Chapter 22:What really happened.

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Itami pov
It was an awkward silence back to Baltigo, the Revulotionary base. I could tell that Sabo was (yet again) frustrated with me.

Really, I was going to tell him what I am, but it just never seemed to pop up in a conversation. I know it did once on our first date, but I didn't trust him as much as I do now. Its a lame excuse I know, but....

'What do I say now? I should probably explain to him..but first, we gotta give this to Dragon.'

"Then he would know of your past."

Damn, how do I take it out-

Wait, didn't Dragon say that this cam also predict the future?

I opened it up, and started turning the pages towards the end.

My heart rate went up as I stared at the picture in front of me.

' I die?'

I shut it, paranoia going through my veins.

'Thats how I that?! N-no way...thats crazy! And its-'

"Calm down. There's no need to panic at this stage. It didn't say when you're going to die, it only said how. But this also means that you have to be careful."

What do you mean?

"If do something different that the Manga doesn't predict, then your future, fate & destiny changes."

But what if I don't want to change it?


This will sound crazy, but I don't want to change anything. If that is how I die, then that is how I die. I know that it will mean that you die too, since I don't have any offspring.

"You want to kill me, don't you?"

No. I want to die like that. Die with a smile on my face, with-

"We're here."

I snapped my mind out of Kira land, and followed Sabo with the Manga in hand. I was about to open it up again,but it didn't show anything, only blank pages.

"It only shows it for at least 1 hour. I know this because-"

"Itami. Lets go."

'That tone though. Note:Expect a long ass talk'

We walked over to base, I another awkward bubble. To be honest, I felt like running away, coz of the awkwardness. It's slowly suffocating me.

Minutes later, we got to Dragons office, and handed the Manga over to him. Dragon didn't ask us to test, he told us that he'll test it himself.

We knew that it was between him & the Manga, so we left to give him some privacy.

I already walked off, not waiting for Sabo. I was about to shut my door, but a hand flexed out & stopped me from shutting it. I knew instantly that it was Sabo.

"Let me in, Itami."Sabo said

I sighed, and reluctantly opened the door for him. I let him in, and locked the door behind me. I sat on my bed, while Sabo sat on a wooden chair that was by my bed.

"So,"He started."Why didn't you tell me that you're a half Shinigami, and a half Siren?"He asked harshly

I flinched."Sabo-"

"Don't give me that tone. First you kill someone, then I find out that you're a whole new human species? Why didn't you fucking tell me?"He hissed

"Look, I know that this is hard for you, but I'm finding this as equally as hard. I didn't tell you earlier because it doesn't matter. I was going to tell you before on that date, but back then I didn't trust you as much as I do now. Yes, I get it. I'm a ugly devine being with both Shinigami & Siren blood. I'm not proud of my Shinigami side. Shinigami aren't people made of mercy. They're people made of judgement, and killing."I covered my face."And I'm the princess of both kingdoms. A shameful princess. Princesses are meant to be graceful, beautiful, flawless..but no. I'm beautiful I know that, but how I grew up wasn't a fairy tail. I'm not graceful. And I have heaps of flaws."I looked at Sabo, taking away my hands."Why would you love me? I'm a disgusting species."

"Why do I love you? It's obvious. Yeah you don't act like a princess, but you are beautiful, and you have your own ways. Every princess does. Not every Prince, Princess or regular person is perfect."Sabo said

I sighed."It is true though, what happened to me."

"That really did happen?"Sabo asked

"Yes. My brother was killed by my own Father. My Mother & I did run away from the Underworld. Yes I did get kidnapped by my Father. Yes I was put through 2-3 years of training. Yes my ancestor is inside of me, the core reason why I can fight. Yes I escaped from my Father. And yes....back in Dressrosa...when you first met me...that was when my ancestor took over my body. I was mad at you because you took Ace's fruit. And standing in front of you is a Shinigami. A Siren. A tainted princess of two kingdoms....Yes...I am me. Lucifer D Roza Itami, the princess of two kingdoms. I am the Double princess."

Sabo stood up from his chair, he towered over me. I couldn't see his eyes, they were shadowed by his golden locks. He loomed down towards my level. I could properly see his eyes. They were wet & red from crying. He let out a soft sob.

"You don't deserve to live a life like deserve a better life, Itami. I'm ashamed of myself too. I come from a family of nobels from Goa kingdom. I hate having nobel blood flowing through me. Every nobel was horrible, they only cared about reputation. Its how I met Ace & Luffy. I ran away from my home, and lived with them. Back then, it was one of the best times of my life. I had adventure, I didn't have to worry about what everyone thought of me. But when I left them to become a pirate, my boat was shot down by Celestial Dragons, and I had forgotten everything about Ace & Luffy. Dragon-san had saved me back then. But when I found out about Ace being killed....I had gotten my memories back. To this day I still regret not saving Ace. I was only frustrated with you back then, because thats how I was feeling. I knew how you felt. I know how it feel useless."Sabo said

He cupped my face, and stared deep into my eyes.

"Which is why I gotta protect you. You were Ace's everything, and now, you're my everything. You're like me. You're not a ugly being Itami, you are beautiful, inside & out."

He kissed me, both of us letting out the tears. The kiss was wet & warm. He had gently pushed me onto my bed, he left my lips & leaned in towards my ear.

"Tonight,"He whispered."I'm going to ease you of your pain."

(A/N:Ahhhhhhh they're doing 'it'! Haha very serious chapter there. I think I waffled on a bit, but at least I finished it.)

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