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It was party season here in James Field High School. More importantly, it's senior party season.

Which means the best, and hottest parties are happening on the weekend, and if you're not invited, your social status just plummeted.

Thankfully, I never missed a party... well after Sophomore year.

Now that I'm a senior, I know that this year will be great. Even if that means if Roman Quinn is in my life again, he won't ruin my last year here.

"Ferrah Clides party is this Saturday. Are we ditching or hosting?" Dev smirked knowing about our bad habits to go crazy at parties.

Even though all of the school fears me, they know that I am the best party animal ever. Your party is not a party until I'm there. Fact.

"Hosting." I smiled. Dev and I are always invited to the best parties. We both have this tradition; if there is a worthy party worth hosting, we host even if its not our party. When there is a lame party, we ditch. Pretty simple. "I heard it was the biggest party this year." A thrill of excitement dispersed into my blood.

"What if he's there?" Dev asked as she walked me to my math class.

"Who cares? Anyway, I would be too drunk to know either." I waved goodbye when I walked into my class.  This was the only part of the year (Spring) when people actually talked to me and weren't as afraid of me. It was because they knew that if a good party was going to be thrown, I would be there, and be happy.

I am nicer when I'm happy.

"Hey! Esther, sit next to us! We are going to talk about Ferrah's party!" I smiled at Vivian, and her girl group as I headed over to the seat near them.

"I heard that her parents are away for two months, so every single kind of drug, and alcoholic drink will be there." Grace, one of Vivian's friends, said happily.

"I actually can't wait, this is almost going to be as amazing as Brian Harry's party last year." Vivian said.

"I'm sorry girls, but that party was the best party of all time." I smiled remembering. I was beyond drunk that night, and all I could remember was kissing this really hot college guy, crowd surfing, jello shots, and the blast of the music. Best. Party. Ever, hands down.

"That is true, rumors are saying that this one is going to be better." Grace spoke.

"I'll bet on that." I looked at Grace who was also a party animal, but not as much as I am.


"You look smoking hot." Dev mouth dropped when I came out of the closet.

"You think its too much?" I asked as I walked to the mirror. I placed my curly, long, black hair into a high ponytail making my face look more defined. I added a smoky eye effect to my eyes, and a tint of red lipstick. I wore black shorts, and a navy blue top that had no back. But I was still wearing a black bra. I hated heels, so I just slipped don my black combat boots to finish it off. 

"Fuck no." Dev was wearing long, super skinny pants to show off her killer soccer legs, and a strapless pink top. She did have the best body, and hair, and face... and just everything. Dev taught me everything she knew, and that is why I am like this today. She made me strong, and for that, I am always in her gratitude.

"Ready?" I asked. She didn't even have to answer.


We pulled up to the booming mansion in my baby. Ferrah wasn't only gorgeous, she was also rich as a shit load of gold bricks. She was one of those nice ones. Dev and I strutted to the front door and knocked on it once. After hearing a few crashes, the door opened and a hot blonde guy came into my vision.

"Welcome." He said musky, as he eye undressed Dev and I. I smirked and walked in, along the way I tapped his chin to keep his eyes away from my chest.

Playing guys are so easy.

Once we stepped inside, the whole house dark. The only light source from the colorful strobe lights. The music pounded into my blood, and I could feel my stomach yearning for some alcohol. I tugged Dev toward the kitchen and stole a bottle of vodka. I popped open the cap and chugged down half of it, while Dev drank the other half.

We wanted to get drunk, and fast.

In seconds my head began to feel light as air, and fuzzy. The music seemed much louder, and my heart felt more at will. I wanted to fly. The music was a siren, and I whipped Dev to the dance floor. My body swayed to the music and I closed my eyes letting myself drown into the glorious night.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist and I turned around to see the blonde guy from the door. Because of the close distance, I could really take a look at his face. He had a strong jaw, and rough blonde hair. His eyes were a hazy green, and his lips were pink like cotton candy.

"I'm Jason." He breathed into my ear.

"Esther." I replied back with a giggle.


"Shh," I put my finger to his lips. "No...talking." My words slurred but he did what I said. We started to dance very close, until we were chest to chest. His ragged breath, made me confident and I pushed my lips onto his.

His lips tasted like cotton candy. As the kiss deepened, I put my arms around his neck, and he pushed me to a wall. His trail of kisses fell down my neck, and I moaned in pleasure. I opened my eyes too see the window in front of me. The square was turning from a circle to a square and I laughed. Suddenly, the window formed into a square and I saw two people making out. I was just about to turn my head, when I saw a bright pink shirt.


I tried to focus onto the window but I felt a hand at the hem of my shorts, and under my shirt. I put my arms on his arms and pushed him off.

"Not today buddy." I pushed him off of me, but he held my shoulders hard and stuck his tongue down my throat. I bit down hard and he pulled back immediately. "Fuck off!" I yelled, as I wiped my tongue. I stomped out of the back door.

Once outside, I noticed how heavy I was breathing. I felt something wet on my face and brought my hand up. I wiped from under my eye and felt tears coming down.

I'm crying?

I shook my head, and wiped my eyes. I headed over to where I saw Dev. I wanted to leave. Now. I turned the corner to see Dev making out with some dude in all black. I didn't want to interrupt, but I wasn't really thinking straight right now.

I marched up to them and tapped her shoulder.


I tapped harder.


I coughed obnoxiously loud.


"DEV!" I yelled. They both pulled apart and a gasp escaped my lips.

I'm drunk. I'm drunk. It has to be because of the alcohol.

'WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed furious.

Roman had a smug look on her face, while Dev looked like a deer in headlights. "Hi." Roman wiped his mouth with his long sleeve.

"WHAT THE HELL QUINN? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" To say I was furious was an understatement.

I was going to kill him.

"What are you talking about Mayson?" He asked like this was the most naturalist thing in the world.


"To save any drama, she was the one that came to me." He smirked. I wanted to rip that smirk off his fucking face.


"Hey! Watch it Mayson!" His voice rose.

"Watch what Quinn! Please tell me to watch out for? You need to watch it Quinn, because I WILL KILL YOU!' I pushed him back again, but he caught my wrist in his grasp.

"I just stuck my tongue down her throat. Big deal?" His eyes were pitch black.

"THAT IS A BIG DEAL YOU FUCKING IMBECILE!" I screamed trying to pry my wrist back, but failing. "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH HERE?"

"Well, its obvious isn't it?" He smiled.

"What? Fucking what?" My voice dropped menacingly low.

"Pissing you off." He whispered.

I don't know if it was because I was seriously intoxicated, but I broke. Not snapped, but I split in two.

I pushed all my body weight onto him and tackled him to the ground. He was so surprised, that his grip on my wrist loosened and I started to punch him in the chest. I yelled profanities at him, but he grabbed both of my arms, spun me over, and pinned me to the ground.

"Get the fuck off of me you obese ass." I spat in his face. Literally, I spit on his face. Roman was revolted and wiped the spit off his cheek with the back of his hand.

"You are a psychotic bitch!" His voice was ragged.

"And you can go back to hell!" My voice was breathless.

"At least you aren't there.' His voice was laced in venom.

"Oh fuck off Quinn. We both know you are a fucking asshole, so you don't have to admit it."

"Jesus Christ Mayson, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you a fucking, crazy, ugly, worthless piece of shit?"

My chest tightened and I did something I never thought I would do.

I gave up.

"Get off of me Quinn." My voice was strong. It was plain, it was unrecognizable.


"Get the fuck off of me." My voice gained its strength, and confusion filled Roman's eyes. He lifted his weight off of me, and I pushed him fully off. I brushed the dirt off of me and headed over to Dev who was still in shock. "Come on Dev, we're going home." I said quietly.

I heard Roman walk next to me. "Dev, maybe we could do this another time?" I heard the amused bastard in his voice and my blood boiled like never before. I whipped around, and before Roman could react I punched him straight in the nose.

"Hey Quinn, maybe you could go fuck yourself sometime?" His groaning filled my ears with glory and Dev and I walked back to my car.

Roman sobered me up pretty quickly, so I was able to drive us home.

Defiantly not better than Brian's party.


"Shut the fuck up Dev." I snapped on the phone.

"You don't know how sorry I am!" She cried on the other side of the line.

"Really shut up. You apologized over a million times. I forgive you, it wasn't your fault Dev. You were shit drunk." I said for the millionth time.

"I know, but I kissed Roman Quinn. You should feel bad for me." She finally said.

"I do. I really do. You're lucky I beat his ass." I smiled into the phone remembering the best memory I ever had.

"I still can't believe that you fucking broke his nose. You seriously are my idol now." Dev laughed on the other side.

"It felt really good. After all those years... I needed it." I said more to myself than her.

"I know babe... and I'm really proud of you. I'm so proud of you." Dev was silent on the other side.

"Dev... Th-"

"Hey! What did I say about thanking me! You don't have to thank me, you were already who you are before. You just needed that little push." I heard her smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


AWW BEST FRIEND MOMENT.  This chapter was to show the true relationship of Dev and Esther, sorry about the lack of Quinn/Mayson romance.

Sorry if the fight scene was suckish, this was my first time writing one. Give me feedback and tell me what I should improve on!

You guys are amazing! I love each and every comment you guys give me, and all the wonderful people I meet.

Shout out to the best person who ever walked this earth- the beautiful @SamanthaWigston !
Let me tell you about this awesome chick- she voted and commented on EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER I HAVE WRITTEN ON THIS STORY! So! She is flipping fantastic! That is this chapter is dedicated to her <3

SO! You know the drill! Comment & Vote = Dedication on next chapter!

********* IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! ***********


I was wondering if anyone had the precious time in making my book "The Bad Boy vs The Bad Girl' a Book Trailer.

So! - You could email or message me the trailer or give me the link when done, and I will pick the winner by The first day of June!

the deadline for the videos to be in by is this Friday!! 5/24!

Here are your prizes!



\*YOU GET TO BE A CHARACTER IN MY STORY. (details given to winner)

SOOO- Good Luck everyone! And make the best bad boy/ bad girl trailer you can make :)

I love you all <3

~xx continued

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