Chapter 15:Mixed messages

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(A/N:This bit will be hard to write....)

Itami pov
My heart was thudding inside of my chest, apart from the water fall, that was the only thing I could hear.

I didn't know where to look. Whenever I looked at Sabo, I just...I felt tears in the corners of my eyes.

'I want to be with him...but I don't know if I'm ready yet...'

But what broke my heart even more, was when I saw Sabo's smile shatter to an emotionless, hurt stare.


He turned & walked off. I left my stunned state & noticed that Sabo had left. I ran after him, calling out to his name, but he didn't reply. I started to slow down, realizing that I couldn't keep up with his fast walking pace.

I kneeled on the ground, watching his shadowy figure walk off without me. My crying started, my hands clamped over my eyes.

"Damn it! I'm an idiot!! *cry*."

'I just lost my chance.....and now..I'll never get it back again.'

Sabo pov
I walked fast, not wanting Itami to see my salty clear tears. My hands were balled.

'What was I thinking!? Of course she wouldn't want to....and now...I won't be able to face her again.'

Out of frustration, I had accidentally lit a near by tree on fire. But what I didn't notice, was that the fire was quickly spreading....

And I had left Itami in the forest.

*minutes later*

My eyes widened when I saw the forest on fire. Civilians were running around, grabbing buckets of water to douse the flames I made.

'Wait. Where's Itami?'

"FUCK!"I swore

I ran into the forest, praying that Itami will be okay.

'Please be okay..please be okay..'

I jumped over a log & carried on running, more hot tears flowing out of my eyes.

'Damn it! I had one job! And now....Itami is gonna die because of me!'

I was by the water fall.


My panic rose as I looked around, searching for her.

But then, a glint caught my eyes. I looked at it & saw Itami being crushed by a tree, it was on fire, and she was knocked out.


I ran over & started to lift the tree out of the way. Her arm flopped to the ground, revealing the wedding ring that glinted at me before. I picked her up bridal style, and ran out of the forest.

Itami pov
I looked around & found myself in a forest that was on fire. Everything around me was burning. I tried looking for a way out, but every exit was blocked by citrus coloured flames.

" how I'm gonna die.."


I felt a tug on my pinky. I looked down towards it & saw that there was a red string tied around it. The tugging became harder as the voice got closer towards me.


The tugging became so hard that I was being dragged towards the fire. Panicking, I struggled but the dragging was so tight, it felt like it was gonna cut my pinky off.

The flames engulfed me, I expected to feel blistering pain, but all I felt was warmth. It wasn't sore, it was comforting.

'Move on Itami.....'Ace's voice whispered

"Ace?!"I called

The tug turned into a forceful pull, making me trip over. I waited for impact, but I had fallen into strong arms.

"You're safe..."

I gasped, I looked up & saw Sabo looking into my eyes.


The red string had tugged my hand into his. He too had a red string around his pinky, and it was tied to mine.

*dream end*
"Omigod what were you thinking?! You're not supposed to leave a girl alone in the forest then set it on fire!"A woman shrieked
"It was on accident! I didn't mean to set the whole forest on fire!"

'Sabo.....& Koala..?'


"We're supposed to be taking care of her till her crew comes! I know you didn't do it on purpose, but you could've killed her! And now she's out cold!"Koala shrieks

"Guys....stop....fighting.."I croaked out

I opened up my eyes, Sabo & Koala staring at me with shock.


Sabo didn't say anything. But from what I could tell, he was about to cry.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake! We were worried sick about you! Do you feel sore? Do you need anything?"Koala asked frantically
I let out a small smile."No thanks...Koa-chan."

" both need to sort this out!"Koala says

She walked out of the room, I heard her lock the door, and then walk off.

I looked to Sabo, who had a shadow over his eyes. I felt really guilty, if I had just replied...

"Sabo-kun I-"

In a blink of an eye, Sabo was on top of me, blocking any escape. His eyes were filled with frustration, sadness & confusion.

"Why.....why do you do this to me? All the time you're sending me mixed messages to me. One moment you're upset, then you're acting like I'm the one...and then you act as if I'm just a person. And then-"He growled."I just get confused! Why can't I just understand what you're feeling?!"

He was huffing. My eyes kept on staring into his, shock plastered over my face.

"This is gonna sound clićhe, but it's not you, its me. I know a couple times I've said that I'm getting over Ace but....I just feel like something is stopping me from being with you. I used to think that I wasn't ready for another relationship yet, but no, I am. I realize now that I'm ready, Sabo-kun. I'm ready to love again. And I know that it's going to be you, I'm going to love you. This will sound selfish, but at the moment I don't care if my crew is coming, as long as I spend these last moments with you, then I will be happy."I said

Through our eyes, we were sending quiet, a thousand messages to each other. Those messages weren't heard from either of us, but we both knew what they all meant.

"Are you saying love me Itami-chan?"Sabo asked obliviously
I smiled."Of course idiot. I love you. And....I'm gonna protect you through hell & heaven."

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