Chapter 4:For the fruit

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Itami pov
'So I'm in the port town of Dressrosa....that's not very good news. Last time I saw Doflamingo, it didn't end very well...'

I went through my pockets to see if I had any loose change on me. I only had 15 beris, and I have no idea how much beris I need to use a Transponder snail.

'If I don't find a Transponder snail soon, I won't be able to contact Marco & get off of this crazy island.'

I sipped on a cup of Iced peach tea, looking through the paper. Nothing interesting is ever going on in this world anymore. All there is, is Bounties being raised, Pirates getting caught or-

"Hold on....whats this?"

The Corrida Coleseum! Enter this adrenaline pumping competition to come out the strongest fighter! The winner gets-

I dropped the newspaper, my eyes wide as I had repeated the words over & over again in my brain

The winner gets the Mera Mera no mi devil fruit! A fruit that holds the power of fire & flames that was previously owned by Portgas D Ace:The pirate Kings biological son.

My lip trembled. Damn it why am I crying now? Just because his name & devil fruit is on the paper, doesn't mean you start breaking down....

Ok maybe I can but.....

"I've gotta get that."I said

I left the café & asked around about the Corrida Coleseum. I know that I should be focused on getting back to the crew, but I can't just let a random stranger poses Ace's flame powers. That devil fruit is probably part of Ace's will, and I'm not going to sit by & let someone else eat it.

I was entered into Pool C for the battle. It was so freaking frustrating watching all of the fights just pass by.

I looked around at the people I was competing against. A lot of them looked strong, but I dunno if they can handle the power of a Shinigami.

Right Kira?

"Oh yes...they won't be able to handle our powers now will they sugar pie?"

Did you seriously just say sugar pie?

"Get over it. But remember:Use me if things get real rough."


(A/N:For those who haven't read 'Daburu Hime no Itami' yet, Kira is Itami's ancestor that is one of the main reasons why Itami is physically strong, but she is also one of the reasons why Tsumi, Itami's brother is dead)

Then, a particular person caught my eye. He had on a black button up shirt that had sun flowers all over it, a pair of blue shorts, a beard & wore a gladiator helmet. The guy looked really clueless & had a slight innocent demeanor.

'Why does he remind me of Luffy?'

I absent mindedly felt my hand travel to my wedding ring that I wore. I looked at it & felt hope.

'I'll win this Ace, for you & I.'

My wedding ring was an opal wedding ring that had diamonds surrounding the stone/jewel. The band was made if pure silver. This ring is the ring that Ace was gonna give me. I always wore it so that men can stay away & get the message.

There's also the golden heart locket that's always bound around my neck. I only ever open it if I'm in a sad or stressful state. I never let anyone see the picture, the only people that can see it is me, myself & I. The golden heart was made of real gold, it was probably the size of a log pose thing, but a little bit smaller.

My mind snapped back to reality when I heard that it was Pool C's turn for battle. I stood up, silently thanking the women's gladiator helmet covered my face. I started to follow everyone else out towards the battle field.

My Father stared down at me.

"I want for you to repeat those words Dolor."He said

"Rule number 1: Never ever lower your guard against your opponent."
"Rule number 2: Always look for openings."
"Rule number 3: Observing the opponents every move is key."
"Rule number 4: Take advantage of the opponents weaknesses."
"And finally, rule number 5: Whatever age or gender, do not show the opponent any mercy."

I glared at Lucious/My Father.

"And why should I be forced to do that?"I asked with attitude
He grinned maliciously."I'm guessing you forgot about our deal? You stay with me & become my deadly weapon of destruction, then I won't destroy Siren island & kill your Mother. Now you wouldn't want that to happen, now do you?"He said in a mocking tone

I grit my teeth in anger."Fuck you."

*Flashback end*
Itami pov
'Why am I thinking of my so called Father now? Yeah he taught me everything that I know now, but he will never be my Father, ever again.'

"Let Pool C's fight begin!"

At those 5 words, everyone went from best friends, to enemies in a mere millisecond. It was a good thing for me though, when I came here I never intended to be friends with anybody anyway.

Nobody really went for me for a couple of minutes, but after a while, people started attacking me, not that I was bothered by that, they were all just like annoying flies.

Soon, I had met with the guy that reminded me of Luffy. Our eyes met & we instantly started to face off with each other.

(A/N:Hheeey guys! I somehow have data on my Phone so thats how i managed to update & comment...and OMG Armageddon was amazing! There was sooo many people! It was hot in my Eren cosplay, but it was soo totally worth the 5-6 hour trip to the city. And like, I ket this guy who dressed up as Kirito from SAO and we were like friends...also, i bought home AOT manga & a whole box of One piece manga! Tho the One piece manga is for my birthday....BUT OH WELL!!!! Hope y'all have a nice Labor weekend!)

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