Birthday Boys

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Wow. What the hell continued? Having an authors note at the beginning of your story? What the heck? 

yes yes, here I am! BEHOLD. (I'm like reallly reallly sugar high right now) Okay well, yes yes this story is getting really known with the views and I just want to say thank you so much everyone. We are so close to 1000 views and when we get there, I promise to tell you my name... MY REAL NAME! I am not going to be a secret anymore, just wanted to give you guys something to work up too! ALSO: a plot plot plot twist for the 1000 view! And a dedication! AND Promotion! Yes, look at me giving giving giving. 

BEfore you guys scroll pass this absurd authors note, I just want to thank the person who gave me the dedication to this story. to be honest, I really never ever complete my works but I just want to give a special special dedication and promotion (yes you are on my profile page) @SamanthaWigston or just Sam. She really made me want to continue this story, so I am dedicating this whole (YES WHOLE) story to her. She is truly amazing, and I cant tell you enough how much she helped me. 

Okay, chessy chessy me. Happy readings :) 


Birthday Boys


"Esther what the hell?" Dev shoved me against the wall.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You kissed Roman! How dare you!" Dev was fuming, steam was sprouting out her ears.

"Dev I have no fucking idea what you're talking about!" I yelled.

"You bitch." She spat. I felt a throbbing heat envelop my cheek, and I realized she slapped me. "I never want to see your face again whore!"


Dev was going crazy. No, not like regular crazy, but girlfriend crazy.

And I was starting to get sick of it.

"Esther!" She yelled.

"What?" I said quietly, rubbing my temple.

"What am I going to get Roman? He's turning 19 today, and I really have no idea!" Dev fell on my bed, putting her head in her hands.

"I don't know, he's your boyfriend." I said easily, not really caring.

"I know, but what would he really want? I want him to love what I get him." Dev explained.

"Then make something worth it." I answered.

"Please help me! Ask him what he wants! That's it, be my spy!" Dev jumped up from the bed.

"Dev I really don't-"

"Oh please please please please! I will love you forever and make you cookies and braid your hair and oh just please Est!" Dev was in her knees begging.

"Alright Dev! Fine..." I rubbed my eyes. I still wasn't feeling well, and Ive been feeling down lately. I don't know if it has to do with Dev going all 'girlfriend extreme', or Sean and Louis always not being here, or how I have no idea what I want to do in my life. I feel like everything is spiraling out of control and all I can do is watch.

"I'm leaving to get his house ready. See ya later babe! Don't forget, call him to get him out of the house and bring him over here!" I said something that sounded like a yes, and she walked out.

God, I need to get out of here.

I grabbed my phone and went down to the name of 'Dickhead' and pressed it. It rung three times until the line picked up.

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