Leave Me Alone

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"Hey! Sleeping beaut- HOLY SHIT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE?!" Sean yelled in the morning when he skipped into my room.

"Thanks Sean for making me deaf at 6:00 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" I yelled in his face.

Okay, it was probably a really bad idea drinking all that vodka. My stomach felt like it was going to explode, and my head was banging like someone was repeatedly punching the back of my head.

"Language missy!" Sean scolded.

"Fuck off." I threw a pillow over my head, wishing he could shut up. I felt a side of my bed deepen, and I knew he was sitting next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned. I didn't want him to worry like he did before. I was happy I got my happy-go-lucky-homosexual brother back. I didn't want to take that from him... not again.

"Nothing, just went to a party last night and well..." I drifted off hoping he got the point.

"Ahh, I see. Just drink a lot of hot tea, and sleep it off. Kay?" He removed the pillow from my face, and kissed me on my forehead. I nodded slowly. "I will be back in a couple of hours, I'm meeting Louie." He smiled happily.

"Has it been a year yet?" I asked feeling happy as well. Louie was my brother's boyfriend, he was actually the best guy in the world. He made Sean so happy, I owed him everything.

"In a week." Sean squealed.

"Aww, have fun ya crazy kid." I pushed him off the bed. He started to walk to the door, but turned around.

"You should get yourself a man Est." He smiled devilishly.

"Ha. Funny joke." I rolled my eyes.

"Mom always-"

"Sean." My voice turned sharp and my throat tensed. His eyes softened, and I could see the guilt.

"I'm sorry Est... it slipped out." Sean apologized. I controlled my breathing and let it slide.

"Its fine Sean, have fun with Louie. Tell him I said hi." I smiled. He nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Now what am I going to do this fine Saturday?


The Vampire Diaries were turned up full volume, an empty plate of nachos was on the floor, and I was just finishing the last bag of plain Lays Chips.

In other words, today was good day. My headache was subsiding, and I felt at ease. The doorbell rang, and I hoped it was Sean because I texted him an hour ago to bring me ice cream. I muted the TV, and walked over to the front door.

I swung open the door and my smile only turned into a confused frown. Big blue orbs stared at my Spongebob Squarepants pajama pants.

"Hello...kid?" I questioned my eyesight when I saw a little boy, probably 6 or 7, smiling and standing on my front porch acting like he won a medal. "Um...can I help you?"

"Are you Ester Mayson?" He asked cutely.

"Yes." I answered.

"Then you can help me." He walked in to my house, and I looked at him weirdly as I closed my front door rushing after him.

"Woah there little guy," I pushed him toward the front door. "Why do you want my help?"

"Hello Ester Mayson. I am Charlie. I realized your reputation at James Field High School. I am in 4th grade, yes I know I am very adolescent, six years old to be exact, but my mind is not. We are assigned to do a project on something that you are curious about. I would like to make you my project." After being absolutely awed at this kids intelligence, I became confused.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You are interesting." He answered simply.

"W-well... how do you know my reputation?"

"My older brother has classes with you. Please, do not ask any more questions. Its a simple yes, or no." He asked getting agitated.

"Alright, alright... well I guess I have nothing better to do so-"

"Great! We will start immediately!" He made his way to the couch that slumped in the living room.

"Um... ok." I said awkwardly as I sat down across from him on the floor.

"Lets just start with the basic questions. What is your full name?" Charlie asked. He pulled out a blue notebook from his Superman backpack and a pen.

"Um, Esther Jane Mayson." I answered. He scribbled down violently.

"Good, How old are you?"

"Um, 17."

"Any hobbies?"

"Um, No..."

"Any interest?"

"Um, Food.. Um, T.V, Um-"


"U- I mean, Sorry." I replied sheepishly. He rubbed his temple with his index fingers.

"Okay... last question for the day, Family members?" I froze. I felt my throat tense up again, and my muscles were hard to move. Charlie snapped his fingers in my face.

"Earth to Esther?" He snapped.

"U- I mean, well. Sean. I have Sean. My brother." I said quickly.

"How abo-"

"Just Sean." I snapped. For a second he looked like a regular, terrified 6 year old. But this was Charlie, he cleared his throat, straightened out his navy blue blazer, and hopped off the couch.

"Thank you Ms. Mayson. I will come back in two days. Good day." Charlie left me with my mouth open as he walked himself out the house.

What just happened?


"And he just...left?" Dev asked as she put down the grey, v-neck on the shelf at the mall.

"Yup. Just like that." I snapped my fingers to describe Charlie.

"Okay, that is weird. But if it was a hot, college dude. No problem." She growled with her voice.

"No. Stop. Don't do that in public." I told her with a straight face.

"Bitch." She mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that!' I yelled.

"I said hitch! Like you and someone should totally get hitched!'

"Nice save." I turned around, but I didn't know there was a person behind me. So being the klutz I am, I hit the persons shopping bag over. "Oh shit! I am so sorry! I didn't know you were behind me," I bent down to pick up the stuff that dropped to the floor.

"No worries, its fine. On any account, I wasn't looking either." I looked up too see the brightest green eyes I have ever seen. One eye had a speck of brown in them, making me stare. Only after a minute I noticed I was being a creep and felt my face flush.

"No, seriously. This was my fault. I'm so sorry." I picked up the things and put them into his bag.

"Really its nothing to worry about." His smile shined, and my heart did a flip. "Jesse." I noticed he put his hand out, and I grasped it to shake.

"Esther." I smiled as I pulled my hand away.

"You don't go to St. Charles Private High School right?" He asked.

"No, I go James Field." I answered feeling dumb. Jesse was in a private high school, which meant he had money and was smart as hell.

You know how to pick them Esther.

"What a bummer, I would have noticed someone as beautiful as you." He smiled.

Oh, now I get it. He's a player. How convenient. .

"Well, aren't you just a Romeo?" I played back.

"Only if you are Juliet." He smirked.

"Sorry Romeo, I'm more of a Rosaline." I smirked back.

"Witty. I like it."

"I've been told."

"Same here." We both looked over at Dev who was smiling like a fool. I couldn't help but laugh at her overly-excited face.

"That's Dev, my best girl." I introduced. "This is Jesse." I told Dev.

"Hey babe." She licked her lips and smiled. We both broke down laughing, besides Jesse who had a shocked look on his face.

"Its been fun, but I got to go." I winked, grabbed Dev's arm, and left the store we were in.

I always feel bad about playing a player, but in the end its just hella funny. I felt a tug in my stomach though, after I left Jesse. Something told me to go back, but I ignored it. I don't listen to my gut anymore.

Dev and I walked to the food court. My favorite part of the whole mall. Don't get me wrong, I love clothes and all, but food just rises above that immensely.

I got Master Wok while Dev got Wendy's. We found a table and sat down, putting our bags underneath the table.

In the middle of eating Dev looks down at her fries, and sighs loudly. After stuffing my mouth with chicken, I looked up at her worried.

"MUshv Wroasgs?" I asked.

"Chew Est. Chew like a human." She urged. I narrowed my eyes at her, but swallowed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked clearly. She avoided my eyes, and that's when I knew something was wrong. Really wrong.

"Well... I know you're going to be furious with me. And I understand why, but I have to tell you. Its eating me alive." She fiddled with her necklace.

"Fuck Dev, what did you do?" I felt my heart clench, and my anxiety rise.

"I was so drunk at that party, really I was. But the kiss with... you know who... was-"

"Don't. Don't tell me you have feeling for him." My hard voice returned.

"Esther! I can't even describe the kiss! It was- It was the best kiss I ever had! It was electrifying amazing." She held her heart like she actually as in love with the guy.

"Are you fucking shitting me?"

"That's not possible. You can't shit me I-"

"DEV! I'm not fucking kidding! Didn't you learn anything from my mistakes? He is a ruthless bastard, who plays with girls hearts. You! You of all people taught me that! Now look at you, wooing over him like every other desperate girl." My words were twisted with so much hate, I scared myself.

"You don't know how it feels Est. You wouldn't understand! You-"

"Save it for someone who cares Dev." I pushed my chair back and stormed out of the mall.

How could she? How could she do this to me. She was the reason why I hate him. Now she's contradicting herself! She taught me how to hate, and how to be the bitch I am today. I had control in my life, and now she ruined it. She ruined everything I believe in.

This is his fault. This is all that fucking bastards fault. When I see him, I will do more than punch him in his nose again. Roman Quinn took my adolescent from me, my ignorance, and my best friend.

Roman Quinn is Dead.

Because of my rant in my head, I didn't look when I crossed the road. I heard a screech and my head snapped to two head lights. On instinct, I put my hands out, but tripped over my feet. On the ground, I put my hands up waiting for the impact.

I'm coming Mom and Dad. I'm coming.

"WHAT THE HELL MAYSON?" Just by hearing the rough, voice of him my blood boiled violently. My eyes snapped open to see the boy I needed to kill.

"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" I screamed as I pulled myself off the ground. My legs were still wobbly, but I couldn't show weakness in front of me.



"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY MAYSON? I'M SORRY? BECAUSE THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!" Roman yelled back. I stepped toward him, only then did I notice the bandage on his nose and how swollen it was.

"I don't expect someone like you to apologize. Nice nose by the way."  I smirked.

"Good, cause I never will to someone like you. Especially, because you broke my nose." He spat.

"You want to know why I broke your nose Quinn?" I stepped forward, causing him to step back.

"Enlighten me, Mayson."


"Really? Well, she is hot. I guess I could just bang her. Her voice is annoying." Roman smirked.

"THAT'S IT!" I exasperated. I took a broken piece of metal from the concrete, and hit his right side mirror clean off.

"HOLY SHIT. MAYSON! PUT THE STICK DOWN!" Roman's eye were wide, and scared.


"This is for kissing Dev!" I hit his other mirror clean off. "This is for making her like you!" I hit his car door, leaving a dent.


"And this is for me. All those years. Each and every fucking day. This is for me." I smashed his windshield, spraying broken glass all other the floor and the front of the car.

"JESUS CHRIST ESTHER!" Roman ran a hand through his hair. I turned to him, with the metal stick facing his chest.

"I'm not that helpless girl anymore Quinn. This isn't your town anymore. Its mine. You aren't the only bad ass here. I'm not afraid of you. And to be honest," I went to his ear, "I'm even worse than you." I dropped the metal stick on the ground, leaving a clang.

I walked away from the mall.

I never felt so alive.

Sorry Quinn, there is a new bad ass in town.

And its me.



I am trying to make updates longer for you guys!

I still haven't got any videos for the contest so that's makes continued sad :(

Anyway- I think I am going to start an "Ask the author" thing. Where you guys can ask me anything about myself, or the story. Idk seems like a good idea. I left a lot of mystery in this book still.

Anyway! This chapter is dedicated to @heyhey4321 for commenting and voting for my story.

I ALSO want to bring up my favorite person ever. She wrote me the best comment and she is actually perfect! You guys should really follow her! @SamanthaWigston !

I hope you guys liked the update!

What do you think will happen next?

What do you think of Charlie?

How about Dev and Roman together?

Thanks guys! I love you soo much :**

~xx continued

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