Stealing ,lying, smoking & drinking.

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Jenna's POV:

  I was asked to go to the mall today so I went down to go ask Liam. "Liamm, can I go to the mall today?" I begged. "Who are you going with?" Liam questioned. I rolled my eyes. He doesn't like who I hang out with. "Umm Kelly, Kylie and Casey." I lied. "You better not be lying young lady." Liam said and pointed a finger at me. "I'm nott!" I lied once more. Liam nodded and gave me $40. "This is it?!" I pouted. Liam raised his eyebrows at me. "Sorry." I mumbled. "It's ok babe." Liam said and smiled. Liam dropped me off and I walked in and saw my friends. "Hey Ash!" I said and hugged her. "Hey girlie!" Ash said and hugged me back. "Come on, the other ones are waiting for you!" Ashley said excitedly. I smiled and made my way to a store. "Guys, are we going in there?" I whispered. "Jen, you're rich, of course we are!" Emily said. "Liam only gave me $40 though!" I said and complained. "Steal it then." Allie smirked. I couldn't. "Well I don't know." I said. "Don't be a wimp Jenna." Sophia said. "I'm not a wimp!" I shouted. "Then steal." Allie said. "Fine." I said. We walked in casually and I started looking around. Stealing was wrong. The boys told me never to do it and if I did they would make sure I couldn't sit for at least a month. I took a deep breath and put the shiny gold necklace in my pocket and walked away to my friends. They looked at me with a look and I nodded and they bought their things and I left when the alarm went off. BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Shit." I screamed. I ran away for my life only to find security guards all over. I was finally caught and explained I was scared and I would never ever do it again. The security guard understood because well he was nice but he said he still had to call my guardian. Dead. I am dead. I nodded and walked off with my friends. "Guys, I'm dead." I cried. "Jen, don't sweat it." Emily comforted me. "Have a cig." Emily said and I took it and walked outside. I smoked it and after a while I forgot about the stealing incident. We walked behind the mall and had some drinks. "JENNA ALLYSON PAYNE, WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Zayn barked. I dropped the bottle and ran for my life. "STOP RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY." Liam screamed. "I'M SORRY!" I cried. "STOP!" Louis barked with anger. I was suddenly grabbed by Harry's strong hands and pulled over his shoulder. "LET GO OF ME!" I screamed. "Don't you argue young lady, you're in enough trouble already, now say good-bye to your friends you won't be seeing them ever again." Harry said firmly. "Bye guys." I said while crying. They waved and I was dragged into the car. The yelling began. "YOU LIED, YOU SMOKED, YOU STOLE AND YOU DRANK?!" Liam screamed. I sunk into my seat. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Zayn barked. "YOU ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE YOUNG LADY!" Louis yelled angrily. I still said nothing. Zayn turned around. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO US?! Zayn screamed. "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! I yelled in anger. I wanted to cut again. I was sick of everything.


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