Chapter 17

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~Orlando's POV~

She can't die, I won't let it happen.

Then turn her into a vampire... the desperate voice inside my head whispered. I wanted to, I smiled at the thought of her being next to me forever and staying best friends; Unfortunately, I know what the mate bond does between werewolves and their mates,a lot like vampires and their sires. The same concept, the attachment, the love...

I looked to the moon and all I felt was rage. Why her?! Why would they want to take my Meda away from me? No, why would that worthless mutt reject something so beautiful, and kind?! If you have someone that is destined for you and that will love you no matter what because of a special bond you have, then why throw it away? I felt liquid run down my face, I lifted up my hand and wiped my cheek before pulling it away and seeing blood on my fingers. At first, I was confused until I remembered that when Vampires cry, we cry blood.

I stared at my fingers for so long, transfixed, I haven't cried in a hundred years... My head snapped up to the sound of an engine, and the black paint of a painfully familiar SUV. My eyes narrowed as the familiar blond-headed idiot stepped out of the van.

"Come to make our situation even worse have we, Brandon?" I spat at him, I watched him pause in shock. I was always the Vampire they got along with, the nice one, the one who hates seeing someone suffer. I've never wanted to hurt someone so much in my life compared to the man this idiot follows.

"Orlando? What are you talking about? A-Are you crying? What's going on?" Brandon looked between me and the motel room that my best friend is currently dying in, before transitioning his eyes back to me.

"As if you don't know," I scoffed "You and Will wanted this to happen didn't you? So, what? You wanted to see me suffer, or did you just want to have a good laugh? Seriously, tell me. I would love to know what it is she did to you guys to deserve this!" I yelled, I felt myself losing it. I can't, I hope this eats at his subconcious and they both suffer.

"My God, Orlando! What are you talking about? I can assure you, I don't- wait. She?! Are you talking about Andromeda?" Brandon's eyes widened and I swear I saw worry and concern flash through his eyes, but I know I must have been imagining it. I laughed humorlessly and slumped against the wall of the building.

"You really don't know, do you?" I made eye contact with him to possibly see any signs that he is lying.

"Orlando, tell me what's happening." Brandon commanded gently, I think he could tell I was about to burst. I looked away from him and started sobbing, I crashed to the ground and brought my legs up to my chest, my own blood pouring from my eyes.

"She's dying- She's dying, and I can't do anything about it." I sobbed, I didn't even care that I looked weak. "Looks like you two got your wish, you won't have to deal with her for much longer." I whispered but I knew he could hear me. I looked over just as he stumbled back, I thought his face looked pale like mine before he jumped in the SUV and tore out of the parking lot.

I sat there for a while, and then forced myself to stand up before making my way back up to the motel room. I found Hunter kneeled down next to her on the side of the bed, repeatedly moving hair out of her face that wasn't even there anymore. I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze, "We'll help her." I muttered.

"You and I both know we can't turn her, she'll never forgive us. Not to mention, that stupid mate bond that would destroy that dog and the whole town will probably go down with him." Hunter muttered, and then looked over at me. I frowned and removed my hand from his shoulder but still nodded, knowing he was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2015 ⏰

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