The Truth

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Louis was waiting for me in the guest room. Pacing back and forth. "what took you so long! Sit, sit we need to talk. ITs going to e hard to register but you need to sit." he said, taking a deep breath, Niall had Charolette, or he gaved her to Paige.

"Louis what is it? Is everything okay?" I asked, he kept pacing back and forth his face worried.

"Brie I. I don't know how to tell you. But about a month ago, when you were still getting out of the coma, Niall he, he went and cheated on you with Jennifer Lawrence. Harry wanted to get you back. He wanted to be your boyfriend. He likes you, he's just to much of a idiot to ask you out. well to admit that he likes you. Niall doesn't want you to know about any of this. He doesn't want you to know that he cheated on you. But I thought you should now. I knew that you would find out by the internet or by someone. And if you did find out I wanted it to be by someone who knew what really happened." Louis said, I looked up letting everything sink in. I took a deep breath and help back all the tears. I was not going to cry. I was going to stay strong. "Come on you, lets go and get some dinner" I followed him out, Paige looked up "You told her!" She screamed waking up Charolette. I ran over and took her, rocking her back and forth kissing her head rubbing her back gently. Louis nodded, Niall looked mad " I thought we made a agreement not to tell her." he growled then looked to me "Babe, look I can explai-"

"Don't even bother, No I don't forgive you, No I wont listen. You had our chance and im not going to start drama. I might take you back. Who knows. Will I be able to trust you! I was in a coma... and you went and cheated on me! With Jennifer Lawrence!!! What sickens me though. Is that you all knew it. Even you Paige you knew this happened and you told me to watch out for Harry. What about Niall. hm? Don't watch out for Niall. Why?" I walked away, turning around trying to get as far away from them as I could.

"BB. I didn't know what happen, I was told about all this yesterday. Niall was scared. He thought you were gone. He thought he was going to be alone. He was scared and Jennifer was a good friend and, well it got all over the news.." I couldn't believe it! UGH!

"And to think Niall. I was falling in love with you." I couldn't look at him. Let alone speak to him. I turned around and walked away. Away from the drama, away from them. Harrys face really scared me. It was, it was sickened, outraged and infuriated. As if he just found out for himself to. The other boys looked shocked and pissed of to. I got up to my room, layed Charolette in her crib, crawled into a my bed and cried. How could he do that to me! I heard my door open, I wiped away my tears and looked up. I smiled at Paige who brought me cheese pizza and a orange soda.

"Thought you'd be hungry. The boys are fighting..." She said, I cried in her chest. She held me and rocked me "I would never keep anything away from you. Your my sissy and we tell each other everything." She said into my hair. She rubbed my back and told me storys of how big of dorks we were. Dressing up as best friends salt and pepper one year for Halloween. And how all through school and even high school we always had the same classes except for 1st and 7th hour. For me it was band and AP english and for Paige it was choir and Pr-ap English. When we both got jobs we always had Fridays of so we would go and buy 50$ worth of food (we didn't eat it all... we just wanted to spend it on something that wouldn't go to waste... what we ate a lot of food)  and watch movies. No boys over just us. Some of it made me laugh and some of it made me cry. I looked up at her and ask a simple question.

"Why cant I find Mr. Right." She patted my hair and dragged me to the shower and turned on the water full blast and on freezing water.

PAIGE! IM GOING TO HURT YOU!!!" I grabbed my water gun (Yes, we hide them everywhere.. That's a long story to explain. Its something to do with paybacks... The boys hide them to... some of us have up to 5.) We got down stairts, attacking each other with water. We both looked at each other attacked the boys. It was all fun and stuff... Till me and Harry were standing inches apart. He bent down and kissed my lips...

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