Chapter Six: Petrified

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Chapter Six: Petrified

The next morning I didn’t go to school. I sat in bed until 1:12pm when ma’ opened the door. “Gerard get up and dressed.” I didn’t question anything; I just did what she told me. I tied my shoes and grabbed my jacket. Then she took me out to lunch, which I thought was odd. “Why are we here, Ma’?” I asked while we sat across from each other. “I do not need you to be drinking and such anymore. It may not seem like I care, but I do. I know that you know I care deep inside.” She said. I just stared down at the table. “I remember when you use to be so innocent. Another thing, I have been noticing that my medication has been missing.” She knew it was me and I was screwed. I walked straight out of the restaurant without my mother and I walked to Red Grove Park. I sat on the swings and smoked and thought about what I should do. I stayed there for a long time because I finally noticed that it was dark outside. I walked down the alleys of Bellville, which is very unsafe at anytime. I heard some noises but I didn’t pay any attention, just kept walking. Just a second after, I was jumped. A tall strong guy pinned me to the ground with a pistol to my head. “Follow us, and you will be fine.” He said. He wore a stupid hockey mask so I couldn’t see what he looked like. The woman looked like some kind of a prostitute and handcuffed me. They put a pillow case or something over my head but not so tight. I was pushed into some kind of vehicle when I passed out. I woke up the next morning in a bedroom. I didn’t know where the hell I was or what happened last night. Soon, the prostitute came into the room and laid on top of me. I was handcuffed to the bed, so I couldn’t punch her. Just then she unlocked the handcuffs and I sat up on the bed. “I hope you had fun last night.” She said trying to look attractive. Just then I realized what happened. I was fucking raped so I stared at her for a few minutes. “What?” I finally said and knocked her out with just one punch. The guy wasn’t here so I ran out the front door and toward the biggest street I could find. I was on Main Street so I knew how to get home form here. I ran to my house and exploded through the door. Mom and Mikey were sitting at the table. “Where the hell were you?” Ma’ yelled and gave me a huge hug. Mikey joined in soon after. “It’s a long story that I don’t have time to explain.” I said then went into my bedroom and did my normal thing, smoked, drank, and snorted coke. Soon after repeatedly throwing up in the bathroom, I fell asleep on the floor.

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