Don't Be Afraid

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"What. Happened!" Paige screamed as Louis was outside walking Charolette around playing with her. Niall had his arm around me moving me closer to him.

"I was protecting my princess from Josh. He tried to rape her again. And I just couldn't let that happen." Niall said, looking down at me. He was so perfect, so wonderful. We heard the door open as Louis walked in singing a song. He looked up seeing me and Niall.

"What the hell happened? Niall did you, wait, Josh was there wasn't he? Yep, Yep that's the last straw. He's out of the band. We can find a new one. Brie take your baby. I need to call a group meeting. Night love. Night babe." Louis said, handing me Charolette, she whimpered then settled into my arms. Niall came over and kissed my forehead then kissed Charolette. "goodnight princesses." he said, leaving. I smiled as Paige came over picked up Charolette and placed het in her crib, and walked me over to the couch "sit we need to talk, about a lot of stuff. Some things might remember and some you might not. I need you to bare with me." I nodded my head. Well this should either be fun or scary.

"Do you remember anything about Harry?"

"No. Just that Niall said that Harry thought he was in love with me."

"Of course he did. Well before you and Niall became a couple you and Harry dated, hung out, whatever you want to call it. You guys never kissed and as far as people knew you guys were just friends. And whenever anybody would ask you both said no to dating. Because you didn't want any hate and you didn't want to fall in love with him. Well Harry feel hard for you, and Niall was in love with you from the beginning of when Louis and I hung out. We always hung out as a group. The boys, you and me. But that was 5 years ago. Harry is in love with you. He just wont tell anyone. Niall is also in love with you." Paige said. Her voice falling. My face was well, was in shock. Harry, and Niall were both in love with me... but how?

"Okaaay... So... How does that work when there on tour? If there both in love. With the same girl... Then what happened when they talk about us? Or when we talk to them? Do they get in fights?" I said sitting, jumping on the couch. She just smiled and laughed at me.

"The boys don't talk about us. They do when Its brought up. So who are you falling for? hmm? Niall or Harry?" She asked. Smiling, I just laughed and smiled.

"Its Niall. I don't really know Harry. He seems like he'll be a good friend but, I like Niall. Actually I think im in love with Niall. But, I don't know. So... How are you and Louis doing? Hmm? He seems to like baby's.." I said, going for a wink. She rolled her eyes. Acting all mature. But she just cracked up.

"Well, we were talking about it. He wants a kid and I do to, but we both agree that since he's touring a lot and the only time he's home is a couple days every couple of months. We both agree that to wait. I mean we have Charolette. So were just going to play and watch her for you. If that is okay with you." She said, playing with her hands. Blushing, I smiled and laughed at her. We heard laughter and smelt food. Charolette woke up and started crying. I ran and grabbed her. Going upstairs to my room. I changed her diaper and put on a cute shirt that had a pretty yellow flower on it. And a pair of baby jeans that had little yellow flowers on the pockets. I found a yellow bow that had One direction on it and I put it in her hair. Paige would love that. I heard the boys downstairs... hmm must be something that happens a lot... I would love to remember some things. I sang to Charolette, feeling her relax against me. 'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear, how much I love you please don't take my sunshine away' I heard someone by my door softly singing a song 'Isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful, isn't she precious, less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be, making one as lovely as she, but isn't she lovely made from love' I looked up. "Hi Harry." He smiled at me,  leaning against my doorframe.

"we brought some food. Thought you would like to know. And that maybe you might be hungry. Is that Charolette? Louis and Niall always talk about her." He said, walking over to me, he sat down on my bed. I smiled down, looking at Charolette. "yes Harry, this is Charolette. Isn't she adorable?" I said smiling.

"Yes. She looks just like you. She's, she's gorgeous." He said, smiling at me. Gaw! What am I doing. Why do I fee so, so, so girly.

"Harry we better get downstairs. There probably wondering what's k-e-e-ping us. And, and im hungry." I said putting Charolette on my hip and grabbing a couple of her toys. Its a wonder Louis and Paige were able to keep her entertain... unless Paige had a key to my room... she probably did. Harry looked sad and, depress.

"Your right. Besides Perrie and Danielle want to meet you again. Zayn and Liams girlfriends. You and Paige and them hung out a lot when we were on tour. They miss you a lot to...." He said, helping me out by taking the toys. Niall was on his way up. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Harry for coming and telling me there was food, and helping me out with the toys." I said looking at Harry and smiling at him.

"No prob." he said before walking down the stairs. Niall looked at me, he leaned down and whispered in my ear "Remember your my Princess baby." dang it, how could he send chills down my spin that fast. But, I think I might be falling for Harry to. My phone buzzed as I looked at it was Louis. He texted me.

'I need to talk to you. Meet me in the guest room. Its what we talked about before. But... This time about both of the boys. Niall and Harry.'


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