Chapter 11

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>>>Pic of Emelia on the side and song is called 'Stronger' by Kelly Clarkson to fit into what Andromeda is feeling right now.

(Andromeda's POV) 

Oh god, my head..

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open taking in the familiar room around me, I winced as I tried sitting up; Okay, I was laying in bed. I looked over at my alarm clock-shit! sixty-thirty-I'm going to be late for school! I jumped up but gasped in shock as a pain tore through my side, I tore the covers off of me and looked at my stomach to see a nasty black and blue bruise.

What?-oh. I thought as memories of the night before, or at least I think it was the night before, came flooding back into my memory. Am I even going to school? Probably not.

Will..I whimpered then glared at nothing in particular, Why am I acting this way? He's my mate but if he can live without me then I'll be damned if I can't live without him; I've lived thousands of years without being in love, I can manage it now even if we were 'soulmates' whatever the hell that means.

I sighed and made a mental note to myself that my wound was obviously not as severe as I thought, it was bleeding though, right?

"How is it possible-What do you mean, you have kept me out of here for a week and I was freaking the fuck out thinking she bled to death or she was a vampire, which is completely against the rules mind you-" a voice whispered in the direction of the bathroom, I groggily climbed out of bed; stumbling a few times and ignoring the pain on my side as I clutched it. 

Okay, so I was bleeding to death apparently, now I know I couldn't become a vampire for Will, not that I wanted too anyway, I scolded myself; ugh, he doesn't even want me as a vampire 'You're an idiot as well' No, I hate these reminders I scowled at the bruise I was clutching as I made my way towards the bathroom.

Wait-woah, I was out for a whole week?!. Huh, at least I caught up on the sleep I was missing.. I shrugged as I put my ear to the door.

"I know the rules Hunter, I was the one who made them eons ago! what I'm telling you is I don't know how she healed; maybe she got ahold of vampire blood and it healed her? Wait- I hear something." I heard movement but I didn't make it to the bed in time when the door swung open revealing a flustered looking Orlando and a suspicious looking Hunter; when their gazes fell on my appearance their faces softened.

"I look like shit huh?" I asked and they nodded their heads. Jee, thanks oh friends of mine! "You know, we do use the bathroom alot for discussions; I guess it's a good thing the undead don't take a piss or I'd be running a very weird senerio in my head right now. Anyways, what were you discussing?" I asked casually as I turned to lay back down, I bent down on the side of the bed ready to plop back down but It hurt to bend so a soft hand that I recognized belonged to Orlando helped me onto the bed. 

We sat in silence, it wasn't awkward. We just all had things on my mind; I could probably guess what we all were thinking. 

Me: Will..Hunter..confusion..headache..

Hunter: How the hell did she heal so quickly? she is only human..right?

Orlando: Hunter is suspicious..What are we going to do? Are we going to tell him? If we do will he tell anyone else?..

As if Orlando knew that I knew what he thought- try saying that five times fast- he looked up at me and then glanced at Hunter then locked eyes with me. We came to a mutual understanding, looks like Hunter will have to find out the big secret..

"So, Hunter, you want to know why Meda healed so fast? We'll tell you why..on one condition." 

I sighed and braced myself, I knew my past was gonna bite me in the ass..

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