Chapter 4

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>>>Twins, Logan and Elijah (click external link)

Enjoy <3

We, Hunter and I, were a good one and a half hours from the Adrasteia Pack's main quarters in the small town of Augusta which ranked a whooping population of three-hundred and nine by 2010. Shocking, I know; please not sarcasm. I've lived to see countries conquer each other it is not at all impressing. Now, Miami.. that's something totally wild. 

"Okay, so I'm going to ask you questions that I think I deserve to know the answers too." I smiled at him as I payed attention to the exit saying '89 N/E'. 

"Oh no." He groaned as he slunked down in the passenger seat.

"I'm not bad, It's not like I ask twenty questions-" I started.

"That's good."

"I ask about five thousand." I smirked, he makes it so easy to mess with him.

"Shit." was his 'genius' response.

"Anyways, foul language! So, first is first-" I merged to the right lane as a cop came rolling by.

"Nah, it's second." Hunter said sarcastically. I glared at him.

"Shut up, I'm trying to get to the point Hunt" I smiled to myself as my nickname to him fit perfectly.

"Ok I will, Andi." He tried to hold back his laughter, Andi? How did that even fit into my name? A-n-d-r-o-m-e-d-a.. Do you see an 'I' in there?

We went on like that for thirty minutes until we wore eachother out; I found a-many-a nicknames that can insult a Vampire, for example, blood sucker. nightcrawler. red guzzler. termite. leech. etc,etc,etc.

"Seriously though, I have questions, get into business mode." I grew anxious to ask him things.

"Ok, shoot." he waved his hand once already looking bored.

"How did you and the others find me?" I asked, were they really that efficent? If they were I needed to be watchful of my surroundings at all cost, not that I already wasn't of course.

"We got word, well Brandon got word that there was an intruder who smelt..different..I'm just immortal backup incase you were 'dangerous' which you are not. Therfore, we came here as quick as we can from Augusta." he put air quotes around dangerous, I wonder if I'm wasting his time.

"All that for little old me? Aww you shouldn't have." I fake sniffled as I put my hand to my heart. "Wait. How did Brandon 'get word'? I didn't see a phone on him." I asked racking my brain to see if I remember a phone.

"Brandon is Beta of the Adrasteia Pack, Andromeda. He is in charge of the boundaries and to inspect any interruptions, in person." He explained looking shocked and bored that I didn't know this already.

"Okay, how did you guys get to me so fast? I must have been in the motel for only an hour." I asked looking bewildered and glanced quickly at him as he studdied me..Maybe asking questions wasn't such an intelligent idea. 

Before I could ask he sat up and grabbed the papers from my glove compartment and the red sharpie and chucked them at me. 

"Who are you? and What is this? How do you know about us?" He flew these questions at me, I needed to know things and so did he.

"My name is Andromeda; That is a map of the United States with the 'x'ed out in sharpie as the states I prefer not to visit again; and a friend told me about your people and the others who exist. Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and the little that is left of the witches." I answered as honestly as I could.

My friend's name was Orlando. I met him in 1324, We hit it off as bestfriends instantly..I was an assassin back then and he was a soldier for England, I got called over seas to Israel to take out a high ranking person for a decent amount of euros; I was devestated to recieve parchement that Orlando was wounded in battle and died shortly later.protecting his country.

It took a tole on me, I went three hundred years mourning the friend I thought I lost forever. Then, one day I swore I saw him coming out of an Irish pub in Arklow, Ireland; At first I thought I was drunk but he had the same blonde hair and forest green eyes, only they had a hint of black in them.

I looked over at Hunter and met his eyes briefly before he turned away, still silent.

Yes, he had the same black as Hunter did. So there it was, In 1632, I came face to face with my dear friend who I thought was dead. He told me everything, what else existed out there and how he turned; Apparently, as he was wounded in battle being left to die, a beautiful woman with Ivory skin came and rescued him. He also explained that during transition to a Vampire you do die. hense, the mistake of him being 'dead' it was a perfect cover-up actually.

I told him my history as well since it was painstakingly obvious I was alive. He mourned my death even though he never witnessed it, he thought I died; logically reasonable. To say he was shocked was an understatement, but he vowed never to tell my secret; that was the last time I saw him..I wonder where he is now? I've met so many people over the years and It's easy to get attached but it's heartbreaking when they leave.

"So..What supernatural being was your friend?" Hunt suddenly spoke up from the driver's seat and the wheel jurked a bit. "Andi, you okay?" he asked sitting straighter.

Dam, I forgot he was in the car. What is wrong with me lately? I'm so jumpy, why am I so nervous to meet this Alpha? I need to relax and breathe.

"I'm fine. Just lost in thought. Umm, what was ur question?" I asked staring at the road and he chuckled. 

"Supernatural being? your friend?" He asked, he realized he was holding the steering wheel and let go cautiously incase I spasmed out again.

"Vampire." I answered in one word.

"Really? Huh, what's his name? Maybe I know him." He looked at me expectently, I looked to the side of the road to see a sign saying 'Augusta: 50 miles' and I breathed a sigh of relief and nervousness.

"Orlando." I answered again.

"Does he have a last name? There are alot of Orlandos out there." Shiz, what if he knows him? oh please, don't let him know him!

"Persiiani, It's Italian." I added, actually believe it or not it was French. I would have lied but I have a feeling he would be able to tell and scold me on it.

"Sounds more French to me-Wait! was he born in 1301? England? Blonde hair and green eyes?" He asked looking over at me like he just figured out the secret to his life-undead life.

"Yeah." I took a breath nervously. "Know him?" I tried my best to sound casual.

"Do I ever! I used to play poker with him all the time in the '20s." He laughed at a memory far away that I knew nothing about. Hopefully Orlando is still alive as far as Hunter knows or I'm such a goner.

"Wow, that's awhile ago!" I tried to sound surprised and it worked. Imagine putting 'great' in front of grandmother and times that by twenty, I'm still older than that I can be his great grandmother times infinity.

"Yeah, I was born in 1742. England, I guess that's how we got along. Both of us from similar origins." he contemplated and I just nodded and looked at another mile marker. 15 miles to go?! Wow, times flies when you see your life flash before your eyes.

"So, how did you become a Vampire?" I asked, keep questions off yourself; keep questions off yourself.

"I actually became one willingly, I was really rich and I had all the best clothes with unlimited amounts of euros to spend; Then, I met a dude who looked like a back-in-the-day Van Helsing and well, here I am. Blood exchange here, blood exchange there. Walla! Not by neck though, that's too intimate; It was by wrist." 

"And that's why you are so good? At doing what you do? because you want too." I stated, matter-of-factly.

"I suppose." He answered analyzing my statement. I glanced once again, 'Augusta: 3 1/2 miles' "Looks like we will be at the pack house soon." 

5 minutes after he said it, we arrived. 

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