One Day It Will All Fade

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***There was a stupid glich sorry**

** Re-cap**

"Esther what the hell?" Dev shoved me against the wall.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You kissed Roman! How dare you!" Dev was fuming, steam was sprouting out her ears.

"Dev I have no fucking idea what you're talking about!" I yelled.

"You bitch." She spat. I felt a throbbing heat envelop my cheek, and I realized she slapped me. "I never want to see your face again whore!"

**30 Minutes Earlier** 

A deep bass filled my ears, and vibrated my body. I thought this was supposed to be a birthday party, not a rave. 

Roman's parents stayed for an hour, then, them along with his younger siblings left, letting Dev invite everyone from our school to show up. 

Yes, you're right. I should probably be on top of the table right now, pissed drunk, singing along to a horrible pop song, and swaying my hips. But no. I'm in the corner, with a red solo cup untouched, and watching Dev have people take body shots off of her. 

What the hell happened to her? When did we drift apart? I didn't even realize that we both became totally different people. Where did we go wrong? 

She was supposed to stay back one year, and we would go traveling. We made a deal, one year ago. We would both take a gap year before college to travel the world. She was supposed to be with me forever. 

Forever. Ha, bullshit. 

I took my untouched cup, and drowned the contents that was in it. It was just one cup, and because of my high tolerance of alcohol, I was still pretty sober. I sighed deeply, and pushed through sweaty, horny, teenagers to get to the bar. 

"KILLLLERRR!" I felt a sweaty arm around my shoulders. I turned my head to the side to see Kyle, totally drunk. 

"Hey Kyle." I laughed at his droopy face. 

"Why you no have fun?" He hiccuped. 

"Ehh, not feeling a party today." I answered. 

"Come on! Roman was telling me all about how you are the total party animal." He smiled foolishly. 

"Oh did he? Well, he is right. But not right now okay?" I replied with a fake frown. 

"Killer! I'm not happy, if you're not happy." He frowned to himself, and suddenly I was seeing his butt. 

Kyle grabbed my waist and, threw me over his shoulder. 

"KYLE! WHAT THE HELL! GET ME DOWN!" I yelled, as I hit his back. 

"Hush killer." I felt him laugh. I grumbled and sighed in defeat. "BOYS! WE HAVE A BUZZ KILL ON OUR HANDSS!" Kyle yelled as he hiccuped again. I screamed as I was thrown onto the couch. 

"You're an asshole." I glared at Kyle, only for him to smile his drunk smile back at me. 

"Whaa? Why you sad killer?" Emmet pulled me close to him. 

"I'm not sad! I'm just... not feeling this party." I confessed. I crossed my arms hating the feeling of pity. 

"Awww! ROME! FRANK! KILLER IS NOT HAPPY!" Emmet yelled into my ear. I quickly covered my ears and groaned again. 

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