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The lunch room was a frenzy this Monday. The whole school found out that The Roman Quinn was back, so every girl was getting 'hotter', and every boy getting more 'muscle'. Its like the whole school got the Quinn Disease.

"Look at them. Do they really think he changed?" I had my arms crossed, looking at the table that was surrounded by girls. And who else would be in the middle other than the cursed Roman Quinn. "I will believe that Roman Quinn changed when he apologizes whole hearted, which will never never happen." I huffed. A loud laugh echoed the room.

"Just ignore him Est. Really, even if he is back, who cares?" Dev said trying to lighten the mood.

"Obviously everyone." I lost my appetite. Dev and I were heading over to the trash can to throw out our unfinished beef stew.

"Dev Tullio? Is that you? Didn't I tell you that you would be smokin' when you got older?" Shivers were sent down my spine when I turned to face Dev who was behind me. We both looked over at the table beside us, which had Roman lounging while girls were around, hoping he would sleep with them next.

"Roman Quinn? Is that you? The waste of space? Didn't I tell you that you would get thrown in jail when you got older?" I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her witty comeback.

"Something funny Mayson?" Roman snapped.

"Obviously, I'm laughing aren't I?" I laughed back. His nose flared and he stood up from the table.

"Watch it Mayson. We don't want a repeat of years ago." His voice was deathly. I wiped a fake tear from under my eye, and slowly approached him.

"But there is the difference of me back then, and me now." In one swift move, my whole beef stew was  rolling down the red face of Roman Quinn. Along with gasps from the astonished peanut gallery. "I am not scared of you." I winked and blew a kiss to him as I sauntered toward the door. "Come at me Quinn... I dare you."

Once in the hallway Dev mouth dropped.

"That was amazing! How in the hell did you do that?" Dev voice grew two octaves.

"I don't know. He pushed my buttons and it... just happened." I said trying to rationalize it myself.

"Well either way, you got your status back." Dev said as we both walked into the Library.

I guess I did.


The rest of the school day was at ease for me. Only saw Quinn once, but he didn't see me. Thank god. Even though I had 30 seconds of insane courage, I know he is going to get me back because Roman Quinn doesn't want revenge. He wants to get even.

So, for the whole day I was put into alert mode. Questioning every decision I made, so he couldn't come and take me by surprise. I am now smarter than that.

While walking to my car at the end of the day, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. The phone sang the instrumental of Ed Sheeran's, Give Me Love, my favorite song. I pulled out my white Iphone and answered it thinking it was Sean.

"Hello?" I said as I also pulled out my keys from my backpack.

"Hi baby." A rough voice answered. I stopped in my tracks.

"Who the hell is this?" I asked hard.

"The man from your dreams, now what underwear are you wearing?" I could hear the 'horny' in him.

"I don't dream about revolting, perverted men! Fuck off!" I ended the call and rubbed my forehead. I felt a killer headache coming on. My phone vibrated again, and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked still angry.

"This is what is going to happen. I'm going to slowly slip off your shirt, and rip off your bra-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled into my phone and ended the call.

Okay. What the hell is going on?

My phone vibrated again.

"Okay! If this is some perverted old man, I swear to god! I will find you, circumcise your dick, and shove it up your own fucking asshole!" I yelled.

"That sounds unsanitary and disgusting." Sean's voice was twisted on the end of the line.

"Oh shit. I am so sorry Sean, its just that... weird, perverted people have been calling me! I have no idea what is going on?" I continued to rub my head as I approached my car.

"Who could they all have gotten your number?" Sean asked as confused as I was.

"I don't-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I looked at my car. "That bastard is dead." I clenched my hands into fists and my blood started to boil. On my once beautiful car, it now has white spray paint writing saying, Call For A Sexy Time: 876 765 8888!

"What? What happened?" Sean's voice was concerned.

"Quinn." I hung up the phone and went to the driver side of the car.

You're lucky it was only this.


If he thinks he is going to get away with this, he has another thing coming.

I dialed Dev's number on my phone and heard the obnoxious static ring.

"Hey Est, whats up?" She said.

"No chatting now. Meet me at 5:15 on Garden Road, block 23. Bring extra hot pepper, and chocolate fudge. Don't be late... we are getting even."


Hello Again! Thank you for everyone who is commenting, reading, and voting! I love you guys very much! Your feedback is really important to me!

This chapter is dedicated to @OfficialFahren for giving amazing feedback on my last chapter!

Also: Shout out to the most amazing person ever who made the new book cover for me! Its seriously beautiful! She is @xJess21x and she is so talented! Check out her page!


Thanks again everyone and don't forget to comment, vote, and read for a dedication!!

Love you!

~ xx continued

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