My Idiots

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My head was reeling and I was still figuring out if it was the good kind or not. 

I kissed Roman Quinn. 

I touched my lips to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I even punched myself a few times just in case. How the hell did it get to here? First I can't stand to look at him, and now we're... we're... oh well I don't know what we are. And I don't think I want to know, or do I?

God, everything seems so different now. Colors seem more vibrant, music seems more alive, smells seem more delicious... WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME? 

After Roman walked me home, and might I just say that the walk was pin drop silent, I opened the door to my house, walked past the confused boys, and locked myself in my room. Now they are probably asking Roman what happened, and then they will come knocking on my door until I open it too. 

Which leads me to the reason why I am in my bathroom, hiding in the shower.

I think better in here alright!

So where was my train of thought... oh yes. Roman Quinn. 

I guess I like him... okay I like him. A lot. But what about Blake? I like him too. A lot. Except, Blake walked out on me, well technically Roman walked out on me too. My mind is hurting and I can't seem to make it stop. 

Okay, Esther... think. What do you know? 

I know that I like Roman, a lot. I don't know where that started, but I'm positive I started liking him that day at the lake. 

I know I like Blake, a lot. I started liking him since the day I met him. But not as much as I like Roman. 

They both have a future, while I don't. I face palmed myself and groaned. 

This thinking thing, isn't working out the way I planned it too. 

Wait! The kiss, maybe something could tell me about that. Kissing Blake was sweet, it made me feel happy for the first time, for a long time. Kissing Roman was exciting, I felt on edge and free. 

Crap. Being a girl is hard. 

I heard a knock at the door and multiple voices speak at once. They kept on banging on it, until one of them called the other an idiot and opened my bedroom door. I imagined them looking around and asking where I was. I think I heard Emmet say that I ran away. 

Such a cute idiot. 

"How about her bathroom?" I heard Frank ask. Dammit Frank, why are you so smart? I heard them walk to the bathroom and try the door. Good thing I locked it. "Killer, open the door." He fiddled with the doorknob. Ya, like that would make it unlock. 

"Come on baby, open the door." Emmet pushed. 

"Esther, please." My heart jumped at the sound of Roman's voice. Why does he have this effect on me?  

"I-I can't!" I yelled, hoping they would leave me alone. 

"Why not?" Frank asked. 

"I'm thinking!" I answered. I heard murmuring, and then a loud bang.


"WHAT THE HELL ARE  YOU DOING?" I yelled, getting up from my corner. 

"Trying to come in." Emmet said like it wasn't a big deal. 

"Can a girl get her own damn privacy?" I yelled back, clenching my teeth. Behind the door was silence, as if they were really trying to answer the question. 

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