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"Hey Paige... Umm Niall got arrested." I said into my phone.

"He. Did. What! Did Harry tell him everything?" Paige said back to me.

"Yes. Everything.  He didn't tell about the time I went to the award show with Harry when me and Niall were broken up though." I said, calmly.

"Brie... Do you have your memory back? Its been 5 months now." I heard Paige say as the door opened. She walked in and hung up.  I ran over to her throwing my arms around her. She started jumping up and down.

"Lets call the girls. Get them to come here. And we can ask you questions." Paige said as she sent a text out. 

"Paige..." I said as Perrie and Danielle rushed over to me wrapping me in a hug.

"When was the boys birthday?" Danielle asked, looking at me.

"Harry is February 1st, Zayn is January 12th, Liam is August 29, Louis is December 24th and Niall is September 13." I said looking at them and smiling.

"What are the boys middle name?" Paige said, looking at me.

"Niall and Liam is James, Zayns is Jawaad, and Harry is Edward and Louis is William." I smiled as Perrie came over.

"Who was the boys first crush... Its a hard one." Perrie said smiling.

"Niall was Taylor, Harry was Jessica, Liam was Celeste, Louis was River, and Zayn was Katherine." I said as Perrie smiled and screamed.

"Girl. You have your memory back!" She screamed as we jumped around and screamed.

"Hey sexy Lady's... You wanna come with us. Were getting Niall out." Liam said standing in front of the door. I smiled and started laughing.

"Whats so funny Brie?" The boys said looking at me. Harry came over to me, I smiled at him.

"Its nothing. Lets go and get Niall." I said, turning and looking at Perrie and Danielle. I put my finger up to my lip. I wanted to keep it a secret.

"Why is Liam afraid of spoons." I whispered to Paige. She shrugged her shoulders and laughed.


"Niall, your free to go." The police officer said. Guiding Niall over to us. He had a cut above his eye, a bruise on his cheek. No broken bones or anything. He walked over and kissed me. His lips trailing down my cheek, going up my jaw, he brushed his lips over mine. "Hey babe. I missed you." He breathed over our kiss. 

"I missed you to, baby." I smiled.

"Hey lovebirds. Stop, lets go home." Louis said as he pulled us into the car. Niall was holding my hand, while Perrie was holding Charolette.

"You guys, I really need to apologize about the other night. Harry, I'm still mad at you. But, Idk. When your drunk your a ass." Niall said, looking at Harry.

'Niall, I'm so sorry. I was, I was just scared and..." Harry said, trailing of as we got home.

"Hey, um guys. I got my memory back." I said to no one really. The boys stopped and looked at me.

"Are. You. For. Reals!" They screamed running and picking me up. i smiled.

"Yeah. I'm in love with you." I said looking him straight in the eye. They stopped and looked at me.

"With who Brie?"


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