Chapter 12

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"So, I have to jump?" I reaffirmed my suspicions with Hunter.

"For the millionth time, yes. Unless, you want me to push you.." Hunter was holding on to his own zipline handle, whereas, I was hyperventilating.

"No! I'm not going to do it." I refused and started unbuckling myself, Hunter reached over lightning-quick and buckled me back up.

"You've lived more years then I can count, you're basically a ninja with supernatural moves and you're afraid of ziplining? seriously?" Hunter looked at me like I was an idiot.

"I'm not afraid of it, I just don't trust it. Way back when, you did stuff like this because your life depended on it, not recreationally! I mean, why? It's dangerous, what would happen if an average human was on this and it snapped. hmm?" I looked away from him and examined the vertical cord connecting me to the horizontal one over me.

"They'd die. Now, all you have to do is-" push. Hunter laughed as I went racing down the connecting ropes.

I hope his line breaks.

"Aww, come on! you know that was fun, Andi!" Hunter was laughing at my attempt to stay mad at him, okay, so maybe it was rewarding. I narrowed my eyes at him our whole way back to Augusta, I'm definitely giving him the silent treatment.

"I admit, it was exhilaratiing." I smiled to myself and looked out the window.

"So, I have a very important question to ask you." Hunter said in a serious tone. I pondered what he could possibly want to ask me before turning to him.

"What is it?" I asked cautiously; A few minutes passed before he answered.

"What's your favorite color?" Hunter laughed at my relieved face.

Orlando was already back from his duties and inside my motel room when we arrived back from that interesting road trip.

"So, did you guys have fun?" Orlando laughed at Hunter's 'pouty face', or so he calls it. I guess you can say I might have, accidently, slapped Hunter on the back of the head, alot.

"It was entertaining, especially on the way back. I got in my training for the day consisting of the punching bag being Hunter's head." I laughed and hugged Orlando.

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter." Hunter replied sarcastically.

Our conversation dimmed for awhile, however, we all had one thing on our minds. The ... event, that took place between him and I - I made my way over to the television at the end of the queen sized bed and started flipping through the non-existent cable channels the motel provided. Hunter took a bouncy ball from, well, I actually don't remember where he got it. Anyway, he started bouncing it against the wall, apparently he plays catch with the wall. Orlando, as usual, was reading a book on the bed beside me. 

"That's enough. I want to go do something, something fun." Orlando stated all of the sudden standing up and tossing his book to the side.

"I knew Shakespeare would annoy you to no return one day." Hunter caught the ball one last time before setting on the endtable, informing us that the place in which he put the ball is now his ball's spot. The ball's name is Tim. Society, it's so weird nowadays, then again, it might just be Hunter.

"Orlando, we already had fun today." I pointed out.

"No, you two had fun today, I had nothing but chores and responsibilities to do today. Therefore, we are going to have fun." Orlando declared and gave us one of his infamous 'don't-argue-if-you-value-your-life' looks.

"Dude, it's nine o'clock at night. What do we have time to even do?" Hunter asks, yet he still gets up and slips on his jacket.

"Well, Dude, I never said it had to be done today. In that sense, it can be done over a variety of days." Orlando smiled and had a bag packed in a matter of seconds. Vampires...

"Sweet! Road trip!" Hunter fist pumped the air and had a bag packed in a matter of seconds. I just looked at the two people standing in front of me who looked back at me.

"Pehaps, it would be best if you guys went without me. I-I don't think it would be wise to leave." I confessed to them. "At least, not over a period of days." A part of me knew it made sense for three reasons: 1) Even if i'm a rejected mate, I'm still a mate to somebody of importance and they may need me around, possibly. 2) I'll be starting school soon, and 3) Well, a tiny piece of me hoped that maybe, just maybe, I could see him again. Unfortunately, Orlando and Hunter saw right through my facade.

"I know you want to be here because of him, but you can't let him control your actions forever. He-He let you go, maybe it's time to start doing the same. This will be good, to get away from this place; Let's do something fun, any kind of happiness is better then none at all." Orlando held his hand out to me and the wieight of his words came crashing down on my shoulders.

This may sounds cliche, but as I looked at his outstretched hand ready to pull me up out of the bed, I felt like, depending on my actions, that there will be a shift in me. Am I ready to let go of the person I'm destined to be with-without even trying to get him back?

A nagging voice inside my head said "If you two are destined to be together, then it will all work out in the end. However, for now, it might be time to let go and take the path less traveled." I realized it wasn't Sensei saying this to me, it was my subconcious reminding me that I was someone before I came to Augusta, and I've been that someone for a very, very, long time.

So, I looked into Orlando's eyes and then looked at Hunter who had one of my suitcases hanging from his shoulder, and saw that they wanted to make me feel better, I wanted to make me feel better, so with a deep breath, I took Orlando's hand in mine.  

"No, no, no way. No- Hunter put me down!" I yelled as I slammed my fists into Hunter's back. We were at "Silverwood Theme Park' in Idaho, and Hunter and Orlando were trying to get me to ride 'Aftershock' and I was going insane. I'd rather be ziplining... That's how desperate I feel.

"We could always go ziplining again..." Hunter teased expecting me to back out.

"Okay!" I yelled a little too loudly causing people to give us strange looks because of my outburst and being slung over Hunter's shoulder.

"Too bad, I paid $222.52 in admission. We are most definitely staying." Orlando smirked and walked past us and flirted ,yes flirted, his way through the line with us in tow. Wonderful, now I'm even closer to the ride.

"Jeez, I've never seen someone puke so easily after one ride before." Hunter chuckled as Orlando held back my hair while I was busy emptying the contents of my stomach into a trash can.

I didn't have the heart to tell them that I've been on higher, faster, and more dangerous rides like that without a problem. Mainly because my tolerance is at such a high level I don't get affected by it, but I have a feeling the whole rejection thing I went through is harming me in ways that are seriously not good...

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