Chapter 9

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>>> Picture on the side is of Andromeda's tattoo ( you'll see what it is in this chapter )


(Andromeda's POV)

My eyes met a pair of light blue ones and I smiled slightly before composing myself and remembering that this was the man who has made my life even more complicated then it already is. I lowered my head slightly, I was told that was a sign of respect, then walked over to a desk in the middle of the room and layed back in it.

I surveyed the room and took notice of Brandon and a pretty blonde girl who was holding his hand; I then looked slightly behind me and lifted my eyebrow to see four to five guys blocking the door and men lining the walls.

"I'm not the Bubonic Plague, what did you expect? 'the british are coming? Just so you know I'm not that either; Although, I'm pretty sure that your Beta told you that already." I said leaning forward and folding my hands on the desk. I have no clue where this confidence came from, maybe I feel more positive now that Orlando explained everything about werewolves to me.

The Alpha's eyebrows forrowed in confusion, I saw him sniff the air and then he gave a puzzled look to Brandon who gave a knowing one back. Did I smell bad? I took a shower this morning..Unconciously I sniffed myself then raised an eyebrow when I smelt nothing wrong. I looked over at the Alpha, who by now reorganized himself.

"I didn't give you permission to speak." He stated and then crossed his arms trying to look intimidating. Yeah okay, you know who is intimidating? Cleopatra, now that was a woman you didn't wanna mess with she was always calm but in a creepy way.

"Oh yes; kind of like you didn't give me permission to go to school, or take one step out my door without coming face to face with Rich and Kyle." I said pointing my thumb over my shoulder at my two bodyguards who were standing at the door and glaring at me. The Alpha chuckled and looked at his Beta then walked over to me slowly.

I leanded back in my chair as he put his strong, muscular..-his hands on the desk and leaned closer to me, so close he was halfway across the desk from my face.

"Listen here, I'm the strongest Alpha on this side of the globe. My territory stretches from Wisconsin to Louisiana over to the West Coast and up to Alaska; I own half of the United States. I don't like to be disrespected, I'm a werewolf love." He finished and I looked from his eyes to his lips wondering how they would taste, It's quite obvious I'm attracted to this beast;Then again, most girls probably are.

"I own a 1967 Chevy Impala, big woop." I stated sarcastically then leaned over so I was inches from his face and even I can tell that his heart quickened; It seemed like he was controlling the urge to close the distance between us. It would have seemed flattering to me in any other circumstance but right now I was upset with him. "I'm not a werewolf, you have no control over me; Babe." I used his own choice of nicknames against him.

I heard gasps from the people around us and even Brandon looked shocked, he was serious most of the time so I was enjoying it; I know I should be more careful right now but I'm liking this sarcastic confidence especially since I rarely have any at all. I swallowed deeply, regretting what I had just said as the Alpha's eyes darkened with three things: Anger, Desire, and Lust.

"Leave!" he boomed, at first I thought he meant me too. "Not. you." he said and I gulped, standing still too afraid to move; I don't know why I was afraid but something told me not to make any sudden movements.

Sooner rather than later the room was empty but I didn't miss the look that Brandon gave me saying: you're in for it now, and the look the blonde gave me which was one of pity.

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