Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Five days before the accident

Niall's Range Rover pulls up to Louis' place about 30 minutes after we left my apartment. With the reaction I received from Niall and Harry, I was feeling more confident about the party. My nerves were still making me anxious though, and I couldn't wait to get into the party and grab a drink to ease them. Louis' place is a condo just outside the city. It's a decent size - enough to fit close to 200 people, according to Niall. Of course, that didn't help my nerves much.

I step out of the Range Rover in my red heels, and Niall extends his hand to me. I grasp it, partially to keep my balance, and partially to just be in contact with him. I've had an overwhelming need to be near him lately .My finger tips tingled as I intertwined my fingers with his. "Ready?" He says, his blue eyes smiling. God, he looks so good.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Izzie and Harry are already walking in Louis' front door, and Niall and I follow closely behind.

"Niall, Harry!" I hear yet another British accent as soon as we walk in the door.

"Hey, Lou!" Niall says letting go of my hand and embracing Louis. "Nice turn out."

"Yeah, got a bit more people than I had anticipated, but, the more the merrier I suppose!" Louis smiles and looks at me. "You must be Katherine."

"Just Kat is fine," I say holding out my hand for Louis to shake, but he pulls me in for a hug instead. As he embraces me he whispers, "You're the first girl Niall has ever let the boys and I meet. Speaking of which," he lets go of me and turns to face the party, "Where are the other lads?" He stands on his tiptoes as he searches the sea of people in his home. "Screw it, you'll meet them later." Then he turns to Izzie. "And you must be Isabella."

"Izzie," Izzie says smiling a dazzling smile. She is truly glowing, and I can't tell if it's the way she's done her make up, or if it's Harry that's making her glow. Either way, she looks stunning.

"So lovely to meet you ladies," He says pulling Izzie in for a hug as well.

Niall turns to look at me. "Mind if I go find the other boys? I'd really like them to meet you before anyone else."

My head is saying 'don't leave me by myself', but instead I smile and say, "Of course. I'll go get a few drinks." Niall smiles and walks into the crowd of people. "See you in a bit." I watch as he tries to make his way through the cluster of bodies.

Izzie and Louis are in midconversation as I turn back around.

"Yeah, she's right over there," Louis says pointing to a brunette-haired girl dancing on the dance floor. "That's Eleanor."

That must be Louis' girlfriend.

"Come on, I'm sure she'd love to meet you two."

I trail behind Louis with Izzie as we make our way onto the dance floor. I shoot Izzie a quick glance, silently saying, "This is insane," and she looks back at me with an "I know!"

"El, this is Kat Mason, and this is Izzie Murphy."

Eleanor turns around and her face lights up. "So these are the two who stole the hearts of the boys we thought were destined to be forever alone. You guys are basically legends around here."

I smile. "I wouldn't exactly say that.." but before I can finish she pulls both of us into a warm hug and ushers over two more girls - one with curly brown hair, the other with white blonde hair - from the dance floor. "Dani, Perrie, this is Kat and Izzie."

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