Chapter 8

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>>> Jeff picture on the side (Will's younger brother) 

(Will's P.O.V) 

I arrived at the airport in Helena, Montana a week before senior year was scheduled to start for me; I nodded at a pack member who I recognized as our errands boy. He bowed his head in respect for his Alpha and led me to a limo after grabbing my luggage.

It took almost an hour and a half to get back to Augusta, I leaned my arm on the door and stared out the window taking in the scent of trees and grass that lined the road. I missed home after being in the burning heat of Saudi Arabia, how did werewolfs last long there anyway?

My mind drifted off to the paperwork that would be waiting for me at home, and the meetings I had to attend with all the teenage alphas like me who are starting school soon; I shook my head, It was all about taking precautions while we were in school. As if my uncle couldn't do that for me.

My parents died when I was very young, my mom died giving birth to my little brother when I was three and my dad died shortly after from a broken heart leaving my brother, Jeff, and I in the care of our uncle who became Alpha till I was of age.

I stopped looking out the window and leaned forward in my seat to take a swip of bourbon that I poured earlier, Uncle says I couldn't have alcohol till the appropriate age but what do I care? I'm the Alpha. 

Ah, I wonder how everybody is feeling; Maria, my aunt, was pregnant with my cousin when I left so she should be ready to pop anyday now. I hope Brandon is dealing with matters accordingly since he is Beta, he knows how I like things run so he better be doing exactly what I would do unless he wants to get beaten to a pulp. 

Then it hit me like a whirlwind; that girl.


"How is everything going Brandon?" I had the phone up the my ear as I was admiring the view of the Red Sea, with advanced werewolf sight I could see it clearly even though I was five miles away from the coast.

"Fine." Brandon sighed, I could imagine him rubbing his temples like he always does when stressed; I figured he was doing that very thing now as I can hear static in the background meaning the phone was on speaker.

"Liar; was their rogue sightings? lone wolves?" I asked starting to panic as I focused on the balcony below me as my eyebrows forrowed together.

"No, a girl. A strange human girl; there is something off about her, she trespassed into the territory by the southern border of Montana unknowingly..I mean she is human but her sent, it just seems..old?" He slapped his forhead as he made the last word a question as if trying to describe something unknown to him, which he was. 

"When did she get there?" I asked curious, there was a long silence on the other end "Brandon?" I questioned then looked at the phone, yupp still connected.

"A month ago." Brandon whispered hoping I wouldn't hear, but boy did I.

"A Month?! You just now decided to mention that?" I gripped the rail getting angry. "That is not a smart choise being BETA and all, you are supposed to inform me of these things!" I yelled.

"I-I'm sor-sorry Alpha, I-I didn't think it was important since she was just a human." Brandon stuttered and I sighed understanding his reasoning.

"Understandable, but don't make that mistake again; Next time, I want to know about everything that comes through my land." I pointedly talked to him.

"Yes Alpha." Brandon apologized.

"So what is this girls name? What does she look like? Do you-" I stopped, why was about to ask her favorite color? My wolf inwardly laughed at me and smiled laying down happily and kind of confused himself as to why he did so.

"Her name is Andromeda, she looks like an egyptian but she has a russian last name; the greek mythology  teacher fanatic in the pack told me her name is greek meaning 'leader of men' which I find hilarious. I got ahold of her birth certificate and she was born in Cairo, Egypt at 4:12 pm on feburary 3, 1996. Thats all I got, she has no parents." He finally finished and I smiled to myself as a warm feeling grew from deep inside me, my wolf.

"Andromeda sounds like a strange name-" but I like it, I thought. "Egyptian sounds interesting but what do you mean she has no parents?" I asked confused.

"The birth certificate is via an adobtion agency in Cairo." He stated the obvious.

"Oh, did you put her somewhere?" I asked as I turned to look in my room at an arabic whore named Hasana lounging on my bed barely clothed,  thinking of Andromeda suddenly made the lady seem  less appealing. I turned back to the ocean as I looked at myself noticing my lack of clothing considering I was in gym shorts and nothing more. 

"Yeah I put her in that inn owned by Jannett and Mike, they said they would keep an eye on her; she also mentioned, repeatedly I might add, when she would meet you and I told her when you get back." He also mentioned.

"Okay, keep her at bay and keep an eye on her I don't want her wondering the forests or leaving the main town until I can meet her; also, watch who she socializes with incase we can't trust her." I ended the conversation with Brandon as I heard Hasana purr my name.

I sighed and pushed the Andromeda girl to the back of my mind as I finished what I started.

End of Flashback

Why did I feel that way? No, I know I can't feel threatened by her.. I don't know how I know that but I feel like I do. I took out my cellphone and dialed Brandon's number, pulling it up to my ear as I leaned back in my seat.

"Hey Alpha!" Brandon laughed into the phone as I heard the faint voice of a female scolding him.

"You throw a party again Brandon?" I asked, I swear he throws more parties then we do training sessions..which isn't alot now that I think about it; that will change. Hey, I learned alot from the Alpha in Saudi Arabia.

"No, I'm playing around with Julia!" He laughs again, Julia? 

"Who's Julia?" I asked thinking it was one of his hook-ups.

"My mate-Oh! I forgot to tell you, sorry man. I met her yesterday over at 'Lazy B cafe' she is quite the little spit fire!" He yelled something along the lines of 'I'll get you later tonight babe!' and I shuddered.

"Ew! Dude! I don't wanna know bout what you do behind closed doors!" I joked with him as I laughed, not only was Brandon my beta but he was my bestfriend we do alot together; except that!

"Oh right, like you're the little virgin! Besides, what makes you think the doors are always closed?" he sarcastically commented.

"Alright, gross. I have something to discuss with you about the girl." I got into my serious Alpha mode.

"Ugh, okay." he said as he it got quiet around him, I presumed he was is my office.

"You alone?" I double checked.

"Yes." he answered one-wordedly.

"Cool, okay I don't want her going to school or going anywhere without permission and an escort at all times; best we keep an eye on her understood?" I asked and he told me he did and the phone went silent as I put it back in my pocket.

I made it seem like I wanted her watched for my pack and I's safety reasons but it was more her safety then anyone elses; I want to protect her and I still have no clue why..

This girl is gonna sprout many worries in me and I haven't even met her, I sighed as I looked out the window and saw 'Welcome to Augusta: population 400'; I smiled at the howl of wolves welcoming their Alpha home.

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