Chapter 18:Mission! Ancient artifact!

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Itami pov
"So basically this man here has some secret artifact that you want."I questioned
"That is right,"Dragon said."This artifact that he has is very ancient. It is called the 'iPad'. Apparently this artifact can help us locate the whereabouts of other ancient artifacts that we need. I want you & Sabo to do this job for me, you both have the skills to do this job. I'm certain that the two of you can do this."Dragon said

We both nodded.

"Yes Dragon-san, when shall we leave?"Sabo asked
"When you're both ready. Here is the mans profile."

Dragon gave Sabo a sealed file, the big red 'CONFIDENTIAL' stamp through the middle of it. We both bowed, and left Dragon's office.

*short time skip*

"His name is Karma D Yaoya. He's a archaeologist that travels the world, and steals artifacts from others. Often he is found with a least one artifact each day, meaning that he could be making at least 500,000 beris each day."Sabo explained

"Damn....he must be rolling in it. How do you think he's traveling so fast from one island to another?"I asked

"At this rate, I don't know. He can't have eaten a devil fruit that gives him fishman abilities, otherwise he'd just drown....maybe he's a fishman?"Sabo said

" this point thats the only explanation I can think of. So we should just stick with that."I pulled out a ticket from my pocket."And he is going to this show."

I gave Sabo the ticket. He read over the fine print.

" 'The little mermaid'? But...there's only one.."
"I'm gonna stage a little 'accident' for the Ariel. And then I'll take over as that role. Don't worry, I did this play when I was younger."I said
Sabo grinned."You're so bad~. But I can't wait to watch you."
"Hey! We're on a mission! Not watching a play!"I scold
He pouted."You're so mean~!"

We decided to leave the next day. I had quickly went back to my room, and got myself ready for tomorrow. I had to pack some make up because I'm about to be in a play goddamn it! I need to look good!

*next morning*
"I'll see you soon."I said
"Don't be reckless."Sabo said
I smirked."Reckless is my middle name."

I was about to walk in, but Sabo grabbed my hand. I look over to him, and he pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, Itami."Sabo says
" you, too."I said

He let go of me & walked off. I walked into the studio, and felt my heart ache a little bit.

'Saying those words again....I remember how much they mean.'

I snuck around the studio, trying to find the main actress. I saw her walking over to a dress room. I snuck behind her, and slipped through the door. She thankfully didn't hear me, and carried on to her mirror.

'Luckily she sorta looks like me.'

I flicked off the light & she gasped. She had started to panic & look around.

"Hello dear.."I whispered seductively

I pinned her to the wall, flicking on the light. Her eyes were wide, a blush on her face.

"W-who are you-"

I put a finger between her lips, activating my Siren powers.

"Just relax~...."I breathed

I leaned in & kissed her. She was completely surprised, but she melted in my kiss because of my Siren powers.

But really, I was just suffocating her a little bit till she passed out. Eventually, she had passed out in my arms.

"Never done that before...oh well, its done."I said

I whipped the mermaid costume off the girl, and swapped her with my clothes. It fit me.

"Alright, lets do this!"

I had copied the make up the actress had on before going back out. I looked pretty good. The outfit was Ariel's seashell bra thing, and a long green skirt that resembled a mermaids tail.

I walked off to follow the rest of the actors/actresses. Apparently we were up to the scene where Ariel sings 'Part of your world'.

"Places everyone! Places! Ariel! Get to your spot please!"

I scuttled over to the seat like rock thing. I got myself comfortable & put myself into the position Ariel would be in.

The curtain started to rise, and I knew that I had to start.

"Maybe he's right..Maybe there is something the matter with me. I just don't see how a world that makes suck beautiful things, could be bad."I acted

'Alright, its time to sing!'

"Look at this stuff,"
"Isn't it neat?"
"Wouldn't you think my collections complete?"
"Wouldn't you think I'm the girl,"
"The girl who has, everything."
"Look at this trove,"
"Treasures untold."
"How many wonders can one cavern hold?"
"Looking around here you think:"
" 'Sure, she's got everything.' "

"I've got gadgets & gizmos aplenty."
"I've got whozits & whatzits galore."
"You want thingamabobs?"
"I've got 20!"
"But who cares?"
"No big deal."
"I want more."

"I wanna be,"
"Where the people are."
"I wanna see,"
"Wanna see them dancing."
"Walking around on those-"
"What do you call them?"
"Oh feet!"

"Flipping you fins you don't get too far."
"Legs are required for jumping, dancing."
"Strolling around down a-"
"Whats that word again?"

"Up where they walk,"
"Up where they run."
"Up where they stay all day in the sun."
"Wandering free."
"Wish I could be,"
"Part of that world."

"What would I give,"
"If I could live outta these waters."
"What would I pay,"
"To spend a day,"
"Warm on the sand?"
"Betcha on land,"
"They understand,"
"Bet they don't reprimand their daughters."
"Bring young women."
"Sick of swimming."
"Ready to stand!"

"I'm ready to know what the people know."
"Ask em my questions,"
"And get some answers."
"What is a fire?"
"And why does it-"
"What's the word?"

"Whens it my turn?"
"Wouldn't I love,"
"Love to explore the shore up above?"
"Out of the sea..."
"Wish I..could be.."
"Part of that world..."

Everyone had clapped & wolf whistled. I waved elegantly out to the crowd, spotting both Sabo & the target.

Sorry people, you're gonna have to be put to sleep.

I gave Sabo a bright smile, signaling him that he should put the ear plugs in.

'Singers note:Sweet memories!'

"Climbing out the back door,"
"Didn't leave a mark."
"No one knows its you Miss Jackson."
"Found another victim,"
"But no ones gonna find Miss Jackson."
"Jackson, Jackson."

Everyone in the room (apart from Sabo) had dropped to the floor, asleep. I jumped off the stage & walked over to Yaoya. I bent down & searched through his jacket pockets, and found the iPad. It was silver & black, and was about the size of a medium sized book.

"Well that was unexpectedly easy."I said
Sabo smirked at me."You sounded like a dream."
" lets get out of here."I said

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