First Dates

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------Four Days Later------

Vanessa's POV

"I'll be there in 10. Bye." Adam said, through the phone. Tonight I was gonna go on a date with Adam to a restaurant about 3 blocks away from Zayn's house. The restaurant was called Bobby's.

I was wearing a short sleeveless dress which was red in colour. I was wearing an ankle strap yellow colour heel. I had left my hair open. I didn't have much make up on but I did wear nude lipstick.

I walked downstairs. "Hey Zayn. How do I look?" I asked.

"Wow." He said, looking at me, from head to toe.

"Thanks." I said as I went and sat on the couch next to him. "So I'll be back in about an hour. Which is 8:30 pm from now. And don't worry about the dinner. I've made it. There is mac and cheese and there is pizza. Have whatever you want. But don't give Emily the pizza because-"

He leaned in and kissed me. I didn't know what to do because I was so shocked but I didn't try resist it either. Then the bell rang.

"Adam must be here." I said as I pulled away from the kiss and took my purse from the couch and started walking towards the door. I opened the door and before I walked out I looked at Zayn and said, "Don't give Emily the pizza because she is allergic to pepperoni."

Then when I looked at the vehicle which was going to take us for the date I was so shocked. He had arranged for a limousine.

"No, you didn't Adam. No." I said startled.

"Yes I did. Thank me later." Adam said. He was dressed in a tuxedo.

--------At Bobby's--------

"So are you ready for your order?" The waiter asked us.

"Yeah." Adam said. "I'll have a steak with mashed potatoes on the side please. What about you, Vanessa?"

"Oh, I'll have the same but would you please put some cheddar cheese on the mashed potatoes?"

"Sure." The waiter said."Do you want any drinks?"

"Water please. Sparkling."

"Okay. You're order will be here in about 15 minutes." The waiter said as he walked away.

"So you like cheese, huh?" Adam said.

"Um yeah. How'd you know?" I asked.

"You ordered cheese on your mashed potatoes. I've not seen many people who do that." He said.

"So what do you like doing in your free time?" Adam asked.

"Um I like lots of things. Mainly I love music. I like watching movies."

"Oh me too. What kind of movies do you like? I like horror." He said.

"Urghgh. Why do all guys like horror. I hate horror. I'm more into sci-fi and rom-coms." I said.

"Oh so we definetely have to watch the new movie, 'The Murders'. People say it is damn scary." He said, laughing.

Then we talked for a while. Then our food came.

"Mmmm." I said as I ate the mashed potatoes with the cheese on top.

"You're weird." Adam said.

"Thanks." I said. Then his phone rang.

"Hello?" He said. "Oh okay... I told you not to call me again." He looked frustrated.

After a couple of minutes he kept the phone. "Sorry about that." He said.

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