Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

My mother didn't say anything else to me, and I was too tired to ask anything else. I decide to take her word for what she said. As she is still holding onto my right hand, I feel her rest her head on the bed next to me. My poor mother has been here for two weeks, she must be exhausted. I close my eyes as well and slowly drift back into a deep sleep.

I am awaken by the shaking of my bed, and it vaguely reminds me of my accident. My eyes fly open and I grab onto the edges of my bed, bracing myself for an impact that is not coming.

"I apologize for waking you, Ms. Mason." One of the nurses is putting up the side railings on my bed. "We're moving you out of the ICU now. Dr. Reilly is truly astonished at the recovery you've made in such a short time. You must have had an angel watching out for you." She hikes up the railing on the other side of my bed and begins to wheel me out of my current room. I feel my mother's presence lingering closely behind.


That was the first word I'd said in two weeks. She rushes to my side and grabs my hand again. "Yes, sweetie? What is it?"

I look at her sunken, tired face and squeeze her hand. "Izzie?"

The nurse wheels us into an elevator and hits the button.

"Okay, sweetie. I'll let her know you're moving to another room and she can meet us up there."

Relief washes over my body and I feel a sense of hope for the first time since I woke up. I missed Izzie. I missed her so much, and I had to apologize to her. I had to apologize for leaving like that, and for getting into an accident, and for probably scaring the living shit out of her. I couldn't wait to see her.

We roll out of the elevator and onto a new floor. This floor is much more lively than the ICU; there are families and doctors chatting in the halls and in the rooms. I was fortunate again to be able to recieve a private room, and the nurse helps me get situated.

"You'll have to stay for 5-7 days, Kat, so we can monitor your injuries and your brain and make sure everything will stay up to par when you leave. We don't want to take any chances, alright?"

I nod in understandment and lay down on my bed. I think briefly about how dirty my hair must be, as I've been comatose for almost two weeks, and then I remember that I don't have any hair. I quickly shake the thought from my mind and try not to think about my casualties from my accident. The accident. I remember back to the scene of the accident; there were two other cars and three other people involved. I gesture for my notepad as I feel too weak to speak again, and my mother quickly hands me the notepad and a pen.

What happened to the other people in the accident?

I can tell it's a question my mother has been dreading answering, and I feel lump in my throat start to form.

"Nobody else died, honey. The drunk driver who hit you came out with little-to-no injury. There were two people in the car behind you, and one of them is awake and moving about. The other..."

My mothers voice trails off and I stare at her, probing her for more information. Then, I hear a voice come from the door. "We're still waiting on the other one."

I turn my head and see Izzie. Beautiful, wonderful, Izzie. My best friend. My sister. My other half. But she's in a wheelchair.

"Izzie?" My voice comes out barely audible.

"Yeah, Mason. It's me."

I stare at her, half in shock and half in a daze, trying to figure out why she was in wheelchair. I glance over her body and notice her left leg is in a cast, starting just above the knee. She's wearing a neckbrace and has faded bruises and scratches that cover he arms, chest, and face. I look blankly at her.

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