Chapter 1:Saying goodbye

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(A/N:I probably won't go with the story line.....just saying)

Third pov
It all went silent as everyone saw Itami walking over to their graves. They all knew that she was one of many that had a hard impact on both Aces & Whitebeards death.

The princess was all bandaged up from her operation. She looked completely stoic on the outside, but on the inside, Itami felt dead. When she had woken up, she didn't remember what happened, she expected to see Ace right next to her bed, healthy & alive. But when someone came in & told her about Aces death, she broke down into tears. She felt like his death was all her fault.

She still does feel like it was her fault.

Itami met up with Marco & Shanks, one of the 4 Yonko that Pops knew. She had met him once, he came onto the Moby dick to warn them about Ace & his recklessness. He knocked everyone (apart from her & Whitebeard) into unconsciousness. She ended up fighting him to test her strength, they ended with a draw.

"Itami you came."Marco says
"I wouldn't miss this day for the world. A wife should attend their husbands funeral."She says with a sad expression

It was all silent again as Itami stared at Ace & Whitebeards graves. She was the last one to say goodbye to them.

"Give me a minute."Itami says
"Take all the time you need, Itami-sama."Shanks says

She gave a polite smile to Shanks, and walked up to the two graves. Her emerald green eyes scanned the two engraved names on the tombstone, tears pricking her eyes. Itami got out the item that she had & put it on Ace's grave.

It was the heart shaped Opal necklace that Ace had bought for her for their first ever date. She knew that it would've felt wrong to just leave the graves with nothing that was from Itami. She didn't want to put the locket that Ace had got for her birthday, it was one of the many things that she had kept.

'Hey, love. It's me, Itami. I...I just wanted to tell you that I had found the ring in your's beautiful. I'm wearing it right bow actually..but before we all leave, I want to say that every year I'll visit you & Pops, no matter what. I hope you're having fun up there...I know you're up there Ace. Heh..the Underworld is ugly & dark isn't it? I understand though, I always thought of that place like that. Sadly I grew up there. Anyway....Portgas D Ace, I will forever love you, you'll always be in my heart. I hope that you reunited with your brother.'

Sighing she looked over to Whitebeards grave.

'Hey Pops, its Itami here. Are you taking good care of Ace? Heh why am I asking such a stupid question like that? Of course you would be. Pops, I will try to be strong for everyone. Even if I end up dead, I'll always protect everyone as if they're my own children. I'll try to be a great captain like you were, and find the One piece. I won't keep it though, when I find it, I might give it to Luffy....but he'll probably would want me to put it back so that he can find it. But anyway, thank you for everything. Thank you for treating me like family. Thank you for taking me into the crew & teaching me your ways. And finally, thank you for loving me like the father I never really got.'

Itami walked away from the graves, and joined Marco to go back to the Moby dick.

(A/N:I know in the series that the Moby dick got destroyed, but I'm gonna have it in the story)

Everyone started to leave the island that. The Whitebeard crew was to leave last.

"Itami? What are our orders?"Marco asked Itami

Her heart started to hurt.

'That's what Ace & I would say.'

She looked at Marco."Set course for the next island, we're going to continue our adventures & find the One piece."Itami says
"Yes m'am!"The crew said

Everyone started to prepare for the next island. Marco looked at Itami, who was staring at the tombstones. He knew that Itami would be one if the many people who was taking the most hits for Ace's death. He heard her cries the night before, she kept on blaming herself, and eventually cried herself to sleep.

"Itami-yoi."He called
She looked back to him."Yes Marco?"
"Do you want some coffee,yoi?"He asked
She smiled painfully."Yeah....I'd like that."

Marco left Itami alone with her own thoughts. Itami shakily got out the golden heart locket & carefully opened it up. The picture inside was of Itami & Ace, smiling & talking to each other on the deck. Her heart started to crack as she stared at Ace, a tear escaping her eyes & fell on the glass that was on the picture.

(A/N:Hopefully this story will go well, I gotta go to sleep, its like midnight and I have school so Oyasumi!)

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