Before The Storm

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 I heard the loud, piercing scream of my last victim of the day. My body filled with bliss as I heard her scream my name throughout the hallways of James Field High School.

"Esther!" Stacie Heming screamed again, as she walked out of the art room filled with multi-colored paint all over her body, and glue on her once beautiful long, blonde hair.

Not anymore.

"You repulsive cow!" Stacie screamed. The rest of the nosy students silenced to see the amazing show before them.

"I see you found a new vocabulary word. Well done, even I'm impressed." I smirked as I mocked clapped her.

"When I'm done with you-"

"Oh, that won't be necessary because we're already done here." I smiled. She opened her mouth to say something but I raised my hand to silence her. "Just remember that I told you what I was going to do. But yet, you still continued to talk about me. So, this is just sweet revenge." I stepped closer to her, so she can feel the venom from my words. "Let me hear one more rumor about me, and I will come for you. But this time, I won't hold back." I whispered in her ear. She shivered under my shadow, and scurried away. I laughed to myself as she ran into the girls bathroom. Everyone's eyes were still on me. "You want something?" In seconds, the hallway was a deserted wasteland.

"Well, that was something." I whipped around to smell the scent of pine, cigarettes and mint. Amused grey eyes shined, and dark, shaggy, brown hair filled my vision. His hands we're in his low, dark jeans, and his muscled chest puffed out of his white t-shirt, and black leather jacket. His smirk made me tense up.

"You." I glared.

"Me." He smiled.

The one person who could piss me off in a split second, the person who was the sole reason I am who I am today was leaning against on of the navy blue lockers.

The atomic bomb just exploded in my life.

And his name is Roman Quinn.


"Why the fuck is Roman Quinn back here?" I dropped my tray down at my table. My best friend/ partner in crime, Dev Tullio, coughed out her pasta.

"What?!" She said when she finally stopped dying.

"The devil is back." I said again as I sat down next to her.

"How? When? Why?" She sputtered out.

"Dev, breathe. I don't know why he got out of Juvie early, or why the hell he is back here, but I don't like it. Not at all." I gritted my teeth.

"Well...what are you going to do?" She asked quietly as if he was listening to us. I looked down at my plate of pasta, losing my appetite.

"I don't know. I wasn't expecting him to come back." I said at the same volume. She put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it slightly.

"You will find a way, I promise. He won't hurt you again." She said. I felt the uneasy feeling in my stomach again, and I hoped it would stop.

I was aware for the rest of the day. I looked over my shoulder, and snarled at some people who got in my way. But other than that, Roman was no where.

Maybe I just imagined him.

He probably is still in Juvie, and I'm still safe.

I walked to my all black mustang at the far part of the parking lot. I was going to drive Dev home, but she had a Student Council meeting. I opened the door my car, and threw my bag into the back as I slid into the front seat. I took a breath and the car started with a roar. I was so happy it was Friday.

"Whats in your bag, it weighs a ton." My screamed and my head whipped around to see the amused grey eyes.

"What the hell are you doing in my car?!" I yelled.

"The door was open. And I don't have a ride, so I thought one of my good friends could drive me home." He relaxed in the back and closed his eyes.

"I am not your fucking friend. Now get the hell out of my car." My blood was boiling with fury.

"Come on Est, we have such a history." He replied.

"Really? Because trying to kill each other is not the kind of history I look back on." I spat. "Why the hell are you even here?"

"I told you, the car door was open." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"No asshole, I mean back here. In Ohio, in this school." I said.

"I'm lucky. Juvie couldn't handle me, so they sent me back in this lovely place." His sarcasm sent chills down my neck.

"Great, now you can go back." I said quickly.

"Just drive me home Est, its not that far away." He pushed.

"If its not that far away, you can walk." I pushed back. "And my name is Esther, not Est, okay?" His hearty laugh filled my ears.

"Wow, I don't remember you having as much confidence as before." The feeling in my stomach came back.

"Just fuck off Roman." I said, knowing my loss.

"Can't do that babe." He smiled. By the word babe I cringed. "I'm back and you can't change that."

Watch me.

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