Chapter 3

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>>>Brandon on the right side

Chapter 3

Usually, I'm not a heavy sleeper and if I am it includes: me, a bed, and a pillow. All of which I have. Then again, when somebody knocks on your door you tend to wakeup..

"Go away!" I yelled at the person on the other side of the door, throwing a pillow in the process and putting my head deeper in the covers. I'm basking in Queen bed glory, my sleep time. I feel exhausted. I look over at the clock on the bedside table and almost have a heart attack; it big bright red letters, much to my distaste, it reads: 3: 21 pm. As soon as I was interrupted, I felt my stomach growl and the need to use the restroom.

"Ugh!" I groaned rolling over onto my back and staring at the ceiling. I managed to get up onto my elbows and look around, Motels always have the best rooms, at least the ones all over the country do. I was in a motel in Louisiana once and I kept getting bit by mosquitoes, found out later I left a window open. So, I guess it wasn't their fault..

"Somebody is grumpy in the morning." I heard the amused voice of Hunter on the other side of the door and reality shot me in the head of what I was supposed to do today. So much for gradually settling into a new town. 

I groaned and got up to open the door, I sighed when all four of them were on the otherside and the twins were checking out my car. 

"Room service?" I smirked and smiled leaning against the door and yawning. 

"You know, maybe she is not fit to drive." Hunter was now looking over at Brandon who was studying me, only then do I realise I sleep in an over-sized shirt.

"Like what you see?" I asked and laughed at his expression. He went into all serious mode, and turned to Hunter.

"Maybe, but she did just wakeup." Brandon shrugged. "We could always get one of the twins to drive her car.." He trailed off waiting for my reaction while the twins both raised their hands. 

"Haha, you're funny. No, just let me get an hour long shower and then I'll be ready to go." I shut the door in their face before they could say anything and smiled in spite of their groans and complaints. 

Just like I promised I got out of the shower an hour later, I don't usually take an hour but they didn't know that. It did give me some extra time to think. I wonder if I could escape..

No, They are all waiting for me by my car. If I do escape then I have no transportation and heaven knows what will happen to my car, plus I'm in a town that I barely know. Looks like I'm meeting this 'Alpha' weither I like it or not. I don't even know what an Alpha is.. I know by deffinition that in the animal kingdom they are the leaders of their packs, but that's all I know. I guess it's the same considering he is a werewolf, key term 'wolf'.

I finished getting ready dressing in my usual attire. Jean shorts and a black tanktop with my black and white converses. I'm used Bright colors were traditional to Shaolin Monks but those who were trained were to blend into the background.

Those who are quiet but intelligent; insuring peace and tranquility dress the colors of the mind, filled with bright, endless strokes. Those who are secret but fast; insuring protection and bravery dress the colors of the world, dark and dangerous.

There is always a saying for everything I suppose. It makes life simple. I had the urge to dress my best, I don't know why, usually when I meet those of higher power I dress half-interested and comfortable. I don't know, maybe it's my nerves.

I gathered all my things and did a once over of the room to make sure I didn't forget anything. Satisfied I opened the door to find myself wondering where all my stuff went. 

"Uhh.." I couldn't even get out the words, My car didn't even look like my car anymore! My stuff wasn't in there, I knew it was mine though because they were taking out the rest of it as I was standing there. Simutaneously, a man came and took the things I had out of my hand. 

"Hey! What-" I raised my hands and dropped them to my sides. What the hell?! I moved over to the rear doors on the driver side of my car. "Hunter-" I started then ducked as he threw a pile of clothes to the man behind me who, in return, stuffed them into a box and pilled them in the back of an SUV. "excuse my French, but what the freak is going on?" I slapped him on the arm and he winced and rubbed it but smiled at me nonetheless.

"All done. Well, we were bored and I'm riding with you and decided it was quite messy in here so; Therefore, I took matters into my own hands and cleaned. Shocking huh?" he emphasized clean and I slapped him on the arm again. 

"Ohh a Vampire and a neat-freak, who knew. Where is all my stuff going?" I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't you worry your self, It's all going back to Augusta with us. The van is going to be following us, per orders by Alpha Will of course." He shrugged and put a thumbs up to the van and a 2010 Ford Focus, which I'm guessing Brandon and the twins are in. Both of them pulled out of the parking lot, out of sight.

"Of course." I sighed, agreeing but not liking the idea. My stomach gave another growl as I ducked into the driver's seat and Hunter ducked into the passanger's seat.

"Hungry?" he asked, glancing at my stomach and quickly looking at my neck. 

"Are you?" I countered, he smiled and looked out the front windshield. 

"Maybe a little" he teased.

"To answer your question, I am." I winked at him and then turned in my seat to back out of the parking spot. 

We rode in silence to the outskirts of Hardin, which wasn't very far.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you enjoy flirting with me." Hunter watched me as I pulled into a KFC.

"Never said I was. Maybe, I'm just charismatic by nature and nowadays it just comes off as flirting." I stuck my tongue out at him, childish I know.

"Ah, but then again maybe that is just your excuse." He countered and also stuck his tongue out. I blushed.

I glared at him playfully from the side and he just laughed.

I finished my Mashed Potatoe bowl an hour ago and we were now on our way to Augusta traveling I-90 West. We rode in a comfortable silence, both wanting to ask the other questions. I didn't want to pry but I found myself asking anyway.

"How much longer does the GPS say?" I questioned, Hunter took the GPS out of the glove compartment awhile ago and when he saw my U.S. map he suddenly stopped talking to me. 

"What? Don't you like spending hours driving through Montana with me?" he tried to sound funny but came off with a suspicious tone. I mean, how do I explain a bunch of crossed out states on a map? It is a bit suspicious, but then again, I never expected to be in this situation.

Nobody expects the unexpected, It's how you react to a change that shows your true face in the mask of behavior.

I glanced sideways at him and I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'guess not'.

"We still have a good four hours, the others got a forty-five minute headstart because you had to stop at that god-awful KFC place. How do you eat that?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I punch a bag at the local gym six times a day." I shrugged and turned right onto Old Highway 312.

"No wonder why your slaps hurt." he winced and rubbed his arm, we both laughed at that which seems to lighten the mood.

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