Girl Time

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I heard foot steps on the stairs, I sighed knowing it was either going to be Paige or Louis checking on me.

"Louis im fine, Paige I need some time please. Zayn don't even bother trying. Liam im not going to cry. Harry im sorry, Niall if that is you go far, far far away." I cried into my pillow, rising up to see who it was.

"Sweetie your crying im going to bother and don't bother apologizing. Niall was stupid. Oh im Danielle and that's Perrie. Paige was going to come but we told her no." They said at the same time. Why were they here.

"Umm? Hi... This is kind of a bad time to meet. Why did you say no to Paige?" I said sitting up and wiping my eyes. Hugging my pillow close to my chest. I got Charolette and put her in my lap. Holding her close to me.

"We just. We wanted to talk to you alone. Paige is, Paige has opinions. She's, she is also friends with Louis and Niall. So they tell her everything. Her and Harry are not really friends." Perrie said, coming over and sitting by me as Danielle sat in the chair.

"What she means is, is that Louis and Niall have pretty much told Paige everything and anything. Maybe even lies or things like that." Danielle said crossing her arms as she leaned back in the chair. I looked from Danielle to Perrie.

"So what do I do? Did I do right about breaking up with Niall? Should I have stayed with him or what?"  I said, tears rising in my eyes. I didn't know what to do.

"No. You did right. Even if you weren't in a coma, he still doesn't have a right to cheat on you. You should be able to trust him. Plus if you cant remember anything then you have a right to. He knew you were in a coma. He knows some things are hard to remember. So he should be okay with it." Danielle said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It should be fine. You even said that you and Niall could still be friends. If he's going to a big baby about it..." Perrie said as she looked at the door.

"Your talking about me... and, and your listening to them! I thought you hated me!" Niall screamed at me, walking over his face right in front of mine. Charolette cried her cries getting louder and louder the more that Niall talked.

"Niall, please go away. Im mad at you. I don't hate you. I just cant stand you right now." I said rocking Charolette. She started to calm down, still a bite scared of Niall.

"Niall come on lad. They're just having some girl talk. Its fine." Liam said, his arm around him trying to drag Niall away.

"There talking about me! There trying to get her to date Harry!" Niall screamed. I got up still holding Charolette and walked out.

"Harry! I need your help."  I cried, he rushed over and took me outside, out to the deck part. Charolette finally calmed down, it helped I guess that Harry was singing and he talked to her. He was extremely calm.

"Niall relax!" We heard Louis and Zayn say, at least 5 times.

"There just trying to get Charolette to calm down. You scared her when you were screaming and yelling. You dumb butt" Zayn said as he kept looking out the window. Harry looked at me then down at Charolette.

"Why is Niall Mad? Wait is it because you broke up with him?" Harry whispered. I nodded at him, Paige opened the door.

"Brie, Brie! Come and try and calm down Niall, Please. He, idk he's going crazy." She said, tears in her eyes. I got up still holding Charolette. I walked in to the living room seeing that NIall was punching the wall, breaking things.

"Niall." I said, walking over to him. I placed my hand on his. He looked down then at me.

"Hey babe. You okay?" NIall said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Niall, look at me okay. Look into my eyes. Look at me. Give me a week. 1 whole week. I'll tell you then okay? Till then lets just be friends. Oka? I don't want any drama. When 2 weeks is up I will tell you what I pick." I said rocking Charolette back and forth. Niall looked at me he had tears in his eyes. Gawh. I hated this.

"Okay. As long as there is still a chance that I  get you. I will try my best to get my Princess. Your my love and my life. I want you for myself." He said as he saw Charolette in my arms. He bent down and kissed her forehead. He looked at me. "I will get you for myself. I will find a way." Niall said, as he walked out. I was scared not for me but for everyone else. I had a week to decide. I had a week to figure everything out.

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