Honorable Villain

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A warmth spread through my hand, and made its way to my arm. It was soothing, and gentle. 

"Esther." A voice whispered in my ear. The hot air made my body shiver. "Esther." The voice was still gentle, but I was slightly shaken. My eyelids just couldn't open, it felt too good closed. "Esther... wake up." Reluctantly, my eye's fluttered open to see stormy, grey eyes. 

And I swear I saw actual storms in them. 

"Esther.' His voice was soft, and my ears still couldn't hear clearly. "I never knew someone could fall asleep on a motorcycle." I felt him laugh, and the warmness was back. 

What the hell are you doing!? 

My eyes widened and I jerked my arms back with so much force I almost fell off the bike, until warm hands grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. 

"Jesus Esther. Are you trying to get yourself killed?" His voice was soft, but with a certain sternness. I opened my mouth to protest, but words only came out as air. I closed my mouth and slipped my wrist out of his grasp. I jumped off the parked motorcycle, and noticed we were back at his house. I ran a stiff hand through my hair and took a deep breath. I could feel his penetrating gaze on me, and it made me squirm. 

"Sorry. Uh- thanks for the ride." I stumbled. 

"You're welcome." He answered. My stomach did flips just like the last time I was at his house. He was actually nice and civilized. Then he fucks it up by being an asshole.  

I nodded and walked over to my car. I was about to open my door, when I felt air behind my neck. I spun around to see Roman behind me, with his hands in his pocket. He looked troubled. 

"I know I should apologize... but I- I don't really...I mean- I know but- I ...I just," He ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Esther, I'm sorry." I could feel my heart stop beating. "I was a fucked up kid. And I took it out on you. You didn't deserve that. But I wasn't lying when I said that you were an easy target. You were, and I guess that's why I hurt you. I still don't like you, but I can't help but feel this fucking guilt eating me alive." His voice was shaky, and unsure. "I really am sorry. I'm not asking you to forgive me, because you sure as hell wont. But I'm asking if we could have a truce. Like you said... I'm tired too." His eyes kept a hold on my eyes, daring me to lash out at him. But I couldn't. 

To be honest, when he came back, all I really wanted was for him to apologize. But then he pulled pranks on me, and then I just wanted revenge. I knew that he wouldn't truly apologize...well I thought I knew. Now that he did apologize, I was speechless. 

Yea... me speechless. 

I could still feel the burning hate I have for him, but then it was filled with curiosity. I wanted to know more. 

"Please say something so I don't look like a complete idiot." His voice cracked with pleading. 

Then I said something without thinking. 

"I forgive you." I found myself saying softly only the air in front of me could hear. I looked straight into Roman's eyes. "I forgive you." I said louder. His eyes widened and then I knew that I made him speechless. "I still hate you, and I haven't forgiven you fully, but I am able to put the past away. I just really want to know what made you?" 

"Made me what?" 

"Made you so angry that you had to take it out on me." I explained, feeling scared for his answer. I saw his jaw clench and his knuckles turn white. 

"Nothing." I looked at him weirdly, and tried to figure him out. I was usually good at it, but with him I just find myself dumbfounded. 

What is it about him that I just don't understand? 

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