Chapter 36: Finally Meet

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Yoona sat quietly on Jessica's bed. 'So if I'm in Kris Frost's friends house... then I can have the chance to meet Kris Frost!' Yoona thought, excited. She clapped for herself. She looked at the balcony. "This place is pretty neat..." she said to herself. She stepped on the balcony and looked around. It was a beautiful scenery. Snow everywhere, frozen waterfalls in the distance, snowmen outside, and her kingdom's castle in the distance. Yoona frowned. She knows that she's neglecting her activities, but Kris Frost has been her dream. It was just that story her father told her, and it appealed to her so much that it still does, even now. It may sound childish and irresponsible, but a girl can dream, can't she? And she'll do anything to reach that dream.

Sehun yawned, just waking up. 'Where the hell am I?' he thought. He looked to his right and saw a glass of milk and cookies.  Next to it stood ice carving the words "rest for a while". Sehun squinted his eyes suspiciously, but shrugged it off and dipped the cookies in the milk. "What the hell.. this looks like ice." said Sehun, looking around. "I know right? Except it is ice." said a random voice. Sehun jumped in surprise and turned around. There stood a familiar man with a white shirt. "I know you!" Sehun said and pointed at the man. The man raised his eyebrows. "You're one of those spirits I saw!" said Sehun. The man laughed. "I have no idea what you're talking about but to save all this trouble, my name is Kris." the man, now Kris, said. "Kris.... Frost?" Sehun asked. Kris nodded. Sehun snickered. "Why? Do you think it's funny that my last name is Frost?" Kris asked. "No. I think you're lying." said Sehun. Now it was Kris's turn to snicker. "Why would I lie about my name, kiddo?," Kris asked as he flicked Sehun's forehead ", Plus, don't you know about my story? Since you believe in me." Sehun scowled. "What bullshit are you spitting? I don't believe in any Kris Frosts. I just know Kris Frost as a fairy tale Yoona is obsessed with." said Sehun. "Aigoo kiddo, if that's the case then how should you see me if you don't believe me?" Kris asked, annoyed. "I can see you because you're not Kris Frost. In fact, Kris Frost is not real." said Sehun.

Jessica entered the room. "Oh? The boy is awake?" she asked Kris. He nodded. "Sica, help me a little here. This kid doesn't believe I'm Kris Frost, it's troublesome." said Kris. Sica tilted her head, confused. "That's strange. If he doesn't believe you're Kris Frost then how can he see you?" she asked. Sehun made an angry face. "YAH! Are you guys playing with me right now?!" he snapped. Sica and Kris jumped in surprise. "Wow, calm down kiddo!" he said. "Don't call me 'kiddo! I'm 18 years old!" Sehun yelled. "And you sure do have a lot of temper for an 18 year old boy." said Kris. "This.....," Sehun trailed off ", .... IS BULLSHIT, REALLY!" Sica grabbed Kris's arm. "Leave him for a while, he's pretty short tempered." she whispered. Sica and Kris hurriedly went out the room.

Yoona walked out of the room she was in. She gasped. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed as she saw the beautiful ice surrounding her, the ice chandeliers, and the beautiful stars. "Whoa! This is daebak!" she shouted across the castle. She saw a familiar silhouette at a certain door. 'Is Sehun in there?' she wondered. Yoona opened the doors slightly to find a Sehun sleeping with an angry face. "Is he having a nightmare or something?" she mumbled. "Kris Frost here, Kris Frost there, and now here's a man claiming he's that stupid spirit. Bullshit, really." Sehun mumbled in his sleep. "What is this? Is he actually dreaming of Kris Frost? Impossible, this guy practically hates Kris Frost." Yoona mumbled. She poked Sehun's nose. "Babo!" she said as she flicked Sehun's forehead. Sehun started to groan as Yoona flinched. 'Oops... did I wake him up?' Yoona thought. But much to her surprise, Sehun fell back asleep. Yoona giggled, but then she stopped. "Ani! I shouldn't be giggling at all, Sehun's a monster! He's a freaking evil monster! I should wake to my senses." Yoona said. She crossed her arms and glared at the sleeping boy. "Just because I'm playing with you doesn't necessarily mean I think nicely of you! Hmph!" Yoona said to Sehun, even though he couldn't hear her. Suddenly, a cold breeze flew through the room. "Oh no... a window is open!" Yoona muttered as she closed her eyes while closing the window. She looked back at Sehun who was now, for some reason, sleeping with a smile.

This made Yoona think, wow, Sehun's one bipolar man. Or should she say, boy. Yeah, boy. Sehun flipped over to the other side of his bed. "I'll just leave him alone then..." Yoona mumbled then went out.

As soon as Yoona got out, Sehun sat up and smiled to himself.

"What an idiot."


ahhhhhhhhhhh i want a sandwich so bad! anyways, hello again, my dearest followers! im sorry i didnt update for a month and bla bla bla. school has been shitting on me, SERIOUSLY. EVERYTHING IS SO STRESSFUL ARGHHHH

*stress come on by big byung starts playing*

anyway, please forgive me if the chapter is short and all. you know, im pretty stressed, the exams just finished, AND IM WORRIED AS HECK FOR IT, LIKE WHAT IF I GOT EVERYTHING WRONG. OH MAN. fairly though, the exams were pretty easy. BUT IT WAS STILL STRESS. 

okehs, but now that you guys have heard me rant, i gtg. ANNYEONGGG.

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