Finding Esther

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*kind of edited*

**kind of important chapter**

***i love you***

****okay read now***


 It's only been two days since Sean and Louis left for London, and I was so close from running on a plane right after them. 

I think you have the wrong idea, the boys, they aren't burning down the house, or throwing wild parties, or anything really. They are all staying at my house, looking after me; watching out if I faint because of my head injury, or if I damage my ankle any more. I could now walk on it, but only just a little. 

With them being civilized is driving me insane. I never knew I wanted them to act juvenile, but I wished they did. They acted too... normal. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" Roman asked while we were sitting watching the new Superman movie Frank got for Movie Night Monday. The only juvenile thing they did was skip school to stay with me. I was so close to exploding. 

"No, I'm fine." I said through clenched teeth. 

"Is everything okay killer? You sound tense?" Frank asked, looking away from the screen toward me. 

"No, no. I'm fine." I pushed. 

"Is your ankle hurting again? How about your head? Do you want more Advil or-" 

"OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled finally snapping. 

"I think I should go get that Advil now." Emmet whispered. 

"EMMET I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU MOVE I WILL CASTRATE YOU!" He squealed and sat down quickly, hiding behind a pillow. "What is with you guys! You all are acting... weird!" 

"I thought you wanted us to not ruin your house?" Kyle asked, confused like the rest. 

"I do! But at least act like yourselves! It makes me feel...ugh just act normal. Where are the boys I fell in love with?" I scratched behind my head, trying not to sound sappy. 

"AWE ROME YOU HEAR THAT! SHE SAID SHE LOVED US!" Emmet ran over, and suffocated me in a giant hug. All I could do was hug back because Emmet's hugs were like sunshine. 

"I told you guys she would notice." Roman leaned back, and crossed his arms over his chest acting all high and mighty. 

"Kyle said we should be good for the week because we thought you would be sad because you didn't go to London." Frank confessed. 

"Guys," I sighed. "I love that you would do that for me, but I told you. I'm going to London anyway afterwards, I rather stay with all of you. You guys... you guys are my family." I mumbled trying not to sound cheesy. 

"My baby, she's growing up." I looked at all their faces and backed away slowly. 

"No." I put my hands up. 

"Oh yes." Roman had a glint in his eyes.

"GROUP HUG!" The ferret yelled. Suddenly, I am smelling boy sweat mixed with Old Spice. 

"AIR! I NEED AIR!" I tried pushing them all off, but it was no use, so I just laughed. They all eased up and sat back down on the couch. I stood up, and limped to the bathroom. 

"Where are you going?" Roman asked quickly. 

"Chill mom, the bathroom." I laughed as I slipped into the guest bathroom. I sighed as I looked into the mirror. I was just wearing an old grey zoo t-shirt, and black sweatpants. I didn't feel like I had to dress up around the boys, but then I looked at my eyes. 

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