Chapter 10

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>>> Image of the dress and hairstyle Andromeda wore in the 1600s. (You'll understand later in the chapter.) Song on the side is 'Already Gone' by Kelly Clarkson, it reminds me of Andromeda's thoughts.

(Andromeda's POV)

I was completely annoyed when the SUV pulled up the paved driveway to the pack house I seen once before, and only once because until now the place was strictly off limits to me. I huffed under my breathe as I got out of the van and made my way to the front door, I was stopped in my tracks when a hand grabbed my arm roughly.

"As much as I want to see you get in trouble, I'm walking in the house first; since you're below me on the food chain and all." Brandon smirked as he pushed me away from him.

"You know, sometimes alligators are considered to be at the top of the food chain; not because they get the most food, but because they are one of the oldest creatures in the world." I said, haha he has no idea; thankfully. Brandon just grumbled something under his breath.

"Come on." Kyle said as he grabbed my elbow and pulled me into the pack house. The house was packed from what I could see, it's probably some 'beggining of school' party; Nothing like getting wasted to wash away the boring part of your short life called school. 

As soon as we came in the music stopped and I started getting strange looks from peoplem, or should I say werewolves; who kept sniffing the air. Seriously, why do they keep smelling me? I like vampires better, they don't smell me as much. One person did stand out to me though, It was a girl in the corner with the latest edition of 'Chinese Mythology' in her hand; just like mine.

I was shoved into a room that I quickly guessed was the Alpha's office, my head snapped to the right as I saw my 'mate' standing there looking out the window; I resisted the strong urge to pounce him, when I say resisted I mean as in I had to hold the desk for support. 

"Next time I hear you speak roughly to a guest or see you touch her like that in anyway, I will have your head; bestfriend or not." I heard the very pissed off voice of my mate saying to Brandon who was standing in the corner of the room with a shocked look on his face before he nodded and lowered his head. "You're all dismissed." Will said as he waved his hand.

Hmph, point one for Andromeda; zero for Brandon.

As soon as the door closed I felt him in front of me, I turned so we were facing each other; I looked into his eyes: sadness, regret, anger. 

"How do I always seem to anger you?" I asked as I reached up and stroked his cheek, he leaned to it then realization hit and he angrily slapped his hand away. 

"I don't want this." he said gesturing to me, I looked down, granted I was in my gym shorts and a tanktop but I didn't look to bad did I? Am I that much of a disappointment? here I was kind of excited to have a mate, I never really loved anyone before..

"Why?" I asked, I could feel myself getting sad, and I felt..old all of a sudden.

"I don't want to be tied down. Hell, I like me the way I am; I don't want to be stuck with a human like you. I'd rather have a vampire as a mate then you, at least they would be strong; you're a pathetic nothing. do you realize that?" he scoffed and started pacing the room, me? I was standing by the door in shock.

If he wanted a vampire then I could probably convince Orlando or Hunter to turn me, right? I'm confused, I don't understand.. I never had these feelings before. 

"So? You don't want me?.." I questioned, maybe he wants me if I become a vampire. " You want a vampire?" I asked confused, I shrinked down when he gave me a look that said I was the stuppidest person in the world.

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