Chapter 29:Candy skull kiss

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*few months later*
Itami pov
Well it turns out that I was pregnant. I didn't lose the baby, meaning that I will be a parent!

Although, it means that I'll become one hell of a puffer fish. Oh & I've been vomiting all over the place.

Naturally, Dragon had taken me & Sabo off any missions involving any of the weird ancient artifacts that pop up everywhere. It sucks though. Koala wants to stay with me, but she has to go out. I don't mind though, Sabo's here with me so I should be fine.

"Although what will happen next will be a down right shame."

Ahhh yes.....that....

Well no point in stopping it? It was going to happen eventually.

"Yes but it will mean that Sabo will be-"

Yeah yeah I know....but I can't do anything about it, Kira. The future is the future. If that's what the Manga said, then I can't change it, no matter how hard I try.

Anyway....back to the story.

Although Sabo is absolutely lovely to have around, he can annoy me when it cones to doing simple things. Because apparently I'm in a 'weak' state at the moment, and if I try to do anything, it'll harm the baby.


"Honestly Itami.."Sabo sighs."You're so stubborn.."
"Well you wouldn't like it if you can't do anything! Of course I'm going to be like this! I'm pregnant!"I argued
Sabo sweatdrops."That has nothing to do with what I just said. But since I know how snappy you are, I won't say anything else."

I groaned."Goddamn it."
"Hold on, I'll get you some more peanut butter chocolate."He said
I grinned."Yey! Thanks!"

He got up, and went off to the kitchen.

Sabo pov
"Jesus christ are all woman like this?"I sighed

Even though I'm happy about Itami's pregnancy, I get down right tired when she's all moody like this. One minute she wants one thing, and the next she doesn't want it anymore.

But that's okay. I understand how she's feeling. Mainly because I've been taken out of any mission to take care of Itami. And quite frankly, I'm getting really bored just sitting here at base.

I opened up the fridge & searched through every shelf. I knew that Itami had a secret place in where she keeps her chocolates & treats. But I know better. She gets cranky when there's no more treats left.

"Ah, there it is."I said to myself

Taking the peanut butter chocolate block out of the fridge, I closed the fridge door shut.

I got back to her room quickly. I found her playing around with her make up. She had made her whole fave into one of those candy skull things.

She grinned at me."Thanks Sabo-kun."
"No problem. You look great by the way."I said
"Thanks. I sorta got bored & decided to play around with my make up."She said

A sudden flash of an idea came upon me. I grinned mischievously.

Quietly, I broke off a piece a chocolate & ate it to see if she noticed. Since she was too busy doing touch ups, she didn't notice.

I smirked.

'Hue hue hue...'

"Ne, Sabo-kun?"
"Can I put make up on you & tie your hair up?"She asked

'Oh hell. Don't do it.'

"Yeah okay."


She quickly finished everything up on herself, and finally turned to me.

Itami pov
I tied his hair in low pig tails, to keep the hair outta the way.

I started to make him into a candy skull like me. He was very fidgety, he just couldn't sit still!

'Very close to tieing him to a chair at the moment.'

"Itami-chan, why do you wear make up?"He asked
"I hate feeling like I'm a natural beauty. Almost every girl in the world wears make up, and I wanna be normal. Plus it makes me pretty."I said
"Itami you don't need it. You're beautiful. Don't try to be like other girls. You're unique."He said

I didn't really know what to day to that, so I smiled & muttered out a 'Thanks.'.

"I have a question about Sirens."Sabo said
"Ask away."
"Are they like mermaids? Or are they different?"He asked

"Well everyone gets Sirens & Mermaids mixed up. Mermaids can sing, but we Sirens can sing better. Unlike Mermaids, when Sirens touch water, they don't grow a tail, they grow gills, and other things to help them swim. Sirens are really fast swimmers. But back in ancient times, Sirens were known to go off to the sea, and find pirate ships. They'd sing to them, and make the pirates stop in their tracks & forget what they were doing. Which resulted in many ship crashes. But many years later, the people if Siren island decided to elect a monarch, so that they can make sure that they don't have a repeat of the ancient years."

"But what about you? Do you get those powers."Sabo asked

"Yes, but not all of them. I only have the beauty of a Siren, the Siren charms, singing & musical ability. I don't get the water thing though. But I can swim better than others, and can breath under water for a while."I explained

"Ohhh.....that makes a lot of sense now."

I got off my seat & grinned at Sabo.

"You're all done."

He stood up & looked in the mirror.

"Wow! I look cool!"He said
"Hell yeah! Now kiss me!"I demanded

He chuckled & grabbed a hold of my waist.

"Oh I shall my dearest."

We both chuckled & shared a candy skull kiss.

'Wait hold up! I taste chocolate!'

I pulled back."Sabo-kun, did you eat some of my chocolate?"
He looked the other way in a obvious manner."Noo......I don't know what you're talking about!"

I pinched his cheeks."Sabo-kun! Its my chocolate!"
"Nah-! Aye wahnted shom!"

I snapped my hands back & watched him rub his cheeks. He looked up at me & gave me a angry pout.

"That hurt!"

'Damn it he's cute. Why must he make that face at me?!'

I sat on him & pecked both of his cheeks.

"Damn it you're cute. Including when you make that face at me."I said
He grinned & kissed my neck."Well you're cute 24/7."

I chuckled."Just give me love idiot."

(A/N:Dat last line doe XD)

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