Chapter 21:Manga & kidnap

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Itami pov
"Okay so we'll split up. If we look around, we'll be able to find the next artifact."I said
"Be careful Itami."Sabo warned
"Me?! You could get kidnapped too!"I hissed
"Yes but guys always go for the girl with the great body. It is a fact."Sabo said
I gave him a playful glare."Don't try to slip that one past me, blondie!"
"You like it. You're blushing."He teased
"Whatever! Lets just start searching!"

We went different ways. I weaved through town.

"The next artifact is something quite....weird. The iPad tells us that it is called a 'Manga'. Apparently this artifact can predict the future. If we find this, we might be able to see what will happen in future."Dragon explained

"Does the iPad show what this 'Manga' thing looks like?"Sabo asked

"It looks like a picture book, but is read differently than other books. From what I can tell, you start at the back of the book, and make your way to the front."Dragon said

*flashback end*

I sighed."How am I supposed to find a Future book in a town like this?"

Whenever I asked someone about a 'Manga', they'd give me the most incredulous look & dismiss me, saying that I was crazy.

"Stupid book.....why can't books be easy to find? Even the stupid book stores don't have anything like that..."I grumbled

"And book hunting is supposed to be fun! Ha! That shits not real!"

And I guess you don't know anything about it do you?

"Nah I don't. Haven't heard of that sorcery before. I'm starting to think that that Dragon guy is pulling your leg or something."

Dragon didn't even tell me about what the cover looks like!

He's helpful...

*2 hours later*

For fucks sake....


"Fuck I'm annoyed....Sabo-kun had better have found it by now.."I grumbled

'Wait speaking of which, I haven't seen Sabo anywhere!'

"I have a bad feeling about this..."

Great, thanks. Now you're making me paranoid.

I walked around town, searching for Sabo. I even went down the place where he said he was looking. But there was no sign of him anywhere!

I turned down a alleyway. It was like every alleyway:dark, nerve wrecking, and screamed of 'Rape! Thugs! And many more attractions!'

My foot touched something. I looked down & had wide eyes. I bent down & picked it up.

'Sabo's top hat...'

"He got friggin kidnapped."I said

I saw that there was a couple of foot prints on the ground. It lead all the way inside a warehouse.

"Again with the warehouses? Why can't kidnappers take their hostages to a nice place filled with rainbows & lolly pops?"

I put his hat on my head, and walked inside of the dank warehouse. It was dark inside, with minimal light, but it was enough for me to see in the dark. Every room I went into, it always had a weird condensation, mossy, old smell.

"Tell me now you bastard! Where is she?!"

A voice!

I heard a familiar chuckle."Like I'd tell you...she's safe. She'd be able to knock you out in a blink of an eye.."


I heard a loud whack sound, followed by chains rattling. I silently picked up my pace, and quietly opened the door to see a man glaring at Sabo. Sabo was all chained up with what looked like sea prism stone. His hair was disheveled, a bruise on his cheek, blood running out of his lip, and cuts across his face.

"I'll ask you one more time. Where is she? Where is Daburu Hime no Itami?"The man snarled

Sabo saw me behind him & smirked.

"Alright, alright......she's right behind you."

He was about to turn around, but I kicked him to the side. He took quite a tumble to the ground. Slowly standing up, he gave me a weak glare.


"Yes. You wanted me?"I said with attitude

He pointed a shaky finger at me.

"Y-you! I know that you did it! I know that you killed my Father! You Shinigami skum! You foul demon! You don't deserve to live!"

I maliciously smirked."Well whoever your Father is, I'm sorry to say that I do not care. For it is a Shinigami's job to pass judgment on whether a person lives or dies."I summoned my scythe."And from what I can tell, your Father was just another one of those people that didn't deserve to live in this world of cruelty."

"Itami...what are you talking about?!"Sabo asked

"I'll explain later, my love. But right now I'm sort of in the middle of something."I said

I walked towards him slowly. He started to fire bullets at me, but he either missed, or I caught it & threw them back at him.


He held onto his wounded knee, crimson blood going everywhere. I towered over him, murderous intent clouding my eyes. The man started to tremble, and beg for his life.

"No please! Don't kill me! I'm sorry! I'll do anything for you! Just please don't kill me!"He begged

I 'hmph'ed."Well really this is all your fault. If you hadn't kidnapped my boyfriend, then none of this would've happened."I sighed in fake pity."Well...sadly it is your time now. This fabulous face you see here, is the last thing you'll see. Bye bye now."



His blood went all over the place, it even got on me too. I clicked my tongue, and turned to Sabo.

"Are you okay?"I asked
"Jesus christ woman. You killed someone!"He whispered
I sighed."This isn't new to me. I've been killing all my life. I was taught kill or be killed. Survive."I looked back at that man again."And, he seemed to be harassing you."I said

"You didn't have to kill him! That was completely unnecessary!"Sabo exclaimed

"Look I'm sorry okay. Thats just how I am. Anyway, that's not important now. I haven't found anything on the Manga."I said
"That guy had it. It's over there on that table in the box."Sabo said

I chopped off the chains. Sabo got out of the chair, and walked over to the box with me. I opened it up, and found a book with the letters 'MANGA' written over the top.

I picked it up & the cover changed. It had a picture with me, Ace, Sabo, and anything that represented anything that happened in my life.

Including Lucious, Kira & Tsumi.

"Hey what are you-"

Sabo snatched from my hands & started reading it. The Manga showed all of my core memories of my past. It showed.....everything. The Underworld, Tsumi, Lucious, Mother, Siren island.....


Sabo gave the book back to me, his eyes wide.

"Y-you're a..half Shinigami, and a half..Siren?"He asked incredulously

(A/N:I'm back guys! I hope y'all didn't miss me too much. I just went to the beach thats all...I BOUGHT BACK SAND!!! WHO WANTS SAND?!)

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