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t w e n t y - f o u r
d a y s
b e f o r e

11:23 pm

How's Project Forget About Rey?

Not going well.

If you were still with him, what would the two of you do?

Sex, probably ;)

You're only 18.

It's legal. I could buy condoms and use it with him.

But will he want it too?

Anyway, to answer your question, I wanted to travel whole face of the earth with him.

What if I told you I could take you anywhere in this planet? What if I told you I could take you to Paris?

Then I'll pack right now and wait for you outside.

I could if you were in love with me and not with Rey.

I think of an intelligent reply.

Only if you knew, Blue.

Only if you fucking knew.


I cannot stop thanking you awesome bitches out there (yes, that's a compliment).

This book has gotten 2 point something K and I swear I'm crying again.

My schoolmates are reading this. Yo guys.

So 24 days more and it's Christmas!!! Ever felt that a holiday seems like an ordinary day?

Lol I'm not even excited.

Here's a sneak peak to the next chapter:

"I hate being fat."

"You aren't. You just think you are."

Anywaaaaaaay thanks for continuing on reading this shit. Ttyl mwah


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