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f i f t y  - t h r e e
d a y s
b e f o r e

11:45 am

Trick or treat!

What are you, five?

No, I'm a Christian Grey.

Here *gives you poisoned candies*

Why, thank you, Louis Lane.

You're welcome. Happy Halloween by the way!

What are you planning to do today?

My friend's at the hospital, and she's the only friend I have.

Ooooohhhh, so that's why you threw the paper plane at the hospital's parking lot? Sweet destiny.

It was her idea. She wants me to "socialize"

Why not get inside a bar or join charity instead?

I don't need many friends, Jesus Christ. I need true friends.

Hey, don't use His name. That's rude.
Although the I-need-true-friends-and-not-many-fake-bitches idea is true.

Anyways. That's the point.

So I'm like a bandage to close your cut?

Kind of. Hope you don't mind.

Now isn't that a nice thing to say.

I'm sorry. We should just stop this if you're not interested.

Actually, I really need to talk to someone too :)

Thank God I'm not the only one alone.

You're never alone. Now what about the trick-or-treat I just offered?



I already gave you the poisoned candies you wished for.


What if I asked for a trick?

It's a secret ;) Wanna play?

What kind of trick are you planning?

I was imagining what you look like...

Black hair. Black eyes. Fat.

You think you're fat or are you really fat?

My ex told me I was fat the last time we talked.

Bummer. I still want to see you though.

I'm not going to send you a picture.

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