Chapter Nine: Unexpected

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I woke up and noticed that I was handcuffed to a hospital bed. The windows had bars across them and were bulletproof. I was still wearing my clothes but everything was white and my cigarettes were the only things in my pocket. Just then some disgusting doctors where peering in trough the tiny window in the door. They unlocked the door and swarmed in like bees and a female nurse was soon to pushing a small metal cart with sharp objects on it. They held me down and jabbed the needles into my skin. I screamed and cursed in every way I could until I passed out. I woke up to a nurse unlocking the hand cuffs. Something about her seemed familiar. I looked out the window and saw that it was night time. The girl backed against the wall as I walked toward her. I lifted off that little hat of hers and whispered, "I missed you..." And kissed those red lips. She forced herself on my and her short came undone. She pushed me onto the bed and I undressed myself. I couldn't resist. Her body fell on top of mine and soon enough on thing led to another. The lights in the hallway flickered on after about an hour and I said, "quick hit under the bed." She just stared into my drowsy eyes and did what she was told. I quickly got dressed and handcuffed myself back to the bed and acted as if I were asleep. Pretty soon a guy came in with a flashlight and said, "Three o'clock check." "Okay." I said and he left. Twenty minutes passed and the lights faded. "Come here..." I whispered. She got dressed and sat on the bed curled up next to me. "I love you." She said with tearing eyes. "What's the matter?" "I don't want to lose you. Not again." "You won't, I promise." I squeezed her tight and it was soon lime to leave. "I should go." She said. "Okay." She turned to walk away but I pulled her in. "I love you, Lyn-Z." I wiped the tears from her face and she replied, "I love you too." We hugged once most and she was gone, out of sight. I handcuffed myself back to the bed and woke up to a nurse shoving pills down my throat. "What the fuck!?" I yelled. "Just medication. You are free to get out of this room now. You can smoke but not much more okay?" "Okay." I said hiding the pills user my tongue. "Wait! Can to unlock these please?" I asked jingling the shackles. She nodded with a smile and set me free. I grabbed a cup of coffee and chose to sit in a chair near the

window. I lit a cigarette and ran my finger down the cool window when someone tapped my shoulder

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