Chapter 5

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>>>Orlando on the side!

The 'pack' house was exceedingly huge, a cross over between Buckingham Palace and the Taj Mahal; deffinately out of place in a small town. It was a golden and white theme similar to the Taj Mahal, very oriental if you ask me; Although, it seemed built like Buckingham Palace, to withstand anything. Trust me, I was there when Buckingham was built; I resided with the Duke of Buckingham for awhile.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice Brandon coming up to the driver's side window until I heard a slight tap on the window causing me to jump five feet in the air; I really need to focus on my surroundings, I feel like everything is so fuzzy.

"You are very jumpy, yah know." Hunter sighed and reached over and hit the button to roll down the window. "What is it Brandon?" he asked annoyed; clearly they don't like eachother if that wasn't already obvious.

"Well, Hunter. We have a little situation; Alpha isn't in town." Brandon looked at him with a 'duh' look. I looked between him and Hunter to see if a cat-dog fight would breakout, pun so intended.

"Oh shit! I forgot he left to visit in Saudi Arabia with the Mahbeer Pack; Damn, what do we do with her?" Hunter gestured to me in all my glory as if I wasn't right there.

"Well, we can tie her up to a tree for a month?" one of the twins popped up behind Brandon with the 'splendid' idea.

"I don't think that would be a great welcoming and the last thing we need is a pissed off girl on our hands." Brandon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Ha, if he only knew what is was really like when this 'girl' was pissed off.

"It was just a joke." the other twin, Elijah, I think it was jokingly surrendered with his hands up.

"She can stay with me." Hunter said out of nowhere, my head whipped over to him to see him smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. 

"I'd rather be tied to a tree" I smirked on my own accord.

It's been three weeks since they dropped me off at a local inn, run by werewolves only I might add. The rooms are cramped and smell like pine needles and febreeze, but I am dealing with it considering I'm being watched over twenty-four seven; so much so I'm afraid to take a shower without the risk of privacy invasion. 

The Alpha of this pack still has yet to show up, over the last few weeks I've spent most of my time with Hunter or the twins; I've grown fond of the twins in a sense, they make me smile, which is hard to do. 

I found myself asking many questions about the Alpha that Hunter was happy to answer, I guess he didn't see me as a threat anymore so I was 'harmless' which is irritating. For Example, The Alpha's actual name is William Darren but everybody calls him 'Will' for short; He likes the ladies, alot. Most of all, he loves power but he chooses not to abuse it and the people in this town love him dearly. 

That is the summary of what I learned, I would rather know his favorite color or food. I'd rather make my own assumptions and opinions on a person than go off of somebody else's views, I grew up with that in place for me and I keep it there to show that not only am I caring but I listen.

I learned all this from the twins, Brandon is busy and stays away from me. alot. I see him around town and he avoids me like the Bubonic Plague; very unnerving. Hunter could careless about the pack or its Alpha, he calls me 'Andi' or 'beauty' for nicknames; he is a major flirt, like me I suppose.

I'm currently lounging in a cafe smack-dab in the middle of town; literally the name for it is 'Cafe', I'm 'forbidden from going into the woods or leaving the main part of town until Alpha Darren says otherwise' via Brandon's words.

I ordered a french vanilla cappucino awhile ago when a blue haired girl named Tracey came to take my order, she scares me; not literally but she dresses different. Not that it's bad or anything, I like different.

She said I looked like shit, In a way It's true; I have been getting no sleep these last few days, and when I do fall asleep I'm awoken in the middle of the night by the slightest thing. Last night it was by a drop from the faucet hitting the sink. I'm going crazy.

So, here I am with my hair pulled back into a lazy ponytail and my black oversized hoodie clinging to my sweaty body and my skinny jeans with sandals hanging loosely around me. The wonderful early August weather is doing wonders for my feet, yes that is sarcasm, my foot is freezing.

"You do look like shit." I heard a deep voice chuckle from the seat opposite me, I recognize it.. Orlando?! My head snaps up to see a pair of deep green eyes staring at me; they looked upset and worried.

"Orlando-" I started but he reached over and grabbed my hand, I looked him over taking in his appearance. He looked weak like he hasn't eaten in awhile; He was dressed in a camo shirt, which is not at all like him and blue jeans with black work boots.

"What is wrong with you?! What are you doing here!" Orlando then lowered his voice " God damn it! Andromeda they will find you out, They'll think you're some experiment. You don't know what this Alpha can be like, he is selfish and cares about the pack and himself; Neither of which include you!" 

"How was I supposed to know! The last time I saw you was in the 1600's and then you left, you left me with that secret! What am I? some supernatural radar?! How am I supposed to know what they can do? What do you mean they can find me out? Where the hell have you been?!" I rambeled on with shock and depression. Orlando now looked guilty and defeated.

"Not here, they can see us easily. I'll meet you back at your room." He stated and reluctantly let go of my hand.

This day just keeps getting better and better.. 

Hey guys! sorry it is so short, this is mainly just a filler chapter the next one will be better; I promise! 

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