Finding Jenna

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Kyle's POV:

  "Hey Kate, do you know where Jenna is?" I asked one of her friends as I stepped into school. Kate shook her head. Hm. I called Jenna once more. No answer. I ran around the school only to bump into Brian. Brian has been bullying Jenna for a while now. I hope he didn't do anything to her. "Listen, have you seen Jenna?" I asked him. "Uhmm no?" Brian said and pushed past me. "I think you have, what the hell did you do with her?!" I asked getting really angry. "Nothing." Brian said and smirked. "LISTEN BITCH, WHATEVER YOU DID WITH JENNA, I WANT TO DO NOW."  I screamed into his ear. "I DON'T KNOW ASS!" Brian yelled back. I kicked him a bunch of times. "TELL ME!" I screamed. Brian shook his head numerous times and walked away. Ughh. Ok think. I ran outside the school to this house me and Jenna went to before. Jenna was really scared when we past by it too and I remember hugging her telling her she'll never go in there. I took a breath and jiggled to unlock it. Locked.

Niall's POV:

  "Hey, what if we call Kyle?" I told them. "Good idea Ni." Liam said. "Hello?" Kyle said. "No I don't know, I'm looking too." Kyle said. "Where are you now?" I asked. "By this abandoned house." Kyle said. "Be right there." I said and hung up. "Abandoned house." I said and we headed off. We saw Kyle kicking the door a bunch of times. "COME ON OPEN!" Kyle screamed.

Jenna's POV:

 I heard voices. I could barely speak though. It's been 3 weeks since I've been locked up. No food. No water. No nothing. "OPEN!" I heard the voice again. All of a sudden BOOM. The door smashed open. I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend. "OMG, JENNA OMG" Kyle said. He rushed over and so did the boys and Perrie, Eleanor, and Dani. He untied me and hugged me. "Oh thank god you're ok." Kyle said. I couldn't speak because I barely had food in my system. "LiLi." I whispered. "Come here baby." Liam said and picked me up. I was very very light. "Who did this?" Liam whispered. "Brian." I whispered and tears started falling. "Come on, we're calling the police & then we are going to the hospital." Louis said into my ear. I just nodded. I broke A LOT of bones. Kyle carried me out to the car while I heard Louis on the phone with the police. "Yes, Brian Scloosemen." Louis told the police. The police said they'd be on their way to search for him. Meanwhile, I broke my leg, my finger, my hand, my nose, & my hip. "Well, there is a lot of damage to your body so you'll be in a wheelchair for about 2 months and then crutches for probably a month." The doctor explained. I started to cry. "Shh babygirl, everything's ok." Liam whispered softly into my ear. The doctor put a cast on my hand, my finger, & my leg and helped me into my wheelchair. I was wheeled back into the car safely and we went home. Kyle called me up to tell me Brian was found and put in jail for 2 years. "Thank you so much." I said to Kyle into the phone. "I love you baby." Kyle said back. "I love you too." I said back to him. "Rest baby, i'll call you tomorrow ok?" Kyle assured me. "Ok Kyle, love you bye." And with that I hung up well Liam hung up for me. "Ok Jen, how bout you get some rest ok?" Liam asked. I nodded. Liam carried me upstairs and brought me to my bed. Eleanor soon came up to help me get undressed and into my pajamas. "Now, we're getting a railing for you so you can go upstairs and for the car." Liam told me. I kissed his head. "I love you Liam, thank you for saving me." I whispered. "Baby, I don't know what i'd do if I didn't find you." Liam said. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Heyy! updated guys! sorry it's not the best ending! So basically since Jenna is hurt she won't really be getting into trouble or maybe she will......YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE. Anyway, I hope you enjoyeddd! Likes/comments/fans MAKE ME HAPPY!!! SO YEAHH! ********CO WRITER NEEDED FOR A BADE STORY & CELEBRITY HIGH SCHOOL****************** NEED!!! SO, I could do for next chapter maybe someone jealous or something..IDK. YOU HELP ME PLEASE OR I AIN'T GONNA UPDATE. ! K OK. GOOD. So you guys give me ideas & I will update with your ideas & obviously dedicate SO IDEAS THANK YOUU! & if anyone wants to be a co writer PLEASE message me or comment below & we can start working out something !! I'm almost on summer vacation so it'll be good in the summer!  byeee :)

Jenna Payne xo

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