Jenna's the baby & Niall being bad..shocked??

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Jenna's POV:

 THIS SUCKS OMG. I'm stuck in a diaper for the next two freaking weeks. UGH. If I have to go to the bathroom, I CAN'T USE THE DAMM BATHROOM. It's so retarded with the rules. RULES, RULES, RULES. I'M SICK OF IT. I'm using the bathroom whether i'm punished or not. "Jenna, come down here." Liam said. "Yes?" I said trying to not get annoyed. "Lose the attitude missy." Liam said deadly as he was right in front of me. "Sorry." I mumbled. I came downstairs and I was in shock. "Wh-hat is this?" I ask confused. "This is your bib you'll be wearing, your pacifier and your bottle you'll be using for the next 2 weeks." Liam explained. "Are-are you serious?" I ask. "Dead serious." Zayn said as he came through from the kitchen. "Please." I begged. "Please, don't make me wear a bib." I continued begging as I was following Liam around. "Jenna Allyson enough!" Liam shouted angrily. "You're lucky you're not in a high chair because I could put you in one right now!" Liam warned. "Sorryy!" I mumbled in annoyance. Louis who I didn't eveen see turned me around and landed 2 hard smacks on my protected bottom. 

  Liam's POV:

  "Ok, we have to go food shopping today and then how bout we go to Nandos for dinner?" I asked looking around to see if they agreed. Everyone agreed shaking their heads yes. "Ok, everyone get changed, Jenna you come with me." I said guiding my sister to the blanket on the floor. "Li, I can get dressed!" My sister pleased. "I don't care, this is your punishment!" I said with seriousness. "Now, unless you want more weeks of being like this, I suggest you quit you whining now." I warned. "Yes sir." Jenna said looking down. "Good, now lay down so I can change you." I said as I pointed toward the blanket for her to lay. I tugged her pants down and set her legs down. "Now, let's get this diaper off ya." I said. "Well, you seem to have wet a little so we'll clean that up." I said as I grab a few wipes. "Li pleasee!" Jenna begged. That's it. I grabbed the hairbrush sitting by and with her legs up I spanked her about 15 times. "OKAYY, I GET IT I'M SORRY!" Jenna cried. I finished cleaning her up and put a fresh diaper on her. "Now, can you stop the attitude or am I going to have you walk around in just this?" I ask looking at her dead in the eye. "I'll be good." Jenna promied  "If we have a problem at any time, you'll be in trouble." I warn. Jenna nods and I tell her to pick her pants up and fix herself if she has too. 

20 minutes later...

Niall's POV:

   "Louu." I tug on Louis's shirt. "What Ni?" Louis asked. "Can I get candyy?" I ask sweetly. "As cute as you are, no we're going to Nandos soon bud." Louis said calmly. "Pleaseeee." I begged. "Niall, enough." Louis warns. "Ughh." I whine. SMACK SMACK SMACK. Louis smacked my bottom 3 times. "Are we going to have a problem mister?" Louis asked me. I shook my head. "Good, now let's go follow the others. I see Jenna uncomfortably walking. "Hey Jen." I said quietly. "Hi Ni, ugh this sucks." Jenna cries. "I know Jen, shh." I said comforting her. "Liammm, can I get this?" I saw Jenna asking Liam for candy. "No Jenna." Liam said strickly. "Fine." Jenna mumbled. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK.  I heard Liam smacking her bottom for no reason at all. "What did you say young lady?" Liam said angrily. I stepped in. "I believe she said FINE!" I said. I guess I didn't realize I was yelling because then Louis came over to me. "You lost your privaledge of dessert for a full week." Louis whispered harshly into my ear. Soon enough we were done and we went off to Nandos. 

Liam's POV:

   "Li, I have to go." Jenna whispered. She was begging for mercy at that point. "Go in your diaper." I whispered. "It's too embarrassing." Jenna said. "Well, i don't know what to tell you." I said and looked back at my menu. "Please Li, can I use the actual toilet, please!" Jenna begged. I shook my head. "It's part of your punishment young lady, don't ask again." I warn. "I'm leaving." Jenna said and started to leave but I gripped her arm. "Don't you dare walk away from me when I'm speaking to you, do you understand me?" I said harshly to my little sister. "Yess sirr." Jenna babbled out. I let go and Jenna is still struggling. I shake it off and look at Niall and Louis. Niall is going to get in trouble. 

Louis's POV:

   "Niall James, you are in trouble when we get home." I whisper yelled. "NOOOO!" Niall yelled. "Yes and don't make me take you into the bathroom!" I warn. "I'm sorry, please!" Niall says. "I've warned you numerous times and you still aren't behaving!" I say as I throw my hands in the air. "Well, you're stupid," Niall mumbled. My eyes widened. "STOP LOUIS!" Niall yelled. "Niall James Horan, you just wait." I said in anger. Niall gulped. 

Meanwhile with Harry & Zayn...

  Harry's POV:

    "Harry, you've been so good today!" Zayn praised me. I smiled. "How about after dinner we go out for ice cream?" Zayn asked. YAY! "Yess!" i said excitedly. "You deserve it bud, you've been so good lately." Zayn said as he patted my back. "I love you Zaynieee." I said. "Love you too little Haz." Zayn said. A/N: Lol, I found this part cute so don't judge. Cute Zarry moment ehh yaaa! haha. Back to the story sorry!!

Dinner is soon over and they get back to the car..

Jenna's POV:

   "Um Liam." I whisper. "Yes Jenna?" Liam asked. "Can you uh you know?" I didn't want to finish the words. Luckily, Liam knew and he took me into the bathroom. "Be right back." Liam said as he grabbed my arm to the bathroom. "Am I in trouble?" I ask trying not to cry. "No baby of course not." Liam says softly "Let's get you changed and then we can go out for ice cream with Zayn and Harry how's that?" Liam says trying to cheer me up. I nod giving a half smile and he changes me and puts on a fresh one, Luckily, nobody's in the bathroom when we were in it so it was private. I go outside to see Niall crying and Louis looking like he was about to burst. "Hey Ni, you ok-" i was interrupted by Louis. "Don't talk to him, he's in timeout right now plus I spanked him before, I couldn't take it"! Louis said. "Did you do it out of anger?" Liam stepped in and ask. "No, of course not, Zayn made sure." Louis assured us. "Ni, it'll be ok." I whispered. Niall mouthed the words thanks but still remained crying because he knew a spanking was coming for him. 

Niall's POV:

  "Corner, bared now." Louis said to me as we got inside. "March!" Louis insisted. I ran upstairs baring myself waist down and waited for him. He came upstairs with a spoon in his hand. I whimpered as he called for me. "Come on Ni." Louis said sternly. "It'll only be 30 ok?" Louis said. I nodded still whimpering. I went over his knee and before her started he said, "Ni, you haven't had an attitude in a long time, i'm surprised bud." Louis said disappointed. With that, he started. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. "Sh Nialler, it's ok you're forgiven." Louis said rubbing my back. "I'm sorryy." I bawled out. "It's ok Nialler, all forgiven love." Louis said. He kissed my head. "Want ice cream?" Louis asked. "But I thought I lost it for a week?" I asked confused. "Just this one night." Louis informed me. I smiled. "Carry me?" I asked. "Oh fine nialler, hop on." Louis said and  I hopped on his back. We all went out for ice cream later that night and then we watched movies for the rest. 

A/N: HEYY! Updated! hope ya liked! i need ideas please! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU FOR IDEAS! COMMENT PLEASE WITH IDEAS ! THANK YOUU! <3 Fan/comment IDEAS/vote ! love you guys! hope you enjoyed this chap and someone else getting spanked :)

Jenna Payne xo

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