Forging is WRONG!

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Ellie & Grace are now 7 years old. Sorry if I keep changing it!!! *The science they're learning is like the planets**

Ellie's POV:

 I was getting ready for school when Grace came into my room. "Hey sis," Grace greeted me. "Hey Grace, are you ready to get our test for science back?" I asked. I saw Grace fidgeting around but nodded. "Come on, let's go downstairs." I said and pulled her along. "Hi mommy, hi daddy!" I said as I went and gave them a kiss. "Hi princess, ready for school?" My dad asked. I nodded and Grace came down and gave them a kiss as well. "Ok, ready to go girls?" My dad asked. We both nodded and he drove us to school. "Bye girls, love you!" My dad shouted. "LOVE YOU TOO!" I shouted back. "El, i'm really scared to get it back." Grace said quietly. I looked at her. She did look scared. "Sis, it'll be ok" I comforted her. "I'm so glad we're sisters." Grace said as we sat down in science. "Hi girls," Ms. Chames greeted. "Hi." We said at the same time. Once class started, the teacher gave back our tests. "Nice job El." Ms. Chames said as she gave me my test back. I flipped it over. I got a 100! I looked over at Grace who had been brought over to her desk.

Grace's POV:

"Grace, I want you to get this signed." Ms. Chames informed me. "Yes Ms. Chames." I said. I went back to my table to see Ellie curious. "Grace, what happened?" Ellie asked worried. "I failed & I have to get mom or dad to sign it." I whispered. "I'm sorry sis, don't be upset." Ellie said and hugged me. "Thanks sis, I just don't know how to tell them." I whispered.

***The days over.***

"Louis's POV:

 I was watching T.V when I heard the front door open. "Hi girls, how was school?" I asked. "Great!" Ellie said and hopped away. Grace didn't really say anything. "Grace, how was school?" I repeated. "Huh, oh um fine daddy." Grace said innocently. I nodded and kissed her head and found Eleanor sitting and reading. "The girls home?" Eleanor wondered. I nodded and she went to go see them.

**Later that night**

Grace's POV:

"I don't know what to do." I thought. "I can't show it to them, they'll spank me so hard!" I thought again. Maybe I should forge it. It was possible. If I told Ellie, she would tell me it's so wrong. She's so smart. I'm so dumb and maybe that's why I failed. I had trouble reading the questions and Ms. Chames didn't help me when I asked. I took a pen from my pencil case and wrote my dad's signiture. It was wrong but I didn't want to get spanked.

**The next day at school**

"Grace, can I please have the signed test?" Ms. Chames asked right when I walked in. My hands were shaking but I attempted to get it out & give it to her.  Ms. Chames looked at it for a second and then said"Ms. Tomlinson, can you come with me to the office?" I nodded and brought my stuff. "What happened?" Ellie mouthed. I shook my head and made my way to the office. "Ms. Tomlinson, take a seat." Principal Simson said. I nodded and sat down. "Now, Ms. Chames tells me you had to get something signed, am I right?" She asked. I nodded and gave the test that Ms. Chames gave back. "Hm, did you right this young lady?" Principal Simson asked sternly. I gulped. "No ma'm." I said quietly. "Well, let's just call your father & see what he thinks." She said. Great. "Wait, ok, I did." I mumbled. Principal Simson had just gotten off the phone with my parents when I said it. UGH. I waited too long. "Your parents are on their way." Principal Simson informed me.

Louis's POV:

"I can't believe it!" I screamed while driving. "Honey, maybe she had a reason." Eleanor told me. I shook my head. "No, she really just had to tell us." I said still angry. We went inside the school and I saw Grace crying her eyes out. "Ah nice of you to join us." Principal Simson said. Principal Simson explained everything & I was outraged. I was informed Grace was suspended for 2 days for forging a signiture. "Let's go young lady." I whispered harshly to her. "Daddy I-" Grace started but I cut her off. "Now." I said sternly. The ride home was silent and right when we were about to pull in the driveway Grace confessed something. "Daddy, I have to confess something." Grace said quietly. "Go on." I said still angry. "Ok, I-" Grace started.

End of chap for now! Next part coming soon! Probably not till next fri. I have to do projects & study for a lot of tests this weekend. I'll try maybe thursday. So whatcha think? A little different than others! Haha. Did you like? What do you think the confession will be? How do you think Louis will react? Find out in the next part!! Hope you guys liked! I like to do every chapter a different family, different scenario. So possibly after this part it'll be with Liam, Dani & their daughter. Maybe the daughter is jealous when they tell her she's having another baby. OOH yeah, I'm going to use that actually! "Good job Jenna" *Pats back* Haha. Sooo, fan/like/comment/vote PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME IDEAS PLEASE PM ME OR COMMENT PLEASE I'LL USE IT & GIVE U A SHOUTOUT **ALSO IF SOMEONE CAN MAKE ME A BOOK COVER FOR THIS STORY THAT WOULD MAKE MY DAY!** So if anyone's interested PM me & you can do it! Thank you!!!

 xoxoxo Jenna Payne xoxoxo

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