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I pushed my way through the sweaty, horny bodies of random people until I got to my destination. 

"EMMET GET OFF THE DAMN TABLE!" I screamed, my voice feeling hoarse as I tried to be louder than the booming music. 

"DON'T CHA WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE ME!" Emmet swayed his hips to the music, screaming out the music tone deathly. 

"EMMET!" I continued to yell. Emmet sloppily pulled his shirt off, making all the girls around him swoon. 

"DON'T CHA WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS A FREAK LIKE ME!" I pulled myself onto the table, took Emmets arms and pulled him down to the ground. "Aww, why you gotta be like that?" He pouted, but laughed loudly. 

"You are such a ferret." I grumbled as I tried to pull him off of the ground. 

"I AM NOT A FERRET!" He yelled, but it turned into another cackle. I walked him over to a secluded area and put him down on the couch. He instantly laid down and started singing the ABC's. 

"Drunk already?" A rough, amused voice that sent chills down my body. I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Yup, it has to be a record though. Its only been 15 minutes." I turned around to see a very amused Roman, with his hands in his black jeans. He looked so good tonight, with his grey shirt hugging his body in all the right places. 

"He's such a ferret." He laughed stepping toward us. 

"I... AM NOT," Emmet laughed uncontrollably, "A FERRET!" He finally finished. 

Roman tugged on my waist, so I fell back into his chest. I felt my body tingle, and I turned to face him with a large smile on my face. 

"Are you having fun?" I asked. This was the biggest party we have been too yet. All week the boys and I have been going to graduation parties and this was the best one yet. It was at some jock's house, I knew that Roman knew whoever is throwing this party but I just forgot to care. I planned on getting drunk, until the idiots told me that I'm on Emmet duty for tonight because they have been on Emmet duty the previous nights. 

"I'm on Ferret duty, do you think I'm having fun." I rolled my eyes at his idiotic question. Roman's laugh filled my ears and it had to be the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. 

"Sorry I asked." He chuckled. He pulled me closer to him, making our chest touch, and my breath hitched in my throat. He was so close that the tip of his nose was touching mine, and I suddenly forgot to breathe. "Maybe... I can make it better." His voice was a low whisper. 

"Maybe," I teased. His smile grew, and he closed the space between us. I don't think I will ever get used to Roman's kisses. There the kind that makes you buckle at the knees, and you loose all feeling in your fingers. His lips were so soft, I swear I was addicted. Our lips moved in sync, and I could feel him intoxicating me. I pulled back slowly, knowing that if he kept on kissing me I would surely die of pleasure. 

We stayed still for a little, catching our breaths, leaving our foreheads touching, and hoping that our lips weren't numb anymore. 

"It's Friday you know." He mumbled, eyes still closed. I sighed, and nodded my head knowing he could feel my answer. 'You're leaving on Sunday, and I Monday." He said a little softer. 

"I know." I mumbled back. His grip on my waist tightened, as if he never wanted to let me go.

"Come with me." He pleaded, his voice sounding heartbreaking. 

"I need to do this Roman... you know I would come with you, but I have to find out,-"

"Who you are, I understand." He finished for me. "I just wish... I wish I could have spent more time with my beautiful girlfriend." 

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