Chapter 14

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~Andromeda's POV~

"It's okay, It's alright." I was snuggled into Hunter's chest around the corner from the front office, half of me didn't even want to go to school because he is here, but the other, stronger, wiser part is telling me to keep my head up and show the idiot how big of a mistake he just made. I nodded and pulled away from him, I looked into Hunter's eyes and smiled.

"Why couldn't you have been my mate, Hunter?" I felt tears blur my vision again but I blinked them back.

"Because the fates are seriously f*cked up, Andi. Listen, It'll be okay, what's meant to be will happen. None of this, and I repeat, none of this is your fault; It's the stupid, egotistical, idiotic moron's fault." Hunter smiled sadly and kissed my forehead. "Come on, we missed first period, let's try to make it to second shall we?" Hunter held out his arm for me to take and I chuckled while interlocking our arms.

"How long until class ends?" I asked looking around the empty halls.

"Based on the time, and considering each period is roughly forty-five to fifty minutes long, I'd say five minutes left. So, what is our schedule?" Hunter looked down at the paper that was now crumbled in my hands, oops.

"We have World History with Ms.Jeffs next." I stated hearing Hunter groan.

"Oh, don't worry, I've been around for most of the things they will be talking about I'm sure." I assured him and laughed at his happy face.

"I keep on forgetting you're, like, ancient." Hunter laughed and smiled cheekily when I delivered a slap to the back of his head with my free hand.

"Shut up, I'm only... Holy crap, I don't even know how old I am?!" I can't believe it, well I guess you know you're old when that happens... Just then the bell decided to ring making me jump out of the thoughts of my new revelation.

"Come on." Hunter laughed and led us to Ms. Jeffs' World History class, how does he know where it is? I meant what I said when I said I've been around for most of the things they will be talking about.

If only I knew then that while we were talking about my age, somebody else was listening in...

~Dezzy's POV~

"Yeah, no. I'll see you at lunch babe." I kissed my mate, Emelia, on the cheek.

"Okay, fine. You better be Dez, you promised to spend more time with me. I know you have responsibilities to the pack, but I'm still your mate. Okay?" Emelia kissed me on the lips and we stood there for a while just enjoying each other.

"Ms. Weathers, and Mr. Johnson, if you would please refrain from displaying your romantic lives for everyone to see if would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to commit these acts after school, but during school is no place for them." My freshmen year teacher, Ms. Vitch, or as I call her, Ms. Bitch, interupted us. I mean, come on? A name like that is made to be altered.

I reluctantly pulled away from Emelia and rolled my eyes at Ms. Bitch. Emelia, being the other half that completes me and very polite blushed and apologized to Ms. Bitch while I just stood and subtly glared at her.

"Young man, that is no way to look at a staff member. I expect an apology." Ms. Bitch smugly looked at me. Huh, guess it wasn't so subtle.

"Okay. Ms. B-Vitch, I'm sorry you are the most horrible teacher this school has ever seen and I truly feel sorry for you that you feel the need to interrupt someone else's romantic lives because you haven't been laid in twenty years." I smiled innocently.

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