Chapter Seven: Celebration

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Chapter Seven: Celebration

            I woke up on the bathroom floor and called Frank. “Hey Frank. Could you come pick me up?” I asked placing my hand on my head. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He said and hung up. I got up off the floor and brushed my teeth. My hair looked really greasy so I just quickly washed it in the tub. I went into the medicine cabinet and took three migraine pills and two of my mother’s pain relievers. I got my jacket that had a bag of coke in it and two packs of cigarettes with a lighter. I sat on the porch until Frank arrived in his Mustang. “Thanks, Frank.” I said as I got in the car. He drove off to who knows where. “So, what has been on your mind?” he asked as I lit his cigarette. “I was raped last night.” I said staring out the window. He was speechless so I finally turned the radio on. Nirvana was on, Smells Like Teen Spirit. Frank blasted it and I suddenly felt relieved. I didn’t know if it was the pills or the music. I turned down the volume and said, “Frank! We gotta get the band together.” “Right now?” “Yes right now.” I will call them and tell them to meet us at your house.” He nodded his head and he made a u-turn to head back to his house. It turns out that they got there before us, damn they were good. They brought their girls so they just sat and watched. “Okay, Lyn-Z. Since you haven’t practiced this song, you can just play whatever feels right to you.” I said adjusting my microphone. She nodded her head. The first song we played was a cover up of Marilyn Manson, If I Was Your Vampire. Lyn-Z was good, probably one of the best drummers I have ever heard. After we finished I had to stop and say, “That was probably one of the best rehearsals ever.” They all smiled and the girls just clapped. The next song we played was a song I wrote. Skylines and Turnstiles was the first song I ever wrote and preformed. After that we took a break and I went on Frank’s computer to look up clubs that we could play at. “Hey guys. There is a place in town called Brickhouse Music. We could play there tomorrow night.” I said. “Lets do it!” said Ray. “Alright, so we gotta call ‘em right?” Lyn-Z asked. “Yeah I will do that now.” I said picking up the phone. After about ten minute son the phone I hung up looking upset. “What’s wrong?” asked Mikey. “We got it!” I said getting up and hugging Michael. We all got ready for the show the next morning. I smoked a lot while helping the guys load the equipment in Ray’s van. It was 9:30pm and we had to be there by 10:00pm. It was a Saturday night so hopefully it was crowded. We unloaded our stuff in the back of the club, we were up next. “Okay, so are we going to play Our Lady of Sorrows?” I asked. “Yeah that’s a good one.” Ray said and so that’s what we played. We walked up on stage and I adjusted the microphone. The announcer said, “And now My Chemical Romance singing Our Lady of Sorrows.” The crowd just clapped with a few screams. We began and ended soon after when the crowd went literally wild. “Encore?” yelled the announcer over the loud speaker. The crowd screamed and jumped and so we huddled up. “What song?” I asked. “Demolition Lovers.” Said Lyn-Z and so we played that. We were a hit and so after the show we went out to the bar to celebrate. Ray drove home and I was wasted in the back seat with Lyn-Z and Frank. The girls were in the top bunk and Mikey was in the front seat. We were all messed up. We just hung out at Ray’s house because his parents were out of town. I snorted too much coke this time and threw up for and hour. After that we all watched a movie. I don’t remember what it was called. All I remember was that Lyn-Z and I got a little too friendly. Frank drank more and smoked a few while he and Jamia just sat on the couch. Mikey and Alicia were in the bathroom, and it was awkward for me to be there. Ray and Christina just fell asleep on the bed from too much beer. I went upstairs and took some Vodka from Ray’s parents winery (which wasn’t just wine). I hammered it down and went out into the street and puked everywhere. I hit the ground and passed out.

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