?'


"Come in!"

Sabo walked in through my door with a smile on his face.

"So we got the iPad working, and now we can get more treasures!"He said
"Thats great! Does it work alright?"I asked
"Yeah, although I've never seen such technology like that. But we're all slowly learning about it."Sabo said

He took off his jacket & hat, plopping it down on the floor beside my bed. He moved the transponder snail out of the way, and sat down next to me.

"Are you alright? You look like you're stressed."Sabo said
"Oh...right. Marco had rung me before..and he gave me a choice."I said
"A choice? For what?"Sabo asked
"He said that I can either stay here with you, or leave & be a pirate.."I said

Sabo's eyes went wide.

"H-have you decided?"He asked
I sighed."No....and I don't know what to do. I want to stay with you, but I also have my duties as a captain. Sabo....I'm scared.."
"Why are you scared?"

"I'm scared...I'm scared of being alone again. I know that I have my crew...but then it'll be back to the way it was:Crying. The taunting dreams. Loneliness.....there wouldn't be any meaning for my li-"

"Don't you dare say that!"Sabo raised his voice."Itami, I know this will sound harsh, but you need to let go! You're doing it again! You always seem so happy around me, and yet you're still mourning?! This isn't your world, there are some people out there who are as sad as you! Look at Luffy! He told me that he was in pain, but he had moved on! And look at me! I'm still mourning, but I don't let that stop me from living! Just please....please don't resort to killing yourself. It won't achieve anything!"

(A/N:Well shit that was one hell of a speech)

"He's frustrated with you. To be honest I'm sorta getting sick of this as well, Itami. You're being a stubborn ass. Just move on. You need to be happy. Sabo just wants what's best for you."

I crammed my eyes shut & balled my hands into my black skirt. I bit my lip, trying to contain the cries.

'Goddamn it! I'm weak! I've been so stupid! He's right. I am being stupid. I keep on saying that I've moved on, but it just keeps on popping up. Sabo's being trying so hard to make me feel happy, I am....but I'm not okay. That's it. I'm not gonna let you tie me down anymore, Ace! I'm gonna move on! I'm gonna be with Sabo!'

I flung my eyes open & grabbed Sabo's shirt. I held him towards me, and smashed my lips onto his.

Sabo pov
My heart was racing as Itami kissed me.

She tangled her legs around my waist, and pushed me closer towards her. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. I had one arm wrapped around her waist, while the other was holding the back of her head.

'This force....the way she's doing this...its almost as if she's finished fighting something, and is now hungry.'

Well if she wants hungry, then I'll give her hungry.

I slid my tongue along her bottom lip. She opened up, and we had a hungry make out session. At first it was nice & slow, but it all started to become wild, hungry & sloppy.

'Damn she's a pretty good kisser.'

We pulled away for air, our fore heads leaning against each other. Our breaths were shared.

"This time..."She huffed."I'm not going to lie. This time I will move on. I won't think about the past. Today is the present, and you're my future, Sabo-kun. I love you, Sabo-kun, and I'm not planning in letting you get away from me."She whispered

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