Chapter 7:Sabo, the Revulotionary

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(A/N:Meep. I hate Term 4. Thats when teachers start to be all crappy on everyone, and we're all forced to take stupid tests that we'll forget about when we grow up...I dunno, I'm younger. Imagine Itami saying the whole Previous thing......Enjoy!)

Previously on:Unintended

"I'm gonna kill you!"She sang


"Run. Run away! That woman is gonna kill you if you stay."I said



I looked up & saw Lucy staring at me with wide surprised eyes. I glared at him.

"Go away! You-"

"How do you know Ace?"He asked

"He's my husband. Why the hell does that matter to you?"I hissed

"I.....I'm his brother."


(A/N:Lel that was fun! Sorta felt like the start of Supernatural!)

Itami pov
"N-no! What are you talking about?! Ace only had one brother!"I hissed
"You're talking about Luffy. Ace had two brothers. Me & Luffy."He said

I clamped my hands onto my ears.

"Stop lying to me! Ace would've told me if he had two brother! He only ever told me about Luffy...."I cried
"Please! Just listen! Hear me out, I'll tell you how..."He said

He kneeled down towards me, all of a sudden I had noticed how handsome Lucy was.

'Wait why am I thinking about that?!'

He offered a hand to me.

"Please?"He asked

Shakily, I reached out to his hand, and gingerly took it. His hand felt nice & warm, compared to my freezing cold hands. Lucy helped me up onto my feet, he was about to let go, but I held onto his hand.

"N-no...I-I'm cold.."I muttered
He put on a small smile."Here." All of a sudden, he had taken off his jacket & put it on my shoulders, then picking me up bridal style.
"H-hey you don't need to do that..-"
"You're cold. And seeing that you're his wife, you're my responsibility along with Luffy."He said
"B-but I only just met you damn it!"I exclaim
He didn't say anything & carried on walking.

'I still gotta get back to the am I gonna find them again? They must be worried sick..'

"By the way...what is your name?"I asked
"Sabo, what's your name?"
"Itami. Lucifer D Roza Itami."

(A/N:In the next day, Sabo had already explained to Itami about the whole thing about when he was ten with Ace & Luffy. So now, Itami trusts Sabo, and he's gonna take her back to the Revulotionaries so that Marco can get her.)

*Time skip next day*
"Ah! Itami-chan!"

I squealed when I felt rubbery arms wrap around me. I turned to Luffy & looked at him with anime eyes.

"Baka! You gave me a heart attack!"I yell animatedly
"Shishishi! You're adorable Itami-chan!"Luffy laughed
"Kyah! I'm not cute! I'm hot!"I argued

"Oi Luffy we gotta go!"Nami yelled out
"Right! Itami! You can live in our basement!"Luffy says
I laughed as Luffy let me go."I'd love to, but I gotta go with the Revulotionaries to get back to my crew, being at Dressrosa is fun, but the women here are a bit cray cray....Next time huh?"
He nodded enthusiastically."Yeah! You better swear!"
I put up my left hand."I, Lucifer D Roza Itami, swear that when I meet Monkey D Luffy again, I shall join his crew & help him become the Pirate king!"I swore
Luffy laughed, then grinned."You're a funny woman! Haha bye Itami!"
"Bye Luff! You better stay out of trouble! Otherwise I'll whip yo ass!"I sassed


We all turned & saw Lucy-I mean, Sabo running towards us.

"You can't leave me without saying good bye!"Sabo pants as he caught up
"Ah! Right!"

Luffy had tackled Sabo to the ground, they both hugged each other.

With a smile, I helped the pair up.

"Luffy you gotta promise me that you'll become the Pirate king okay?"Sabo said
Luffy nodded."I will become the Pirate king!"

We all parted to our separate ships. Sabo & I walked over to the ship we were taking to go to where the Revulotionaries were based at.

"Where's Koala?"I asked
"She'll definitely be around, Itami-chan."Sabo said


'What the...? What's going on?!'


'Why is my heart beating so fast?'


'What is this feeling?'

Sabo looked over at me with worried eyes.

"Hey Itami-chan, are you okay? It looks like you're coming down with something?"Sabo said as he placed a hand on my cheek

'Holy shit he's so close! But....I'm enjoying this! Why am I acting like this?!'

"Wow you're quite warm! And your cheeks are pink too! Maybe you should lie down or something.."Sabo said
"'re right, I am feeling a bit tired & weird."I said
"Okay, you go lie down in my room & I'll bring in some things for you."He said

Silently nodding, I turned around, and walked over to where Sabo was sleeping. I laid down on his bed & stared at the ceiling.

'What's going on with me? I haven't acted like that since-'


'Since I had first fallen for Ace. There's no way that I could be falling for Sabo, he's just going to be a friend.'

I heard Kira chuckle in my head

"We'll see how long that'll last honey."

(A/N:Soz that the update took a bit longer. I'm just saying now, updates on all books will be a bit slower than usual for a few days. I've been studying for my exams, and really, Science & Maths are my worst subjects. OYASUMI)

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