The Bad Boy vs. The Bad Girl

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Esther Mayson was the definition of a devil. She was evil, heartless, and pure crazy. 

Roman Quinn just got out of Juvie. If you touched his leather jacket, you were either sinned, or blessed. 

Once James Field High School has both of them in it, there will be a whole lot of disaster, love, humor, and a bunch of curse words thrown. 

Find out who wins. The Bad Boy or The Bad Girl? 


authors note 2019:

Holy fudge dudes, I don't know why ANYONE is reading this story that I wrote when I was a young ripe loser age of 13. I'm 20 now, and looking back at this (sorry excuse for a) story, I've always wanted to take it down because I could do SO MUCH better. But... this story still means so much to me. It was the first story I ever wrote and finished. No matter how many grammar mistakes, spelling errors, out of date thinking, immature writing, PLOT HOLES GALORE, I still wholeheartedly, undeniable, love the story of Esther and Roman. 

So, on that note. Please enjoy this mess. 

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