Things Change

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"Zayn... Wait... What... what is it? What is going on." I said scared to death. Everybody in the car looked at me. Almost scared to say. What is going on.

"I... I don't know how to tell you this but... Josh isn't the father Brie... Neither is Niall... Its..." Liam said, looking at Harry as Harry had is head down a tear falling down his face.

"Liam. What. Are. You. Talking. About. Harry and I were not together at all. Wait. Were we Harry?" I asked looking at him. He kept his head down and nodded.

"We were Brie. We were. We kept it a secret. We were together for 3 months. But i was to scared to let anybody know, because you had just broken up with Niall and, I wanted to be a good friend. But i was in love with you. I still am! But we broke up and Niall and you got back." He said as tears fell down his face. Niall looked at him.

"HOW COULD YOU! YOU LIED TO ME!!!!" Niall screamed across the car. Charolette cried as I picked her up, holding her, slowly rocked her back and forth.

"Niall. I'm sorry. I'm not done yet though." Harry said looking up at me. Oh my gosh. "Back at the huge party we threw and everybody came... You and Brie had a huge fight. I forgot what it was about though. You were drunk and she was mad because you kept flirting with Jennifer Lawrence. You left to a room crying, and I went in to well, to comfort you, I was drunk and you were a little tipsy and well... We woke up and were naked you were laying in my arms. And we, we promised not to tell anyone. About a month later you went to the doctor and they said you pregnant. By then though you and Niall were okay..." Harry said trailing of. Niall looked at him hate and despair all over his face. "At the next party though... Josh was there and he well, he was mad that Niall got you and he didn't. He hated you, for some odd reason. So when you went to the bathroom he came in after you, and well... he raped you. That's why we started telling everybody it was his kid." Harry said, looking down at the ground. Tears falling, we had reached our house as we all got out. Niall looked at me, his face full of sorrow.

"How... how could you." He said the hate dripping out his mouth. "Harry! How could you! First you went behind my back and dated Brie! Then you took her virginity to! Then you both come up with this, this LIE!!! The kid isn't Josh.. Its your! No wonder you think your in love with her. THE kid is yours!" Niall screamed his voice like daggers in my ear.

"Niall..." I said as he looked at me. I didn't even know what to say.

"Come on love. Lets go in." Louis said as he took me to Paige. I looked up at her as she wrapped her arm around me. Perrie and Danielle were inside all sitting at the coffee table.

"Louis. Did, did you know this?" Niall asked, his voice harsh.

"Lad... We all knew, we just... we just didn't want any hate..." Louis said as he looked at Niall. Hate crossing his face.

"You guys sicken me. I cant believe this. WHAT are friends for huh? I thought we didn't date our friends exes i thought we didn't keep secrets. I thought we didn't lie to our fans. I THOUGHT WE DIDN'T TELL LIES ABOUT OUR BAND MATES!!!! well look Harry, you broke all those rules." Niall said, inches from Harry's face.

"Niall... I'm, I'm sorry.." Harry said looking down at the ground.

"Sorry doesn't help Harold. Were not friends anymore. We can be in the band together. But FORGET everything else. I cant even look at you. You sicken me." Niall said walking away.


"Wait.... What?" Anna Leigh said as we looked at her, her face confused.

"Can you just redo the test. And this time tell the truth. Don't say that the baby is Josh. Just, just tell the truth okay?" Liam said, his eyes looked desperate as he said it.

"You want me to do what?" She repeated looking at us, as she spotted Niall.

"Just. Just take a blood test of Charolette and Harry. Please." Louis said his voice straining, he looked over at Niall and Harry who were standing beside me.

"Okay, will do.." She said as she took us all to a room. I saw the paparazzi standing outside taking pictures of us.

"I will be back in a couple minutes with the results." Anna-Leigh said, as she headed out the door. I looked from Niall to Harry, I saw Paige kept looking down and back up wondering what was going to happen. I heard the door creak open as someone walked in.

"HI. My name is Jessica and i will be giving you your DNA scores. Lets see here. Harry you are Charlotte's father.... Wow... this is awkward." Jessica said as she looked around the room.

"Thanks Jessica, that's the best news ever." I said being as sarcastic as i could. Louis tried not to laugh as Paige kicked him.

"Are you for sure? Sometime those things can lie. Or the people can." Niall said glaring at us.

"I am for sure. We even tested it multiple times." Jessica said, trying her best to smile. She saw our faces. It wasn't hard to miss.

"Great. Just great. SO daddy, whats it like to be a daddy hm? Gawh! I cant believe i was even friends with you." Niall said walking out of the room. I ran after him,

"Niall!" I screamed, he turned around his face expression softening.

"What is it Princess?" He said looking at me.

"I just wanted to say that..."

"Is it true, that the father of the baby isn't Josh its Harry?"

"So Niall I heard that you and harry are not friends."

"Are you and Harry going to date Brie?

"Who's going to tell Josh?"

Niall looked at them despise and anger rested on his face.

"GO AWAY!!!" Niall screamed as Louis and Liam dragged him away. Zayn came over and helped get me away as Harry hide behind the girls, trying to avoid the paparazzi.

"Harry over here!"

"HARRY how does it feel to be hated all over the world?"

"What is it like to have your band member hate you Harry?"

The kept asking, I kept turning around as Zayn would pull me back. "Keep going Brie we don't want anymore drama, well clear it up here soon." Zayn said as he pulled me away from the parking lot. Harry walking alone, tears falling down his face slowly growing smaller as the car pulled away. I looked down at Charolette her daddy showing in the small places.

"Harry..." I whispered.

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