Chapter 4

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We entered the house in the dead of the night and before I knew it, the sun was beginning to awake and another day had come. I rub away the weariness in my eyes. We had stayed up all night trying to find something. When we googled Divames, almost nothing came up. We even called up the top board officials to discuss the matter. They didn't tell us anything besides ordering us to keep an eye on the situation. The whole entire way to school I continued to ponder. It was driving me crazy. I had no lead. It wasn't until I stepped out the car that I realized something...Parker...I had been so preoccupied with figuring out what the stranger at Pulse is that I completely forgot that Parker witnessed what happened. I tousle my hair, a little frustrated. There was no way I could lie myself out of this one. Nothing I could say would be believable. God dam. I think I just blew my cover. But seriously, what was Parker doing out there anyways. He should have been playing his music.

All through first period I sat with a bum expression on my face. I really messed up this time. I beat myself on the inside. This would be the first mission that I would have messed up on. I feel like my head is going to explode. Thoughts of confusion and disappoint swirl in a whirlpool; wreaking havoc on my brain. I look across the room, expecting to see Parker. Hmm, he's not there. First period is almost over. I was so upset with myself I even failed to notice that he wasn't there. Man, you're really losing it Lacey.

I scan around the hallways and get to my next class a little early, all in an attempt to find Parker. He's nowhere to be seen. God where is he? A part of me needed to find him, due to my duty and mission, but the other part was a little concerned. How much did he exactly see? It's pretty obvious now that I'm not a typical average human. But was that all that I was concerned with? Deep inside I could feel my heart beating to a different rhythm. Over the past week Parker and I have connected. I know that it was my mission and plan to infiltrate him and gain his trust, but I have to admit, I enjoyed spending time with him. My face began to grow hot and I started to feel a little funny on the inside. I put my hand on my stomach. A weird sensation tingled inside of me. Maybe it was something I had for breakfast, I ponder.

I sit down in class and watch the clock attentively. Where is Parker? Class wears on for ten minutes. I keep looking at the door uneasily, impatiently waiting for his arrival. He doesn't show. I have to go find him.

I walk around campus, aimlessly looking for him. I have no idea if he even came to school today. I sit down on a curb, dejected. The soft wind tickles my hair as I casually brush it behind my ear. Well, it looks like he didn't even come to school today. I put my hand on my knees and slowly get up. As I turn to leave, I see from the corner of my eye, a boy leading against a car in the parking lot. Upon closer analysis, I realize its Parker. A small smile creeps onto my face as I see him. His dirty blonde hair is rustling with the breath of the wind. I can see through his white shirt his tense back muscles. He seems to be deep in thought. He also looks quite handsome. I shake my head. For a few seconds there I felt a little googily eyed and enticed by his hotness...I wanted to run up to him and smile and laugh like before, but I knew this time I'd have to approach him with caution. I tiptoe quickly over to him.


He jumps at the sound of my voice. Slight fear and confusion shine brightly through his eyes. I reach out my hand to comfort him. He moves away.

"Parker..." I pathetically repeat again.

"Get away from me. I know what you are."

That left me speechless. So he did see most of the scene...

"You're a watcher! I've known since the first time I saw you. I was so stupid that I tried to convince myself that you were normal. I grew up being told that watchers were put on us. That because of our bad history my family is condemned. I really thought I could trust you, Lacey. Did you really think you could fool me? I've been watched my whole fucking life."

His voice steadily rose as he spoke.

"I hate watchers. Every part of my life laid open, exposed to everyone. School felt like the only place I didn't have to care about watchers. But then you came! You and your supernatural group can get the hell out. I don't need you guys. All you guys do is intrude on my privacy. I can't do anything without feeling like someone is looking over my shoulder, judging me, critiquing me! Go away Lacey. You ruined the only part of my life where I could just be free."

My mouth dropped agape. I felt sorry for him, but at the same time, his last line stung me really hard.

"Are you seriously saying that I ruined your life? Do you know what you have done to mine? Because of you I have no mother! She was watching you, but then on your 7th birthday she disappeared! And my dad, I don't even know who he is! Do you know what it feels like to be abandoned? To feel like no one wants you! To grow up and have nobody! To constantly feel that dark emptiness that knaws away your insides! No you don't!"

My breath came in and out sharply. My voice was growing into a screaming pitch.

He looked at me silently.

He thinks being watched is a big deal, try losing both of your parents.

"I do."

"What?!" I asked fumbled.

"I do know what it feels like to be abandoned."

Now it was my turn to be silent.

"On my 7th parents "accidentally" died in a car crash."

He put air quotes around accidentally.

"I'm...adopted now..."

"Oh. I'm sorry..." That was all I could mutter. A shade of embarrassment washed over me.

"People say that to me all the time, but it doesn't help. My birthday is the worst day of my life. I hate it."

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